this, God has raised up strong, able servants to hold the people in the right path and turn them from wicked lead ers. Spurgeon came at such a time and so did John Knox. Calvin and Luther were men of like passions. They were servants of God to undo the damage of evil teachers who sought to lead the church astray. V arious C hurches H ave H ad V arious B osses 3 J ohn 9 Although Jesus said, “ One is your master and all we are brethren,” never theless in all churches there are those who wish to assume the position of lords over God’s heritage. It was so in the be ginning; even the disciples wanted to know who would be the greatest. This sin is manifested in its perfection in the Pope at Rome and in the head of the Greek Orthodox Church. Other groups have gathered around a leader who as sumed the prerogative of directing the life and the faith of each believer. But Christ only is Lord of the church. to the earth. Those who have entered into this faith belong to one another. They love one another. They have the same message to give to the lost. They have the same story to take to the na tions. They have the same convictions concerning the deity of Christ and the efficacy of the blood of Christ. They form an indissoluble union and can work to gether. U nion M ust be by a P urpose P hil . 3:15 Churches may decide to work together in a common cause such as prohibition, juvenile delinquency or charity drives, but this is only a temporary affiliation. Having accomplished its purpose, the union is dissolved. On the other hand, those who purpose to preach Christ, win souls, build up the saints and mag nify the Word of God have a union and a communion which is perpetuated. They continue in this happy service through the years in full fellowship with one an other. U nion M ust be in L ove J ohn 17:26 It was on this point that years ago many separations occurred and new de nominations were formed. The objection to worship of the Pope, Mary, and man made saints led to a separation from that system on the part of those who loved the Lord Jesus Christ supremely. Love for “pet” ideas has continued to cause divisions in all circles where the members are permitted free expression of their thoughts and desires. A love for the Lord Jesus Christ personally and for the Father and for the Holy Spirit will lead to a very happy union of effort be tween groups.
V arious C hurches H ave G iven L it erature to the P eople 1 C or . 12:28 There have been godly men in all de nominations who by means of the pen have wrought great blessing in all the earth. Many of the early Roman Cath olic monks wrote hymns, poems, and other literature which exalted Christ Jesus and revealed man’s inability to help himself. Many of the early Episco palian writers left printed records of their wonderful knowledge of God’s Word. Other denominatons have pro duced giants in the faith who have brought rich blessing to all the saints. Every servant of God should serve all the church of God. V arious C hurches H ave C ontended for the F aith J ude 3 The true faith of God is always under constant fire from the enemy. Evil men have arisen in the midst of various faiths to lead away disciples. To combat T HERE is a great movement at the present time to unite all denomina tions in one great union. This can only be done as Christ is excluded and the Word of God is denied. There can be no common ground except on the devil’s ground or Christ’s ground. All who are not Christians should be together. All who are with Christ should be together. Rome will never join in any Protestant movement. The Protestants must join her and bow to her presumption and idolatry. Let us promote the union of all God’s saints who are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. U nion M ust be . by R elationship G al . 3:26 Christians are bound together by in visible cords made possible by the Holy Spirit. Those who trust Jesus Christ be come children of God with the nature of God. They are bound together by that eternal relationship which exists between brothers and sisters and have the same faith in the same Saviour and the same divine nature. This is a union of hearts and minds which is permanent. No one can enter that fellowship unless he has the Father’s nature in him. It is a divine relationship established in the very soul and life of those who belong to Christ. No one can join it, no one can experience it except as he comes to the Saviftur for redemption. U nion M ust be by the G ospel P hil . 1:27 The faith of the -gospel is one faith. The gospel is one message. It concerns the Lord Jesus Christ, His life, His death, His burial, His physical resurrec tion, His physical ministry in heaven for the saints, and His physical return M A R C H , I 9 4 8
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