April 25, 1948 MAKING MY VOCATION CHRISTIAN J o h n 6:25-40; C o l . 3:17, 23, 24
PHIL KERR'S G O S P E L S O N G S Popular proved numbers for solo, quartet or choir use. Also strong youth choruses, duets, trios, and rousing congrega tional numbers. 88 pages, 75 spirit-filled songs, including the famous “ In Love With the Lover of My Soul.” AMAZING QUALITY AND VALUE Here is the cream of America’s great evangelical song writers’ production. Surprising in variety and versatility. Fully meets the needs of every re ligious experience. A book for every church, every choir, radio station, evangelist, and every song leader. Now in its 15th printing. Per copy only 50c. “ AS THE YEARS GO BY” A Christian wedding song. Words and music by PHIL KERR. Answers the need for a truly Chris tian song at weddings. Growing in popularity from coast to coast. Sheet music size, per copy 25c. FREE OFFER Order 2 copies of Phil Kerr’s Gospel Songs today and receive “ As the Years Go By” free. $1.25 value only $1.00. ORDER TODAY FROM GOSPEL MUSIC PUBLISHERS P. O. Box 409 Glendale, Calif.
I T should not be necessary to speak concerning a Christian’s vocation. One who is a real Christian, saved by grace, given a new nature, and led by the Spirit of God, will live the Christian life al ways and everywhere. He will show forth the virtues of Christ each day at work or at rest, when busy or at leisure. The cow always acts like a cow because it is a cow. The dove always acts like a dove because it is a dove. So true Christians always act like Christians (or should) because they are Christians. T he C hristian in B usiness A cts 18:3 Although the Apostle Paul had spent seventeen years getting rid of his Juda ism and learning the ways of Christ, still he continued in his business as tent maker while preaching the Word and teaching the people to know God. His was a Spirit-filled life in his little tent factory, while he was buying and selling merchandise. He was a godly saint while dealing with customers and with com petitors. He lived what he believed while earning his own living. He was a true example of the genuine Christian busi ness man. T he C hristian in C onversation 1 C or . 2 :4 The words that we utter reveal the thoughts we think. The messages we give express the meditations of our hearts. The Christian with his thoughts on god ly and good things will speak of those CHRISTIAN SUPPLIES Visit or write us for Bibles, books, Scripture cards, mottoes and pictures. A good line of many items for the Christian home and for the Church and. Sunday School. THE BAPTIST BOOK STORE 352 S. Spring St. Los Angeles 13, Calif.
things and will communicate to others the delightful treasures of his mind and heart. If the outflow is evil, it must be that the reservoir is sinful. The tongue is a fountain of life only if the heart is filled with springs fed from heaven. T he C hristian in D aily L ife P hil . 1:21 Men of the world live and act as though they belong to this world, and they do. Men of God live and act as though they belong to God, and they do. Christianity is not a process of negative living but rather of positive doing. Many unsaved business men are honest, up right, and filled with integrity. That is no sign of Christianity. The Christian should have Christ in the business, honor the Word of God, and care for the spir itual welfare of his employees. This is the mark of a true Christian. T he C hristian in M inistry 1 C or . 2 :2 The message the Christian gives is al ways Christ-centered. He exalts the per son of Christ and His wonderful work. He brings before men the value of Christ and the sufficiency of the shed blood. He makes known to men the Word of Christ and the blessedness found in following Him. The- Christian’s ministry has for its object the glory of God, the exaltation of the Saviour, the liberty of the Spirit, and the spiritual blessing of men. All church work should exalt Christ Jesus. SACRED PIANO SOLOS “ There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy” “ Blessed Be the Fountain” “ Safe in the Arms of Jesus” Classical arrangements. Original introductions. Rich Harmonies; Brilliant cadenzas. Modulations. Chimes. Suitable for radio performance. Each, 35c. ALL THREE FOR $1.D0 postpaid. Order from GORDON E. HOOKER 558 So. Hope St. Los Angeles 13, Calif.
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Rich, inspiring music with a blessing and a message... by these widely loved Radio and Concert singers of Gospel Songs.
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