King's Business - 1948-03

19thAnnual Missionary Conference of the Church of the Open Door and Bible Institute of Los Angeles April 4-11, 1948

"Is it Nothing to You?" Ito you know . . . • That 6 ,000 ,000 Jews have died in 13 /ears without Christ? • That Palestine is about to flame with war? c That 10,000,000 Jews know not whither to

Hyman J. Appel- man, President 11 • THE NEED IS GREAT! t u r n ?






Will you invest in souls for eternity? Write A M E R I C A N A S S O C I A T I O N F O R J E W I S H E V A N G E L I S M Incorporated HYMAN J. APPELMAN, Pres. Winona Lake, Indiana HARRY A. IRONSIDE, Chairman

Church and Institute buildings at Sixth and Hope Streets O N E week after Easter, the 19th Annual Missionary Conference of the Church of the Open Door and Bible Institute of Los Angeles will begin. The eight days’ conference, from April 4 to 11, will be of unusual interest to the Christian people of Southern California. Outstanding speakers from the East will include Mrs. Ruth Stull of Mans­ field, Ohio, Ralph T. Davis of the Africa Inland Mission, “ Tommy” Titcombe of the Sudan Interior Mission and David Johnson, General Director of the Scan­ dinavian Alliance Mission. Other speak­ ers will be Claude Copperwheat, repre­ senting the European Christian Mis­ sion, Dr. Walter Montano, author of The Monk Who Lived Again, Mrs. Nu- lah Phillips of the Ramabai Mukti Mis­ sion of India, Dr. James Cuthbertson of Japan, Harold Etter of the Interna­ tional Christian Leprosy Mission, and John Stevenson of the Unevangelized Fields Mission. Church of the Open Door missionaries on furlough who will participate in the conference are Mr. and Mrs. Don Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Tuggy and Edwin Knapp of Venezuela, Celia Douglass of Mexico, Bertel Pagard, Laura Best, Mary Best Owings and Mrs. Allan McIntosh of Africa, Leona Thoering, Maxine McNeal and Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Best from China and Dyllis James of Alaska. The unique and colorful decorations in the main auditorium of the Church of the Open Door will serve to trans­ port one to lands afar. Kodachrome slides and motion pictures will furnish glimpses of many lands, and beautiful and interesting things from many coun­ tries of the world may be seen in the two exhibit rooms. Pictures will show missionary service in India, Mexico, China, Central America, Alaska, Eu­ rope, India, South America, work among the Jews, children’s evangelism at home and abroad, work among lepers and mis­ sionary aviation. These pictures and ex­ hibits may be seen before and after the afternoon and evening meetings. Satur­ day afternoon’s meeting is planned for the children, and to this, as well as all conference sessions, the public is cor­ dially invited. M A R C H , I 9 4 8

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