King's Business - 1948-03

A p r il 18, 1948 FULFILLING GOD'S PURPOSE E zra 1:1-4; 4:23, 24; H aggai 1:3-8, 13, 14

P H I L K E R R ’ S

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to do, He keeps His eye upon them until they finish it, and if they turn their backs upon the task, or grow careless in it, He will surely use the rod to bring them back to the line of duty. For “no man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God” (Luke 9:62). The task was as good as done with the combination of conditions seen in these two verses: the Lord’s presence (13) and obedience to His divine will (14) . It is ever so. When God gives His people a work to do, His enablement can always be counted upon, and it only re­ mains for those called to the work to manifest obedience, and the task is as good as done. What job has God for you to do ? Find it, and let no obstacle tempt you from its complete performance. God’s people had disobeyed Him. He had allowed their enemies to take them into a strange land where they were very unhappy. At last, the day came when God blessed the Israelites by al­ lowing them to return to their own land. The king of their enemies sent word throughout all of his kingdom that God had told him to build a temple in Jeru­ salem. The king asked who of the Israel­ ites would be willing to return to Jerusa­ lem to rebuild God’s house. Those who did not return were told to give offei- ings and silver and gold and animals to help with the rebuilding of the house of God. How happy God’s people were to return to Jerusalem and to build God’s temple again! Eagerly the builders pre­ pared for their journey. Those who could not go with them gladly brought their gifts to help with the work. Cyrus, the king, gave the builders the lovely fur­ nishings that belonged in the temple. Joy and thankfulness filled the hearts of God’s people as they returned home from the far country. Can you imagine what might have happened if the Israelites had wanted to return to their homeland only to rebuild their own homes? What if they had re­ fused to build God’s, house until all of their own work was finished? Because they put God’s work first, He greatly blessed them in all of their labors. As they worked for their God, they could hear His voice saying unto them, -“ Be strong . . . and work: for I am with you.” His presence and His strength were all they needed to make their work a joy and a success. T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S T h e W ork P otentially C ompleted H aggai 1:13, 14 Helps for the Children R eturning F rom a F ar C ountry E zra 1:1-8 M e m o r y V e r s e : “ Be strong . . . and work: for I am with you, saith the Lord” (Hag. 2:4).

Pointers on the Lesson W HEN God gives His people a work to do, He expects them to per­ form it. There may be opposition and discouragement, but God supplies the strength for accomplishment. These truths are set before us in this week’s lesson. Israel was expected to return to Jerusalem to restore the temple and its worship. Nothing but the completed task would honor God and His people. T he C all to the T ask E zra 1:1-4 God’s calls to service sometimes come through unexpected channels. Cyrus, king of Persia, was not among God’s people, but the Lord so controlled him that he performed His divine will. God called him “my shepherd” (Isa. 44:28); Isaiah referred to him as the Lord’s “ anointed” (Isa. 45:1). Prior to this, Nebuchadnezzar, pagan king of Babylon, was called the “servant” of Jehovah (Jer. 25:9). This leads us to see that God has under His ultimate control all the kings of earth. They are subject to His will and through them, as in the case be­ fore us, God may issue a call of one king or another to His children. The thing Christians should be sure of is that they are sensitive to God’s voice and filled with His Spirit so that when God in­ dicates His will, they will hear and heed. I nterruption of the T ask (E zra 4:23, 24) When work for God begins in the congregation or in the individual life, opposition may be expected. It came to .Israel through the efforts of the Samari­ tans who had been dwelling in the north­ ern part of the land since the captivity under the Assyrians. They reported to Artaxerxes, later king of Persia, the progress of the work of the Jews, and suggested what danger to his kingdom these Jews if well established would con­ stitute. The king believed the Samari­ tans and the work of restoration was stopped for a time. Such delays in God’s work should only spur God’s people on to greater dependence upon Him and to in­ spire them, to seek ways whereby the hindrances might be overcome. Delays are often blessings in disguise. Let them never get the eyes of God’s people off the goal of the completed task. F aithlessness B rings ' C hastisement H aggai 1:3-8 It is quite apparent that God’s people allowed persecution to discourage them so much that they neglected His work. At the same time, they did not cease to seek their own comfort. In love, God brought chastisement (Heb, 12:6). Pros­ perity was taken away from them. Their wages went into pockets filled with holes. Let us learn from Israel’s experience that when God gives His people a work

TITHER, 417-K South Hill St. Los Angeles 13, California


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