King's Business - 1948-03

A pril 25, 1948 GOD'S STANDARD FOR LIFE Z ech . 1 :1-4; 7:8-14; 8:16, 17

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tered and made desolate. Let us ponder well this warning. “ Chickens come home to roost.” Evil ways persisted in are bound to result in sorrow and punish­ ment for the guilty ones. Those who play with fire will get burned. Today, we have no right to expect that it will be any different with us if we are disobedient to God. L ove the T hings G od L oves , H ate the T hings H e H ates Z ech . 8:16, 17 The part of true wisdom is to find out what are the things which God loves, de­ light in them, and learn what are the things God hates and detest them with might -and main. The Christian life is twofold in its manifestation: as it is on the one hand the putting on of the new man which is Christlike, so it is also the putting off of the old man which is devilish. Verse 16 describes the things with which the godly person should clothe himself, verse 17 the kind of things he should discard. God expects to see something akin to Himself in the life of every one of His children. Helps for the Children W hat M akes a P eople G reat ? Z echariah 7:8-10; 8:4-13 M e m o r y V e r s e : - “ Fear not, but let your hands be strong” (Zech. 8:13). To many of the Old Testament proph­ ets, God gave a special message for the children of Israel. A prophet was one through whom God’s message came to His people. These Old Testament mes­ sages are for God’s people today also. One of the prophets, Zechariah, told the Israelites what makes any group of people great. God’s people were com­ manded by Zechariah to be fair with one another, to show mercy and kindness to all, and to treat kindly the lonely ones and those who were strangers and poor. Even in their hearts they were not to imagine evil toward one another. The Israelites were promised rich blessings in the future when they re­ turned unto their God. Long life, boys and girls playing happily in the streets of the city, and the return of all of the Israelites to Jerusalem were among the promised blessings. God said unto them, “ They shall be my people, and I will be their God, in truth and in righteous­ ness.” What a wonderful community that will be where there is love, kindness, and freedom from fear! Only in a place where God is completely honored and obeyed can that be possible. While these promises were made espe­ cially to the Jews, most of them are true today wherever God is allowed to have first place among a group of people.

Pointers on the Lesson Z ECHARIAH’S prophecy is concerned with the remnant which had re­ turned from the Babylonian captivity, and was in the process of restoring the temple at Jerusalem. The people had be­ come discouraged because of opposition from without and within with the result that the work had ceased for a time. The foundations had been laid, but there was no superstructure. There were no priests worthy to officiate in the ritual of sacrifice (3:3). The people were in a state of apathy. The prophet Haggai had aroused them to some extent, but it was left to Zechariah to complete the reconstruction. He emphasized the im­ portance of being right with God spirit­ ually before all other things. The three passages selected for this week’s study present a threefold exhortation for godly living: P rofit by the M istakes of O thers Z ech . 1:1-4 Jehovah’s plea to Israel in this passage was that they should not make the same mistake their fathers had. They had re­ belled against‘God; they had worshiped idols; they had gone after the ways of the heathen; they had repudiated the words of the prophets. With what re­ sult? Did it bring them prosperity and happiness? No, the exact opposite: de­ pression, sorrow and captivity. The present generation was besought to fol­ low a different course to come to spirit­ ual and material prosperity. Surely it should be a warning for us, too, who live in the present day. A re­ view of the experiences of others - who have turned their backs upon God and have reaped untold sorrow ought to be enough to teach us not to follow that way. L ive a L ife of P ractical R ighteousness Z ech . 7:8-14 God is not interested in religious ritual on the part of His children if they are not interested in godly living. Verses 8-10 of this section summarize the teach­ ing of the former prophets with respect to outward conduct. They were to ex­ emplify justice, mercy, compassion, con­ sideration for widows, orphans, stran­ gers and the poor. They were not to harbor ill will toward any brother. Verses 11 and 12 show the result of the prophets’, exhortations and it was not at all gratifying. In short, they refused to hearken, exhibiting a rebellious spirit. Their hearts appeared to be harder than flint. Verses 13 and 14 present a solemn fact in that as a consequence of Israel’s former refusal to heed God’s Word through His prophets, they were scat- M A R C H , 1 9 4 8

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