Rev. Elmer L. Wilder
Illustrated by Gladys Bowman
again, the light burns brightly. Keep the door open toward heaven, and let your light shine into the lives of others.
Lot’s wife looked back to Sodom. But Kate goes on and joins her brother. Kenneth next feels the pull of the magnet. He is reluctant to leave his cigarette, but he has no peace until he leaves it to join his brother and sister on the white side of life. Carrie loves shows, and it is difficult for her to leave this theater ticket, but she decides to follow the magnet to the white side of life. Here is Clara all alone. How lonely she must feel, with only this dance invi tation. As the magnet pulls her toward the white side of life, she hesitates for a little, and then she goes to join her brothers and sisters. What a happy family these quintup lets must be, all having accepted Christ as Saviour, and living on the white side of life! As we think of these quintuplets, let us remember the words of Paul in Philip- pians 4:8: “ Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, what soever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” Objects: Two pint jars. (Fill one with water and the other with clear gasoline. Do not use gasoline in a room where there is an open fire. Color a small amount of gasoline with bulletin red paint color. Paste the outline of a paper heart on the jars near the center.) Lesson: These jars are so much like people that I have named them the Jar Brothers—James and Jess. They look very much alike, but like people, they are not alike when it comes to the Word of God. When Christ was on earth He fre quently spoke about the different ways in which those who heard Him received His words. He taught this truth in parables. March 21, 1948 T he J ar B rothers
March 7, 1948 T h e B ottle B rothers
Objects: Two milk bottles (a quart and a pint), two candles, two shallow pans, a small piece of rubber tire tube large enough to cover the mouth of the quart bottle, and about a pint of water colored with ink. (Remove the bottom from the pint bottle by tying near the bottom a string saturated with kerosene or alcohol. Light the string, and after the flame has burned around the bottle, submerge the bottle in cold water. The glass will crack where the string has burned. Stick one candle in the center of one pan by melting the base. Stick the other candle in the center of the piece of rubber, and place in the other pan). Lesson: Bill and Bob Bottle are to be your teachers this morning. They have a very important lesson. Like Christian
March 14, 1948 C lothespin Q u intuplets
Objects: Five wire-spring clothespins, a small flask-shaped bottle of vinegar, an imitation cigarette, an imitation play ing card, an imitation theater ticket, an imitation invitation to a dance, a large magnet, a piece of black cloth two feet square, a piece of red cloth two inches wide and two feet long, and a piece of white cloth two feet square. (Sew one edge of the red to the black, and the other edge to the white. Allow a few inches of this black, red, and white cover to overhang the table where the lesson is to be given. Dress two of the clothespins as boys, using crepe paper. Dress the other three girls.) Lesson: How would you like to see some quintuplets? I knew you would, so I brought some with me. Two are boys and three are girls. Here they are. It will not be difficult for you to guess that they are the “ Clothe'spin Quintuplets.” We will put them on the black side of the table. Do you know that life has two sides? Between the black and white sides of life there is the red, reminding us of Christ and His death on the cross for us. All people are sinners by nature and therefore start on the black' side of life.
people, these brothers both have lights. (Light each candle and pour the pans nearly full of inked water.) This black water reminds us of the sinful world in which the Christian’s light is supposed to shine. I am sorry to say that many Christians are like Bill. (Put the quart bottle up side down over the candle which is fas tened to the rubber. Press the bottle firmly against the rubber.) Bill’s light soon goes out. When a Christian does not let his light shine, the sin of the world soon enters his life. See! The black rushes in. (With the finger, break the seal, and the vacuum caused by the burning candle will suck the water into the bottle.) Bob’s light burns brightly. Here is the secret. (Put your finger through the open bottom.) He keeps the door open toward heaven. He is like the person who reads his Bible and prays every day. Bob reminds me of Philip who. let the light of the gospel shine into the heart of the Ethiopian. Notice what happens when I close Bob’s door toward heaven. (Put the bot tom back on the bottle.) The light grows dim. When the door is opened Page Twenty-eight
The Holy Spirit is like a magnet, con stantly pulling people from the black side of life to Christ, the Saviour, and then on to the white side of life. This large magnet pulls Carl along until he comes near to the red, and then he stops and looks back at this bottle which rep resents whisky. He knows that he must leave whisky if he goes over on the other side of life. Finally the magnet succeeds in getting him to the red and over on the white side. Kate, too, hesitates as the magnet leads her along. It is this playing card which causes her to look back, just as
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