King's Business - 1948-03

1 think James and Jess will be able to illustrate the teachings of Christ regard­ ing this subject. I will take this eye­ dropper and put some of this red fluid, which represents the Word of God, into the jars. (Squirt it first into the jar of water.) Notice what happens. James Jar refuses the Word of God, and does not allow it to remain in his heart. (The gasoline will return to the surface of the water.) There are many people in the world today, who, like James, refuse to allow the Word of God to remain in their hearts. I believe we shall find that Jess is dif­ ferent. (Squirt some of the red gasoline into this jar.) He does not refuse it, but immediately and gladly receives it into his heart. Some people are like Jess Jar. They are not happy, and they gladly receive the Word of God which tells them about the Lord Jesus Christ and His power to save. In looking at these two jars, and thinking of the people they represent, I am reminded of the words of Christ, “ Blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it” (Luke 11:28). March 28, 1948 N ations and N ails Objects: A magnet, eight nails; two painted red, two yellow, two black, and two white; eight imitation nails carved from wood, painted the same colors as the real nails, and a small box of dirt. Lesson.: In thinking of the resurrec­ tion of Christ, we are reminded of His words: “ Because I live, ye shall live also” (John 14:19). We will take these nails and bury them in this box of dirt, letting them stand for the people who have died. There are four colors—red, yel­ low, black and white, representing the four races of people. We will bury two nails representing each race. (Bury one real and one imitation nail of each of the colors.) At the other end of the box, we will make the other nails stand on end, let­ ting them represent people who will be living when Christ comes. This large magnet stands for Christ, who has prom­ ised to return to earth and raise from the dead those who have accepted Him as Saviour. As the magnet comes near the nails which are buried, we see the dirt move, and four nails come up—one red, one yellow, one black and one white. There will be some from all races who will be raised when Christ comes. No matter how near the magnet comes to the dirt, the other four nails do not respond to its drawing power. It will be so when Christ comes. Only the bodies of those M A R C H , I 9 4 8

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who have already accepted Him as Sav­ iour will be called forth from the grave at the first resurrection. After the graves have been opened, and the bodies of the dead Christians have been raised to life, the Christians who are living on earth at that time will be caught up to meet Christ in the air. See, only part of these standing nails jump to meet the magnet. Those that thus respond to the magnet’s drawing power represent the people who have received Jesus Christ as Saviour. When Christ comes, “ one shall be taken, and the other left.” Surely we need to accept Christ as Saviour, in order that we may be ready, whether living or dead, to meet Him when He comes.


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