King's Business - 1948-03

Send for your free copy o f this remarkable testimony o f hatred turned to love. A JEW AND THE NAME of JESUS mrr nrttr v op :inNmr urrft* Hear, O Israel; Jehovah Oar God, Jehovah is One!

Th rough Lessons Prepared for Each Ag e Lev e l ★ CHRIST CENTERED ★ MODERN IN METHODS ★ ALL BIBLE and ALL OF THE BIBLE ★ SCIENTIFIC ★ NOT DATED The purpose of this fine Sunday School lesson series is to present the Gospel of Christ to each grade level and give a comprehensive knowledge of the Bible. There is no waste of material because lessons are not dated. Use left-over books nçxt year with a new class. C o r r e c t - ..


: s S

‘ Attractive Folder of detailed informa­ tion outlining the content of Gospel Light Series of Sunday School Lessons.

★ General Sunday School Catalog

Daniel Rose, Director


1443-A North Vine St., Hollywood 28, Calif.

Trustee, Bible Institute of Los Angeles Eider, Church of the Open Door

The Bible Institute of Los Angeles maintains a Jewish Department whose ministry deals with the preaching of the Gospel to God’s ancient people, Israel. From this office go out thou­ sands of pieces of literature especially prepared to interest the Jews. Also many of the students are, engaged in visitation work, calling upon the Jew­ ish people and inviting them to the meetings. Teams of students hold regu­ lar street meetings in places where an audience can be secured. Various prayer meetings are held and every Sunday at 4 p.m. in the lower auditorium of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles a mass meeting is held with fine speakers. You are invited to pray for the work of the Jewish Department, and to support this ministry by your prayers and gifts.

T h r o u g h t h e B i b l e S t u d y Genesis to Revelation, Chapter by Chapter By Dr. Harlin J. Roper, Pastor Scofield Memorial Church For Sunday Schools, Bible Classes, Young People's and Missionary Societies, Vacation Bible Schools, Prayer Meetings and Home Study. Sample Copy, 20c; 4 Grades, 75c; Complete Set (24 books), $3.60 THROUGH THE BIBLE STUDY, 4112 Gaston Avenue, Dallas 4, Texas

B o o k s f o r R e f e r e n c e a n d S tu d y All About the Sunday School

By David J. Fant and Addie Marie French New revised edition. Textbook for all engaged in Sunday-school work. Includes courses of study, methods of teaching, departmental grading, and literature. Relative values of graded and uniform les­ sons discussed. Should haye a place in every Sunday-school library.

B y George P . Pardington A manual covering sub­ jects such as Bibliology, Theology, Angelology, etc. $1.75. Outline Studies in Christian Doctrine

Address all communications to DANIEL ROSE, Director Jewish Department Bible Institute of Los Angeles 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 13

The Wonders o f Prophecy By John Urquhart Portrays the remarkable way in which Bible predictions concerning the great nations of an­ tiquity, the advent of Christ, and history of Jew­ ish people have been fulfilled. $1.50.

Christian Publications, Inc.

\Order front iiour dealer.

|507 N T|,!rd street

Harrisburg, Pa.

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