
Featured Program: Robertson Safety Institute The Robertson Safety Institute (RSI) was conceived as a center for research and development, a program of safety-focused short courses and industry outreach in safety education. Mission

Strategic Plan Highlights The Executive Director of RSI and the department chair of Safety Science will collaborate on future acquisitions and industry partnerships for program enhancements and student opportunities. RSI will explore new opportunities to develop and incorporate UAS training into the professional curriculum, such as employing UAS to investigate or document mishaps and advancements in safety programs. Public and private partnerships harness the vast potential for exponential growth and would prove beneficial to the UAS degree program. RSI will reinstate OSHA training courses into the professional education curriculum. RSI will explore areas to expand professional education offerings while taking advantage of the university’s strengths. Helicopter, UAS, emergency management and EMS are possible expansion areas. The institute will revive the Center for Aerospace Safety Education (CASE) Advisory Council. CASE can offer invaluable insight from the industry, RSI and the university, which is an added benefit for students. The re-establishment of CASE in collaboration with the Center for Aviation and Aerospace Safety (CAAS) would be valued at the Daytona Beach campus. Future Marketing/Promotion Activities In collaboration with CAAS, all safety professional education courses offered university-wide will be promoted. This exposure will ultimately help to enhance all safety professional education at Embry-Riddle, including RSI.

The mission of RSI is to provide robust development programs, enhance government and industry safety goals and study and conduct research in the field of safety science. RSI endeavors to partner with industry to further advance aviation safety worldwide. RSI will offer opportunities for professional education via workshops and seminars, consult on safety projects with industry partners and conduct applied research to benefit industry organizations. Organization Structure Update Historically, RSI was managed by the standing Safety Science Department Chair. In January 2022, the role of RSI Executive Director was realigned as a separate and hybrid position filled by a faculty member. This new structure will allow for a fresh perspective on the advancement of the RSI mission and strategic initiatives. Professional Education Course Activity In Fiscal Year 2023, RSI is scheduled to offer the following courses: Aircraft Crash Survival Investigation and Analysis

Advanced Aircraft Accident Investigation In addition, the following courses are under development: Aircraft Accident Investigation Refresher Human Factors Investigation

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