Core Business

REVERSE OSMOSIS This is a very long-term project that does not make any sense since we live where we have plenty of water. But this project is made as a set up and sell project. The whole world thinks it is terrible that there is a shortage of food, water and a positive infrastructure due to just famine etc. Therefore, this is a project that will immediately open the eyes of all people in the World. A container project with a wind turbine on the roof.

Hydrophonic systems can easily be set up and use these systems

:KHQVDOWLVVHSDUDWHGIURPWKHZDWHULWFDQEHXVHGWRSUHVHUYHIXWXUHÞVKDQGPHDW as well as be sold and create an industry, as the salt will pollute if it returns to the sea within a line of 1.7 kilometers. By setting up containers with their own energy center, the water can be pumped inland by means of a plastic rolling system. When you want to make a stitching, you connect to the bag, simply and bags will follow the terrain. (yep it will be cut up etc) By securing water, you ensure crops, food, better hygiene and thus an opportunity for the future in the country. At the same time, if there is enough work in their own country, they will not apply to Europe. 7KLVSURMHFWRQFHVHWXSFDQYHU\HDVLO\JHWWKHVXSSRUWRI81,&()0PDQG since the UN is already in many African countries to ensure tranquility this can be another step in letting the UN secure the water inland.

As I said, this is a solution where rich people can buy into the project and thus support.


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