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ANTOINE MESSIER antoine.messier@eap.on.ca
The Vankleek Hill Fair is back to its normal programming after two years of reduced activities due to COVID-19. “I am happy to be able to say that we’re having a full-fledged fair again after two years of hardship, and people wanting to do things BOEOPUCFJOHBCMFUP uTBJE"M/JYPO GBJS committee president. “It looks like everybody is happy to come.” Programming includes live music at the beer garden, a demolition derby, a combine derby, a heavy horse show, a Holstein show, rides, food stands and more. Food stands have been hard to come by for the fair comittee due to labor shortage. “One backed out the other day because PGMBDLPGIFMQ uTBJE/JYPOi8FEPIBWFB little bit of a fiasco, but I think we’re going UPCFPLBZOPX8FIBWFTPNFUIBUDBOU come Thursday or Friday but they can come 4BUVSEBZBOE4VOEBZ8FBSFBDDFQUJOHBT many as we can.” In 2021, the fair was downsized to a NBYJNVNPGQFPQMFJOBUUFOEBODF There was a Holstein show on Friday, a car and horse rally on Saturday and two bands playing on Sunday. In 2020, the fair comittee had only organized a parade through the streets of Vankleek Hill. The Vankleek Hill Fair takes place August 18 to 21.
Les champs de foires en préparations des activités de la fin de semaine. - Photo Antoine Messier
quite a large collection. Our general store look is just a wide variety of things that you would find in a general store.” The museum BMTPFYIJCJUTBMJOFODPMMFDUJPOGSPNGBNJMJFT that lived in Vankleek Hill and a collection PG/BUJWF"NFSJDBODMPUIJOHBOEUPPMTGSPN the Eastern-Ontario region. The museum hired two local high school students for the season. Among their tasks JTBTDIPPMIPVTFFYIJCJU VTJOHBSDIJWFQJD - tures of schoolhouses in the Vankleek Hill BSFB5IFTUVEFOUTBMTPXPSLPOJOEFYJOH and naming pictures and documents, as well as filtering through and numbering new archival donations. 5IF 7BOLMFFL )JMM .VTFVN BSDIJWF contains thousands of documents about
Vankleek Hill, Hawkesbury and the region. .VTFVNWPMVOUFFSTBSFXPSLJOHPODSFBUJOH an online database for researchers wishing UPMFBSONPSFBCPVU&BTUFSO0OUBSJP.PTU of these archival documents were collected
through donations. The museum is opened from 10 a.m. to QN 8FEOFTEBZUP4VOEBZVOUJMUIFFOE of August.
ANTOINE MESSIER antoine.messier@eap.on.ca
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Le personnel du musée de Vankleek Hill a redonné au magasin général son aspect d’origine. -photo Antoine Messier
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