Professional March 2022

Payroll news

Automatic enrolment information for tax year 2022/23 THE SECRETARY of state for pensions, Guy Opperman, confirmed the automatic enrolment (AE) thresholds and earning trigger for tax year 2022/23, on 8 February 2022. They are as follows: ● AE trigger to remain at £10,000 ● lower earnings limit of the qualifying earnings band to remain at £6,240 ● upper earnings limit of the qualifying earnings band to remain at £50,270. In the statement, Mr. Opperman confirmed that more than 10 million people had been automatically enrolled, across 1.9 million employers. Read the full statement here: Guidance on the health and social care levy released HER MAJESTY’S Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has released guidance regarding the changes being introduced in April 2022 relating to the health and social care levy. Additionally, the guidance clarifies some of the changes that are due take place in tax year 2023/24. The guidance confirms the impacts on:

Student loan thresholds THERE HAS been much speculation about what the student loan Plan 2 and postgraduate thresholds will be for tax year 2022/23. This was because student loan Plan 1 and 4 thresholds were announced, but no update was provided on Plan 2 or postgraduate thresholds. Rumours began to circulate that the Plan 2 and postgraduate thresholds could be dramatically reduced, which would negatively impact the take-home pay of many workers. However, on 28 January 2022, in a statement to the House of Lords, Baroness Barran confirmed that the student loan Plan 2 and postgraduate loan thresholds would be frozen at the levels in operation for tax year 2021/22. Read the statement in full here: This is what the full range of thresholds for student loans for 2022/23 looks like:

Loan type

Threshold (annual)

Plan 1


Plan 2


Postgraduate loan


Plan 4


Changes to self-isolation rules? AT THE time of writing, the prime minister, Boris

Johnson, had recently confirmed the domestic restrictions still in place to deal with Covid-19 could end on 24 February 2022. They were originally due to end on 24 March 2022, meaning the end date could be brought forward by a whole month. This is of interest to payrollers in terms of the impact it will have on statutory sick pay (SSP). Teams have had to get to grips with substantial changes to the rules regarding SSP where individuals are absent from work for a Covid-related reason. SSP is ordinarily only payable from day four of absence, but for Covid-related absences, it had to be paid from day one. Many organisations will have had to deal with manual overrides in these scenarios and will probably feel relieved that self-isolation rules are due to come to an end, and SSP rules will return to those previously observed.

● employees ● employers ● self-employed individuals ● those over state pension age.

Confirmation of the advised payslip message is also provided, along with a reminder that existing National Insurance contribution (NIC) reliefs will apply for: ● workers under 21 ● apprentices under 25 ● qualifying freeport employees ● organisations eligible for the employment allowance ● armed forces veterans. Read the guidance here:

Diary dates

5 March

Last day of tax month 11

6 March

First day of tax month 12

19 March (this is a weekend date)

Last day for submitting a real time information employer payment summary to apply to tax month 11 Deadline for payment of PAYE and NICs etc to HMRC’s Accounts Office by non-electronic method

22 March

Deadline for payment of PAYE and NICs etc to HMRC’s Accounts Office by electronic method

5 April

Last day of tax month 12

6 April

First day of tax month 1 2022/23

| Professional in Payroll, Pensions and Reward | March 2022 | Issue 78 22

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