by Robert B. Mignard
T he crystal - clear teachings of the Word of God will not allow a thorough-going Bible stu dent to embrace the doctrines set forth by the Jehovah’s Witnesses. The basic teachings of this sect are in conflict with the Scriptures. Fifteen of their unique doctrinal errors are listed here and constitute sound reasons why no one may unite with the Witnesses and still hold to the truth of God: Scripture demonstrates that the Lord Jesus Christ is Jehovah. Isaiah 41:4 ; 44 :6 and 48:12 de clare that the attribute of being the “ first and the last” belongs to Jehovah alone. In Revelation 17:8, 11, 17 and 22:13, 14 Jesus Christ is shown possess ing this very attribute, thereby making Him the Jehovah of these Isaiah passages, and indeed of the entire Old Testament. Isaiah 45:22-25 speaks of a universal worship, which one day all mankind will render unto Jehovah. Phil. 2 :9 -ll applies this 1. The Jehovah's Witnesses Deny the Absolute, Unique Divinity of Jesus Christ
Isaiah passage to Jesus Christ. Isaiah 44:22, 23 sets forth Jehovah as the Re deemer. Eph. 1:7 establishes Jesus Christ as this Redeemer. In Isaiah 45:24 and 54:17 Jehovah is our right eousness. In 1 Cor. 1 :30 Jesus Christ is our right eousness. Isaiah 43:11 reserves for Jehovah alone the work of saving man. “ Beside Me there is no Sav iour.” Titus 2:13 teaches that Jesus Christ is the Saviour, thereby establishing Him as the Jehovah of Isaiah chapter 43. An honest student of the Scripture will read, study and compare the verses used above. 2. The Jehovah's Witnesses Teach That Jesus Christ is a Created Being— Simply Another God This doctrinal error is achieved through a spurious translation in their New World Transla tion o f the Christian Greek Scriptures which ren ders John 1:1, “And the Word was a god.” Isaiah emphatically denies this error in 43:10, 44:6 and
JULY, 1967
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