King's Business - 1967-07

as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and since each Person is God, the persons are equal. 5. The Jehovah's Witnesses Deny The Bodily, Corporeal Resurrec­ tion of Jesus Christ From The Dead False doctrine declares “ The man Jesus is dead, only His spirit arose.” The witness of Jesus is quite different (Luke 24:36-45). Even a casual glance at v. 39 dispels any doubt concerning the bodily resurrection. Thomas met the physically resurrected Christ (John 20:24-29), as did the other disciples who ate fish with Him, (John 21: 12-14). Paul testifies to the corporeal resurrection of Jesus Christ in I Corinthians 15:3-19. The guards at the tomb, the chief priests and San­ hedrin would never have become excited, Matthew 28:11, 15 if “ only His spirit arose.” 6. The Jehovah’s Witnesses Deny the Bodily, Visible Return of Jesus Christ They say, “We must not expect Him to come again as a human being”— “Coming is properly translated presence and refers to the invisible pres­ ence of the Lord.” In contrast, a Bible student discovers the truth that Jesus Christ IS coming back again physically, literally. In Revelation 1:7 “ every eye shall see Him” ; in I Thessalonians 4: 16, 17 “ the Lord Himself shall descend from heav­ en” ; and in Acts 1 :10, 11 He “ shall so come in like manner as ye have seen Him go into heaven.” The testimony of these passages is irrefutable. 7. The Jehovah's Witnesses Deny Presence of the Believer With Christ Upon Death According to II Corinthians 5:8, Philippians 1: 21-24 and Luke 16:20-22, the believer, immediate­ ly upon death, passes into the presence o f Christ. The body sleeps in the ground (John 11:11-14), awaiting the resurrection (I Cor. 15:20-23), while the soul and spirit, now separated from the body, (James 2:26), pass into heaven. 8. The Jehovah's Witnesses Chide the Believers' Hope of Heaven John 14:13; Philippians 3:20, 21; I Peter 1:3- 5; Revelation 3:12 are but a few o f the many passages in Scripture which speak o f the “ living hope” of being with Christ forever.

45:5, 21, and shows their translation of John 1:1 to be illegitimate. Four times Jehovah declares the impossibility of there being “ another god” or “a god” beside Himself. Every honest student of Scripture must acknowledge the solitary aloneness of Jehovah. Of the many Scripture references which dem­ onstrate this to be false, John 16:13, 14 is repre­ sentative. Eight times the Lord Jesus refers to the Holy Spirit by the personal masculine pronoun. The Greek word “ Spirit” is neuter but the pronoun employed is not “ it” but rather “ he” or “himself.” Christ was grammatically incorrect, for the pro­ noun must agree with the noun in gender, but theo­ logically correct in thus recognizing the Spirit’s personality. Were the Holy Spirit not a person, the pronoun “ it” would have been used and the gram­ mar of the passage kept intact. Even the Witnesses’ own New World Translation acknowledges the Spirit’s personality in the translation of these two verses. The divinity of the Holy Spirit is clearly demonstrated in the following references which the honest student will carefully study: Acts 5:3, 4; I Cor. 3:16; II Cor. 13:14. In I Cor. 12:4-6 the Holy Spirit is called Lord (v. 5) and God (v. 6). In placing Isaiah 6 :8-10 alongside o f Acts 28:25-27, it becomes evident that the God of Isaiah 6 is the Holy Spirit. Though the truth of the Trinity is amusing to the Witnesses, nevertheless it constitutes part of the revelation of God. The Bible student discovers there is a Person in Scripture known as the Father, who is God (Eph. 1 :2). There is another Person in Scripture called the Son, Christ, Jesus, Jesus Christ who is God (Titus 2:13). There is still an­ other Person called the Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, Spirit of God who is God (Acts 5:3, 4 ). The one Greek word theos, “God,” is used of. all three Per­ sons, thus ascribing the same divinity to each. The careful student also notes the fact o f the Trinity in Isaiah 48:16, 17; Matthew 3:16, 17; 28:19 and II Corinthians 13:14. The conclusion is simply that there is one God manifest in three Persons known 3. The Jehovah’s Witnesses Deny the Personality and Divinity of the Holy Spirit 4. The Jehovah’s Witnesses Deny the Biblical Doctrine of the Trinity

9. The Jehovah’s Witnesses Deny the Reality and Etemality of Future Punishment



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