by Karl H. Hummel General Secretary Emeritus Central American Mission
D uring my many years in Dal las, Texas, as Secretary of the Central American Mission, I became increas ing ly burdened about the care o f our older mis sionaries who had to retire from the field. Mrs. Hummel (nee Guelph McQuinn, Biola ’19) shared this burden with me and we kept it before the Lord in earnest prayer. In 1951, we felt led o f God to set aside a few small assets, mostly inherited, and then worth about $500.00, to ward a missionary retirement fund. These assets were of a character that might have a min
Luther Rees Memorial Residence eral potential, and we asked God, that if it pleased Him, they would be multiplied. No minerals were found, but one of these assets, worth $152.00 when I inherited it, turned into a land bonanza. Meanwhile we gave these securi ties to the Mission for a retire ment project. From this $152.00 asset the Mission later received $16,000.00! Other miracles have happened since then that enabled us to add substantially to the fund. Some relatives as well as friends felt moved to help also. Finally, some $47,000.00 w a s available for this project and as
a result, the Mission recently dedicated its first retirement building, five lovely apartments and a large sunroom-parlor. The building is so constructed that four or even six more apartments can easily be added as needed, and as God makes financial provision. This building is one of three that comprise the new headquar ters of the Central American Mission. A few years ago they had to sell their former Office and Home property in north Dal las, as the City refused to grant further enlargement permits. Up town offices were temporarily se cured and a search was begun for reasonably priced land where a more spacious Office and a larger Mission Home could be built, as well as initiate the retirement housing. At this same time a Dal las m anu facturing firm with Christian vision, interested in providing the Dallas Bible Col lege with a site for its greatly needed new campus, purchased a large tract of land on the edge of Dallas. The Mission acquired four acres of this land, in part by purchase and the rest by gift. 1966 saw the completion and
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