Christian witness in the world. It signifies your reverence for the things o God and shows your interest in preserving Forest Home as a Christian heritage for generations jo come. How are they consecrated? Just a few weeks ago, Bijly Graham launched the "Conservation througl Consecration* program at Forest Home by consecrating the first.Living Withes; Tree. Participants will be invited to take part in future consecration ceremonie; throughout the year. How does one participate? By pledging a gift of $100 or more td; help perpetuate Forest Home througl the “ Conservation through Consecration” program. Payments may, be made any way you wish and your contribution; is, tax deductible. How are the trees marked?. By a metal marker bearing your name; the name of youf fajtiily, or the nami of a loved one you may wish to remember in this way. Participation may als< be anonymous if you prefer. Forest Honte will send a lovely certificate suit able for framing, and a miniature Living Witness Tree lapel pin. Your par ticipation in this program will help to conserve, through consecration, thi; truly Christian Camp and Conference Center in which this and future genera tidns may come to know the Lord. Pulling on her boots, she tramped across the acres of Forest Home,,claiming them fd r generations to follow as she repeated over and over again the promise in Joshua 14:9-* ‘Surely the land whereon thy feet have trodden shall be thine inheritance, and thy'children’ for ever, because thou hast wholly followed the Lord my God.’ AND CONFERENCE CENTER THE INHERITANCE Henrietta ;C. Mears, outstanding youth leader. Sunday SctTool teacher, organizer, o of Forest Home Christian Camp and Conference Center, believed literally In the promises of God
What is a living witness tree? These are the beautiful evergreens, oaks and cedars growing at Forest Home Christian Camp and Conference Center in-the San Bernardino mountains,' 90 miles east of Los Angeles, Calif. What do they witness to? To the fact that for nearly 100 years these grounds have been especially dedicated to God. The area was first claimed for God in 1876. It has been set aside as a hallowed spot where Christians could meet for fellowship and study, and where their children could enjoy a camping experience in a com pletely Christian climate. What is their message? The physical presence of these trees attests to the rich material resources of Forest Home which have made their growth possible. The fact that they have not been sold for lumber shows that the Center is being conserved for future generations by Christians who value its spiritual resources. Hundreds of outstanding Christians have been profoundly influenced by their experiences at Forest Home. The trees which silently witnessed the shaping of their lives for God now watch their children’s lives being molded for Him. What do they stand for? Your Living Witness Tree at Forest Home will stand as a symbol of your
A t Forest Hom e, fa m ilie s pray, play and stay to g eth er...
or enjoy separate program s for different age levels.
Conference m eetings, fellow ship and w orship a enjoyed in a relaxed, inform al atm osphere.
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