King's Business - 1967-07

Excerpts from Billy Graham's address at Forest Home, April 9, 1967 When I think of the history of Forest Home and of Joe Blinco and Henrietta Mears, I think of them as teachers of the Word. This place was founded as a place where young people could come and study the Scriptures. The Psalmist said: “ Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto

according to thy word." How many young people have gone into these mountains and back on these trails with their Bibles in their hands, meditating, studying the Scriptures they’d heard in the chapel or at a bonfire service? I remember it was one night after a great intellectual battle that I

came up to this hill. I remember getting off the road about fifty yards and sitting down on a rock beside a stump and there I had my battle with God. I said, ‘Oh God, from this moment on I'm going to accept this Book as Thy Word.’ That was the beginning of a whole new era in my ministry. Here, at Forest Home, the seeds have been sown through the years. If we could have a pastors’ con­ ference and invite just the pastors who've made their decisions at Forest Home to come back for a rededica­ tion . . . those who made a commitment here to preach, or who rededicated their lives or were converted here . . . they’d come from all over the world. The seed has been faithfully sown. As we dedicate this tree, we dedicate Forest Home afresh and anew to the vision of those people who founded it. We pray that this may be doubly hallowed ground and that God will do here one of the greatest works of our generation.

Write today for your LIVINGWITNESSTREE : b , Your certificate and lapel pin w ill be sent by return m ail + You w ill also receive the exciting story of Forest Home and how the Living Witness Trees came to be. FO R E S T HOME, INC. Forest Falls, Calif. 92339 Dear Joe Blinco: □ I hereby pledge $___________ * to help with the "Con­ servation through Consecration” program. Enclosed is my gift of $___________ I will pay the balance in _____ payments o f ---------- each. o$ioo or more □ Please send the exciting story of Forest Home and the Living Witness Trees. Name.



State. .Z ip Code. Please have the following name placed on the marker of my Living Witness Tree

mpetently supervised programs build trust and confidence in the very young.

On Memorial Day, 1876, a flag was placed atop this mountain and the land was claimed for God.

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