King's Business - 1967-07


aroma as it steams in this colorful cup. I thought of the friend who sent three pink rosebuds in a ruby vase with a note of three words, “ Praying for you” and the friend who took three hours from her busy day to run errands when I was ill. As I worked, in every room of our house, I found several things for which I could say thank you twice. It was a happy day! That week I had time for just two short notes, but the joy and satisfaction of writing still lingers on. Try it! Your week will be richer. You’ll relive treasured memories, you’ll discover a new sense of gratitude, and undoubtedly you’ll bring an unexpected jolt of joy to a friend who MAY need encouragement the very day she opens your note! By Ruth Calkin M Y CHILD SAID THAT? Four-year-old Rick was always in control of his temper and nothing seemed to upset his self-control. But one day he came to his mother, his face red with anger, and in his hands his favorite truck. It had been broken in two by his little two-year old sister, Laurie. With quiet fierceness he said, “ Moth­ er, I wish the Lord would hurry up and save Laurie’s little black heart.’.’ Here’s a recipe for strawberry pie that is the essence of summertime. Its glorious red berries, t o p p e d with mounds of white whipped cream (or dessert topping) and served on blue china plates make it as patriotic as the Fourth of July. Try it soon. It is easy to make and I’ve found that the time it takes is well worth it. STRAWBERRY PIE (Serves 6) Given by Clara Bradly of Encino, California. Y o u 'll Need: 1 or 2 full boxes of strawberries 1 Pastry baked pie shell, 9 " 3 Tablespoons cornstarch V a Teaspoon salt V a Cups sugar and whipped cream Mash enough berries to make one cup. A dd V a cup water, bring to a boil and simmer three minutes. M ix: Cornstarch, salt and sugar. Drain berries to get one cup liquid, and add to cornstarch m ixture. Cook until thick. Cool sauce. Save a garnish strawberry. H alf rest of fresh strawberries in pie shell and spoon cooled sauce over them. Refrigerate until serving time to set. Just before serving, top w i t h whipped cream and garnish with one whole strawberry on top. Age is the top of a mountain high. Rarer the air and blue; A long hard climb, a bit of fatigue. But oh . . . what a wonderful view! — A utho r Unknown

UNUSUAL TOURS INC. 1967 SCHEDULE LANDS OF THE BIBLE TOUR Enjoy tli«so Important features: • LOW COST: 22 days (all expenses Included) First Class or better Ho­ tels, Jet A ir Travel. JUST $1,055.00 • IMAGINATIVE ITINERARY: Italy, Greece, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Israel, Syria and many other areas available. • CONVENIENT M O N T H LY DEPAR­ TURES • T O U R E S C O R T S A N D B IB L E TEACHERS W ITH EVERY TOUR. STUDY TOURS also available for Col­ lege Credit to EUROPE, and SOUTH AM ERICA. TOUR LEADERS: Learn how you can organize your own group. Qualified inquiries invited. COM PARE FEATURES . . . THEN . . . COM PARE PRICES. W rite for FREE Guideline Fact Sheet to help you evaluate Bible Lands Tours. u rvu& u xx l T O U F 9 B J "Feature for feature, there is no COM PARABLE TOUR at this LOW PRICE." For complete Information on Any of the Above Write Today: U N U S U A L T O U R S I N C . La Mirada, California 90638, Dept. K VvI //■

man. . . . a talented performer, experi­ enced in dramatics, as a composer, pianist-vocalist, and as a recording artist. Joyce Landorf also finds com­ plete satisfaction in her role as an enterprising housekeeper, mother, and wife of a successful business-

Y o u 'll enjoy sharing a few moments daily with Joyce as she opens her notebook to . . . Household tips . . . Favorite Recipes . . . Children . . . Inspirational verse . . . and, of course, MUSIC. LISTEN TO "HERE'S JOYCE" Monday through Fridays Los Angeles 11:45 AM KBBI 107.5 San Diego 10:15 AM KBBW 102.9 Maytag stores sponsoring HERE'S JOYCE < I COMPTON GLENDALE NEEDHAM'S APPLIANCE MSI BRAND APPLIANCE 400 North Long Beach Blvd. 425 South Brand PASADENA PAS. MAYTAG HOME LAUNORY CENTER 509 East Walnut MONROVIA BURBANK MSI MAYTAG STORE 433 North Glenoaks VAN NUYS

Reach Children! 6 pages —- 3 colors

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PAM APPLIANCES 115 West Foothill


Mention HERE'S JOYCE when you visit one of these stores.

JULY, 1967


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