cept and example that all forms of dishonesty are sin. A child sent to the phone or door to tell the caller that mother or father is not home (if they are) has been started in the wrong direction and momentum will take care of the future. A child who is told that stealing a dollar is wrong, but dis covers that “ shading” the truth about one’s age to save a dollar is acceptable, is being taught to be confused morally. Many words have been written and spoken about Jacob and Esau, their relative goodness and bad ness determined by the writer or speaker. Esau always comes out second rate and Jacob is dealt with rather roughly. Considering the home situation as recorded in Genesis 25-27, it seems that they were both logical products of the home of Isaac and Rebekah. There was favoritism, (25 :28); fa th e r ’s half-truth, (26 :6-10); mother’s deception, (27 :5-17) ; and Jacob’s lie (27:18-24) which act was just an extension of his mother’s teaching him deceit. Our children learn to become what they see and hear in their par ents. Remember E li’ s sons? The Scripture commentary regarding that tragedy is that Eli “ re strained them not” (I Sam. 2:12; 3:13). A restrained child is a happy child, for he knows his limits. He is instructed in what both to do and not to do. There is a standard for him to follow. No, he will not always willingly stay within the prescribed bounds. That is the time when chastening (child training) is employed by the wise parent. To have no re strictions or restraints is to put the immature child in the place of developing adverse complexes and frustrations which will ap pear later as personality prob lems. Perhaps we may observe a few simple rules: 1) Be specific with instructions, balancing the do’s and the don’ts; 2) Be consistent not only with all the children as a group, but also with each in-
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