dividual in all circumstances. Make no rule that you do not in tend to enforce at all times. Any infraction of the specific instruc tion receives the same reaction every time, not dependent on place of time of infraction; 3) Be firm, letting your authority be seen and respected; 4) Be calm, not letting emotions rule or over rule in any circumstances; 5) Be an example in word, love, and finally life; 6) Be available when the child wants attention. So, by the proper use and balance of pre cept and example, children be come acquainted with life and the restrictions incumbent on our liv ing in a society . Maturity is knowing that life is full of rules, restrictions, and freedom of the individual within limits to allow freedom of other individuals. Finally, the family altar is the time when all the members realize how good the Lord is and how dependent all of the family, from the top to the bottom, big as well as little, are upon our heavenly Father. Considering the proper Scripture for this time, one can hardly go astray by spending much time in the Gospel of John. In the fourth Gospel with the stated purpose of leading the reader to know that Jesus is the Son of God, (20:31), over and over “the disciple whom Jesus loved” attests to the divinity of our Lord Jesus and verifies by the miracles he cites that Jesus is and was all He claimed for Him self as adequate for all our needs and problems. What more could any Christian parent ask than that each child learn this lesson so well that it penetrates his mind and imbeds itself in his heart so that he will never forget in all his adult life that Jesus is the answer to his questions and can solve his problems, if given an opportunity? A well-ba lanced home is regulated by the unseen but ever-present, abiding Christ. The product o f such a home has a head start on stability of life and emotions not probable in a lesser environment. g j]
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JULY, 1967
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