a new book by the voice o f the Radio Bible C lass! Richard DeHaan's
The Living God
To millions o f radio listeners Richard DeHaan is known as the voice o f Radio Bible Class. In The Living God he deals with the basic attributes o f God — His love, holiness, omnipotence, righteousness and the fact that God is a God o f love.
and pass it along to be read and re read. I hope it will do much good. Dr. Sutherland’s article in the March issue regarding the Supreme Court is most timely. This expresses my opinion ex actly. It should be spread abroad as much as possible.” Mrs. Georgs A. Hill, San Luis Obispo, Calif. ENJOY EDITORIAL “ We would like to say ‘thank you’ for every portion of THE KING’S BUSINESS. In the March issue we especially felt the editorial ‘How Long, O Lord, How Long? by Dr. Sutherland was well written and timely. Thanks for good, spiritual food in each area of the ‘business’ rightly named THE KING’S BUSINESS.” Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Baltensperger, Nebraska City, Nebraska DISAGREE WITH KB In Nancy Wiley’s “ Writing Letters to Missionaries” (Dec. issue), I feel that point #3 is entirely, absolutely, seriously wrong. As the chief family correspondent, I have received hun dreds of the kind described. However, the one thing I most appreciate is the personal information. If they tell me their age, their occupation, how many children they have, what ages, what their interests are, what some of their personal problems are, or share with me some of their prayer requests, we have some kind of a basis for friend ship, not only in correspondence but at the Throne of Grace. For years now I’ve kept pertinent information on the 3 x 5 address cards in the letter file, and if I don’t remember between times, when I address envelopes for a gen eral letter, I pray for them. Now, rather than answering the standard letter to a missionary, I am able to write a letter to a friend. Mrs. Joy Tuggy, Venezuela, South America PRAYERS ANSWERED “ This is just to let you know how thankful I am that our prayers for copies of THE KING’S BUSINESS were answered so soon. The patients here and the people in the lobby are really interested in them, and they seem to be disappearing fast, I am happy to say. I am continually prais ing the Lord for His goodness to me in my ministry here at Orange County Medical Center, and daily I can see His guiding hand as I minister to the unsaved people here. Again, a warm thank-you.” Herman J. Baerg, Chaplain Orange County Medical Center
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