by Betty Bruechert
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While visiting or living in Los Angeles, plan to stay at BIOLA HOTEL. Clean, comfort able, convenient. Reasonable rates by day- week or month. Dining Room. Next to the historic Church of the Open Door and the Central Los Angeles Public Library. Operated as a public service by the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. RATES ON ROOMS Without Bath SINGLES DOUBLE Twin Bids With Bath SINGLE DOUBLE Day $ 2.00 { 2.50 5 3.50 Day S 3.50 $ 5.00 Weak 11.00 13.50 18.50 Weak 22.00 31.00 Month 42.50 52.50 57.50 Month 67.50 77.50
SEVENTH DAT ADVENTISTS T he S eventh D ay A dventists have got to be the most credulous of all the sects. In their early history not only did they accept and preach the ridiculous date-setting o f Wil liam Miller, the seventh-day-sabbath teaching o f erstwhile sea captain Joseph Bates and the invention of the sanctuary theory to cover the failure o f their predictions, but also they swallowed “ hook, line and sink er” the incredible “visions” and un- scriptural “ revelations” o f an inex perienced, neurotic seventeen-year- old girl, Ellen Harmon (afterwards Mrs. White), building their denomi nation upon them as their essential doctrines. So it should not come as a shock that the SDAs in the 20th century should credit the actual appearance o f angels on earth now on “ special missions o f salvation.” R. Curtis Barger, Assoc. Sec’y of the GC Sab bath School Dept., relates it as fact in the April 27, 1967 issue o f the SDA official organ, Review and Her ald, in an article entitled “ Angels at Work in the Philippines.” No question is raised as to the credibili ty o f an angel’s appearing to a 65- year-old man in the San Patricia area of northeastern Mindanao, bid ding him not to drink or smoke but to keep the 7th day sabbath; subse quently baptizing him, teaching him all the SDA beliefs, instructing him in beginning V.B.S. and sabbath schools, sending him on to another village and directing him to erect a church. Plans to construct a chapel came from the “ angel companion” as well as automatic ability to preach, upon the man’s opening his Bible. (How a Bible got there is not ex plained !) The incredible a r t i c l e closes with the statement: “ With angels o f God so evidently going be fore them, new believers in this re cently organized mission have been inspired to carry on a strong work o f evangelism. Last year 32 Vacation Bible Schools were held in this ter ritory and at the close o f the year 92 branch Sabbath schools were in operation.” The SDAs always have been ob sessed with angels, who come and go in Mrs. White’s writings with dizzy ing regularity.
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