King's Business - 1967-07


“But prove yourselves doers of the Word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves. . . .” “And the things which you have heard . . . these instruct to faith­ ful men, who mil be able to teach others also.” (James 1:22; II Tim. 2:2 NASB)

REGENERATION John 3:3 I. REGENERATION IS AN ABSOLUTE NECESSITY II. WHAT REGENERATION IS NOT 1. Not church-going. 2. Not good works or reforma­ tion. III. NECESSARY FOR EVERY ONE IV. NOT THE WORK OF MAN, BUT OF GOD V. WROUGHT THROUGH FA ITH IN JESUS CHRIST VI. ACCOMPLISHED BY THE HOLY SP IRIT VII. THE ONLY W A Y TO SEE HEAVEN AND HEAVENLY THINGS 1. Changed into a new man with a new nature. 2. Power to overcome temptation. 3. Fitness to dwell in heaven. 4. Singing a new sang. 5. Seeing sainted ones in glory. — D. L. Moody T H I S F E L L O W C A L L E D " I " It is my endeavor to be patient and kind, When I see imperfection in a brother of mine, For I see in myself much room to im­ prove, As I search my own heart and watch ev’ry move. I want to forbear, and forbearance I need, But don’t judge me harshly; your mercy I plead; Expect not from others that thing you can't do; But do unto others, as if unto you. If you can’t conform to the Bible, my brother, It's useless to try to reform then an­ other; We can’t always sell; sometimes we must buy; For it is not always you, but often ’tis I. The moral of this story I’m sure you can see: Before you judge others, take a good look at me; It will save you much trouble on your way to the sky If often you judge the fellow called “ I.” — Author unknown

The effective educator must see Christian Education in its most salient quality— not just ideas, but implementation! The purpose of the Christian Education training at Talbot Theological Seminary is to produce educators totally qualified. This occurs when they are not only completely equipped in theory, but through a consistent learning- while-doing program they become accomplished in that crucial step of reducing that theory to practical, efficient operation. Effective training in Christian Education provides not only the basic blue­ print for the job to be done, but gives, as well, the pragmatic proficiency in implementing it into lives to the end that they may also reproduce. This is the Talbot perspective! For infor­ mation, write: O ffering B.D., T h.M . and M .R.E. degrees T A L B O T T H E O L O G I C A L S E M I N A R Y 13800 Biola Avenue, La M irada, Califo rnia 90638 CHARLES L. FEINBERG. Th.D., Ph D., Dean

BIOLA SUMMER SCHOOL 1967 Colorful Brochures are available giving full details on this unusual opportunity to spend your summer in a worthwhile and enjoyable experience.

BIOLA COLLEGE La Mirada, Calif.

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"A College of Distinction” Every Student a Bible Major Other Majors: Christian Education Minions M inors:

Education English Foreign Langtrago

Morie Greek Chnrch Secretaryship Pestorology and Evangelism *Choirs

History Speech

'Intercollegiate Sports *Socistin P I LLSBURY Baptist Bible COLLEGE Dr. B. Myron Cedarholm, President • Owatonna, M inn . 55060

JULY, 1967


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