King's Business - 1967-07

A . Good organization demands that an individual should only be respon­ sible to one person above him. Any other arrangement can only bring confusion. One leader may be re­ sponsible for a group under him but he is only responsible in turn to one person. Q. How can a leader supervise those who are under his authority? A . First, there must be a mutual feeling of good will, respect, and authority. This respect must be de­ veloped! Then the leader should give every worker the opportunity to sit down with him and discuss his work. This can be a very wonderful min­ istry— i.e., the working with and building up of another individual. Q. How should problems and dis­ agreements be handled? A . They should be handled definite­ ly and questions should be answered. Large church problems begin usual­ ly as small, individual rumblings. If those with questions will ask them and if definite answers are given, many of these church problems could be avoided. Q. How should a change in a work­ er’s duties, responsibilities, or au­ thority be handled? A . The leader who makes the change should see to it that all concerned should understand the new procedure or arrangement. This announcement of the change should be made before it is to occur. If the General Superintendent of the Sunday school asks the depart­ mental superintendents to beg in evaluating the teacher’s work in the classroom (a good idea!) the teach­ ers should be made aware of this before it happens. Q. What is done with the leader who questions a church policy? A . The policy is reviewed and then retained or changed. Then the lead­ er’s relationship to it is reviewed and settled. Example — car wash by young people to raise money. Q. Hoiv should disciplinary action be carried out? A . Since we are not dealing with perfect people, c o r r e c tiv e action sometimes becomes necessary. Gala­ tians 6:1 describes how this should be carried out. The leader must not be vindictive and should be led by the Spirit in his action.

C l a s s i f i ed Ads 15 CENTS PER WORD — MINIMUM $3.00 Bibles and Books Scofiela Bible — : Retail and Wholesale — A ll Editions — Fresh Stock — Gold Stamping — Thumb Index — Fowler's Christian Book Store, 113 M ain Street, Hamburg, New York. RELIGIOUS BOOKS PURCHASED — A n y size library. Send list, or write for details. Baker Book House, Dept. KB, Grand Rapids, M ichigan 49506 RELIGIOUS BOOKS BOUGHT A N D SOLD! Any book reviewed or advertised in KING'S BUSI­ NESS available from Kregel's Book Store, Dept. KB, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503. Bibles Rebound W rite for illustrated price list from Nation's largest Bible rebinding specialists. W ork Guaran­ teed. Norris Bookbinding Company, 122 Stone, Greenwood, Mississippi 38930. Help Wanted Large Rescue Mission needs additional staff workers. Single or married. Board, room, com­ pensation. W rite P.O. Box 202, Seattle 11, Wash. GLENDALE-ALLIANCE CONVALESCENT HOSPI­ T A L needs licensed vocational nurses, nurses aides (on job training if necessary), janitor, dish­ washer, housekeeping help. Good salaries, fringe benefits. Call M iss Junette Johnson, Alliance Convalescent Hospital at 247-4476. Or write: 1505 Colby Dr., Glendale, Calif. 91205. Teacher for combined First and Second grades in Santa M aria Valley Christian School this fall. Salary better than average. W rite to First Baptist Church, P.O. Box 586, Santa Maria Calif. 93454, or call (805) 925-5473. Wanted: Dental Technician Crown and bridge and ceramics. M ust be able to do top quality work. Salary open. Northern California. Desire Christian, w rite Advertising Manager. For Sale or Lease Modern two bedroom home three years old for sale or lease in M ount Hermon Christian Con­ ference Center. — W rite Mrs. Lamperti or phone 479-9647. M AGIC C LIM A X VISUAL AIDS — 200 complete with objects. Free sample. ALSO, Musical Cow­ bells, Sleighbells, Chorded Clusters, Concert Glasses, M ystery Theremin. Terms. Loaner Tape. W estphal, 1401 Ohio, M ichigan City, Ind. 46360. Wanted M inister with Social Security desires pastorate or steady supply, within driving distance from Long Beach. Strong Gospel preaching; experi­ enced evangelist, pastor, Rescue Mission work­ er. Independent or otherwise. College, Moody, Seminary training. Excellent health. References. 1021 E. Broadway, Long Beach, California. A retired pastor-evangelist and Bible teacher desires supply work or Bible teaching in a Bible church. References on request. Prefer Los A n ­ geles area if possible. W rite to advertising man­ ager, THE KING'S BUSINESS. EDITORIAL (continued) So today all too frequently the serv­ ices in all too many churches are simply ceremonies — that and noth­ ing more. Church union, based upon the principles announced by COCU, definitely will contribute to making worship of the visible church a cere­ mony — that and nothing more. If there was ever a time for laymen and all true believers to lift their voices in loud protest, now is that time.

P R I N C I P L E S O F M A N A G E M E N T Management is getting things done through other people. Q. How should leaders and commit­ tee members be chosen? A . They should be chosen on the basis on the contribution they can make to the work of the church. For example, the best way to form a board or cojnmittee of Christian Education, is to have it made up of the key leaders, i.e., S.S. Superin­ tendent, Training Hour director, Club leaders, etc. Q. How can a leader get his follow­ ers to accept his authority? A . Lawrence A. Appley, President of the American Management Asso­ ciation, said that “ authority comes from those who work for you, not from those for whom you work.” The source of this authority is con­ fidence and respect. The leaders should seek with God’s help to gain this confidence and respect. The more confidence the leader places in his followers, the greater the authority will be granted him by the followers. Q. What determines the boundaries of the leader's authority? A . A leader must recognize that he cannot do his task in any manner he wishes. He should set up a plan of operation and this should be agreed upon by those concerned. A S.S. Superintendent should not come into office and immediately make major changes in schedule, classes, teachers, etc. He is only courting trouble ! A job description clearly de­ fined will help prevent many of these problems. Q. Each leader should be responsible to how many people?



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