King's Business - 1967-07

either will be completely discarded or so minimized that they will become o f no consequence whatever in the teaching and preaching o f the clergy in tjie great united church. It is not difficult to imagine the complete confusion and frustration that the average Bible-believing laymen will encounter when he dis­ covers that the minister who has come to his church believes none o f those things which he holds near and dear. One is at a loss to understand the thinking (if any) o f these ecumenical leaders who openly would defy their ordination vows and willfully vio­ late all o f the doctrinal teachings o f our Lord Jesus Christ con­ cerning His person and His work in an effort to bring about a watered-down, and emaciated church union that stands for noth­ ing, helps nobody, and makes a travesty o f the testimony o f un­ told generations o f Christians from the days o f our Lord even down to the present time. Not only have these ecclesiastical leaders no doctrinal convic­ tions themselves, but they are making every possible effort to destroy the very convictions that have characterized the church o f Jesus Christ through the centuries and that have made some o f these very denominations such a potent factor in generations past in the life and times o f the people. Small wonder that the church today is considered so lightly by so many citizens! O f course, it is a sort o f a status symbol to belong to some church at the present time, but all too many church members have but a form o f godliness while they deny the power thereof. Older people are becoming more and more disillusioned and disturbed by the trends in their respective denominations. While spasmodic efforts have been made by individuals or groups o f individuals to purge the leaven out o f their denomination, without exception all such efforts have proven o f no avail. The voices o f such Prot­ estants are lost amid the hurrahs raised in behalf o f church union, ecumenicity, dialogue, interaction, and all such forms o f theological and ecclesiastical "togetherness” which sound very beautiful on the surface but which, when looked at in better perspective, are revealed to be a far cry indeed from that which our Lord declared the true church should be. "Thou art the Christ” said Peter, "Right” replied our Lord. "And upon this great foundation fact I will build my church and the gates o f hell shall not prevail against it.” The very word Church comes from the Greek word meaning the called-out ones. It appears more and more evident that the church o f the Lord Jesus Christ will be composed o f not only those who are called out from the world, but also those who are called out from the visible church. It appears that the organized denominations are becoming so identified with the things o f the world and with worldliness in general that the testimony has been practically lost to the cause o f our Lord Jesus Christ. In the days o f the early church, Roman religions had so degenerated that they were ac­ tually called the "ceremonies.” That is all they amounted to. (continued on page 38)

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JULY, 1967

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