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tual understanding in marriage. Professor Jaeck has served as chairman-director o f the Minnesota Board of Parole and Probation. He has participated in various research and survey programs fo r the Nation al Council on Crime and Deliquency and the President’s Commission on Law Enforcement and Administra tion o f Justice. Mrs. Jaeck has done professional writing, is active in speaking, church and club activities. She serves as a national representa tive fo r Christian Women’s Clubs of America. The Billy Graham school o f Evange lism in Kansas City, September 11- 15 is expected to attract 1000 pastors and seminary students. The program is a new idea in the Billy Graham crusades which was originally set up for seminary students at certain key meetings. The schools are now en larging to include pastors. Dr. John Frame, medical consultant for the Sudan Interior Mission, and other mission societies in New York City, is completing an extensive sur vey of the disease, infectious hepati- tus (including t h e better-known “ jaundice” which exists among many missionaries). Missionaries in select ed countries have aided Dr. Frame in outlining the trend and identifying its causes. Included in the survey are SIM areas o f Liberia, Upper Vol ta, Ethiopia, Sudan, Dehome, and Niger Republic, with Ethiopia hav ing the highest incidences. The rea son for increased frequency o f the disease among missionaries is not yet clear. The Evangelical Alliance Mission re ports a record number o f 113 candi date applications in 1966. Ninety of these requested regular appointment with the mission while 23 applied as associated workers. “ The most urgent need in TEAM fields today lies in the area o f child, youth, and adult evangelism,” says Don W. Hillis, associate director. The 22nd Annual Convention o f the National Sunday School Association will convene in Minneapolis, Minne sota, October 25-28, 1967. One of the largest registrations in the his tory o f the movement is expected. A special feature in the format o f the convention program will be t h e Saturday session for those unable to attend during the week-day events.
Dr. Milton C. Gould who has been di rector o f develop ment for Biola, re signed from serv ice due to continu ing poor health. He will be taking in- t e r i m pastorate w o r k throughout the Southern Cali
fornia area, in addition to hosting Biola’s 4th Annual Family Bible Conference on the La Mirada Cam pus, June 25 through July 1. Dr. Ben S. Elson, executive director o f Wycliffe Bible Translators, an nounced the new membership goals of the organization to include eight thousand translators and support personnel by 1985. (Present mem bership totals 1,875.) Some 75% of the members sought in the long-range recruitment plan are expected to come from North America, according to Dr. Elson and Wycliffe Co-Founder W. Cameron Townsend. “ The purpose o f this pro gram is to make potential candidates aware of the tremendous opportuni ties for Christian service with the Wycliffe Bible Translators,” Dr. El son said. “ It is intended to challenge these people with the important task of providing the Scriptures fo r all people who do not have them, as soon as possible.” Mr. Thomas "Ed" Steele, formerly di rector o f radio and extension for Biola Schools and Colleges, Inc., was appointed South American Repre sentative fo r the organization at a recent meeting o f the school’s Board o f Directors. He is stationed in Quito, Ecuador and is on the staff of HCJB. Gordon and Dorothea Jaeck have CO- authored the book entitled, I Take Thee released by Zondervan Pub lishing House o f Grand Rapids. Mr. Jaeck is chairman o f the department o f sociology and anthropology at Wheaton College. Concerned with the art o f successful marriage, I Take Thee scrutinizes the gamut o f emo tions that fill a marriage — the de lights and difficulties of early mar riage, perplexing decisions, the frus tration o f childlessness, joys and re sponsibilities of parenthood. It is in tended to serve as a personal guide to develop practical purpose and mu Ur. Gould m
With the Magic Secret Point Writes on most anything LINDY PEN C O ., N o.H ollyw ood, C a lif. 91605, U .S.A
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