King's Business - 1967-07


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tual understanding in marriage. Professor Jaeck has served as chairman-director o f the Minnesota Board of Parole and Probation. He has participated in various research and survey programs fo r the Nation­ al Council on Crime and Deliquency and the President’s Commission on Law Enforcement and Administra­ tion o f Justice. Mrs. Jaeck has done professional writing, is active in speaking, church and club activities. She serves as a national representa­ tive fo r Christian Women’s Clubs of America. The Billy Graham school o f Evange­ lism in Kansas City, September 11- 15 is expected to attract 1000 pastors and seminary students. The program is a new idea in the Billy Graham crusades which was originally set up for seminary students at certain key meetings. The schools are now en­ larging to include pastors. Dr. John Frame, medical consultant for the Sudan Interior Mission, and other mission societies in New York City, is completing an extensive sur­ vey of the disease, infectious hepati- tus (including t h e better-known “ jaundice” which exists among many missionaries). Missionaries in select­ ed countries have aided Dr. Frame in outlining the trend and identifying its causes. Included in the survey are SIM areas o f Liberia, Upper Vol­ ta, Ethiopia, Sudan, Dehome, and Niger Republic, with Ethiopia hav­ ing the highest incidences. The rea­ son for increased frequency o f the disease among missionaries is not yet clear. The Evangelical Alliance Mission re­ ports a record number o f 113 candi­ date applications in 1966. Ninety of these requested regular appointment with the mission while 23 applied as associated workers. “ The most urgent need in TEAM fields today lies in the area o f child, youth, and adult evangelism,” says Don W. Hillis, associate director. The 22nd Annual Convention o f the National Sunday School Association will convene in Minneapolis, Minne­ sota, October 25-28, 1967. One of the largest registrations in the his­ tory o f the movement is expected. A special feature in the format o f the convention program will be t h e Saturday session for those unable to attend during the week-day events.

Dr. Milton C. Gould who has been di­ rector o f develop­ ment for Biola, re­ signed from serv­ ice due to continu­ ing poor health. He will be taking in- t e r i m pastorate w o r k throughout the Southern Cali­

fornia area, in addition to hosting Biola’s 4th Annual Family Bible Conference on the La Mirada Cam­ pus, June 25 through July 1. Dr. Ben S. Elson, executive director o f Wycliffe Bible Translators, an­ nounced the new membership goals of the organization to include eight thousand translators and support personnel by 1985. (Present mem­ bership totals 1,875.) Some 75% of the members sought in the long-range recruitment plan are expected to come from North America, according to Dr. Elson and Wycliffe Co-Founder W. Cameron Townsend. “ The purpose o f this pro­ gram is to make potential candidates aware of the tremendous opportuni­ ties for Christian service with the Wycliffe Bible Translators,” Dr. El­ son said. “ It is intended to challenge these people with the important task of providing the Scriptures fo r all people who do not have them, as soon as possible.” Mr. Thomas "Ed" Steele, formerly di­ rector o f radio and extension for Biola Schools and Colleges, Inc., was appointed South American Repre­ sentative fo r the organization at a recent meeting o f the school’s Board o f Directors. He is stationed in Quito, Ecuador and is on the staff of HCJB. Gordon and Dorothea Jaeck have CO- authored the book entitled, I Take Thee released by Zondervan Pub­ lishing House o f Grand Rapids. Mr. Jaeck is chairman o f the department o f sociology and anthropology at Wheaton College. Concerned with the art o f successful marriage, I Take Thee scrutinizes the gamut o f emo­ tions that fill a marriage — the de­ lights and difficulties of early mar­ riage, perplexing decisions, the frus­ tration o f childlessness, joys and re­ sponsibilities of parenthood. It is in­ tended to serve as a personal guide to develop practical purpose and mu­ Ur. Gould m

With the Magic Secret Point Writes on most anything LINDY PEN C O ., N o.H ollyw ood, C a lif. 91605, U .S.A



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