Mead Farms - Annual Bull & Female Sale [5/11/24]

Fall Bred Angus Heifers

Mead Bardmere X3058 - Lot 94



MEAD BARDMERE X3058 BD: 08-06-2022 Cow *20645742

MEAD QUEEN LAVILLA X3125 BD: 08-11-2022 Cow *20645748

Tattoo: X3058

Tattoo: X3125

#+*TEX Playbook 5437

#+*TEX Playbook 5437

CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC DOC MILK +9 -.2 +91 +143 +1.07 +30 +32 CLAW ANGLE CW MARB RE FAT +.50 +.45 +60 +.66 +.63 +.013 $M $W $B $C +106 +100 +138 +285

CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC DOC MILK +11 +1.3 +75 +123 +.90 +16 +33 CLAW ANGLE CW MARB RE FAT +.37 +.38 +50 +.35 +.73 -.023 $M $W $B $C +86 +82 +133 +259

+*BJ Surpass 19774516

+*BJ Surpass 19774516

+*BJ Prophet 5275 #+*Tehama Tahoe B767

+*BJ Prophet 5275 #+*Mead Final Choice L239

Mead Bardmere U1546 20016365

Mead Queen Lavilla U1973 20014825

Mead Bardmere R1519

#Mead Queen Lavilla P786

• Mead Bardmere X3058 has the EPD profile to serve as a donor in any herd. Lot 94 is a Surpass daughter with a $M over +100 without sacrificing growth and Top 2% WW. Easy-going heifer raised by a two-year-old Tahoe daughter. X3058 fits the bill for any herd wanting to add maternal and growth traits. • X3058 was AI bred to Mead Augustus X3017 on 1/6/24. Pasture exposed to Mead Identified V151 from 1/21/24 to 2/16/24. Ultrasound indicates AI breeding dat e. CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MLK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 3530 3 31917028 4 7 45255079125639568596362950

• Lots 94 - 96 are Surpass daughters with excellent maternal and growth traits. Mead Queen Lavilla X3125 has elite foot Claw and Angle EPDs with double-digit CED. • X3125 was AI bred to Mead Augustus X3017 on 12/23/23. Pasture exposed to Wheeler Blue Collar 2162 from 1/10/24 to 2/15/24. Ultrasound indicates AI breeding date. CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MLK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 44611838625145701840135449348139149759 6 8 67


MEAD PRIDE X3166 BD: 08-14-2022

Cow *20645739

Tattoo: X3166

#+*TEX Playbook 5437

CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC DOC MILK +6 +2.0 +77 +127 +1.25 +24 +37 CLAW ANGLE CW MARB RE FAT +.46 +.30 +63 +.80 +.82 -.009 $M $W $B $C +102 +84 +162 +312

+*BJ Surpass 19774516

+*BJ Prophet 5275 #*Basin Rainmaker 4404

*Mead Pride U1689 20016393

Mead Pride R1172

• Mead Pride X3166 stacks maternal sires on top of maternal sires. Lot 95 was raised by a two-year-old daughter of Rainmaker. Top 10% $C with Top 1% $M and Top 2% $W. Well-balanced female with Top 25% or better, WW, YW, SC, Docility, foot Claw, foot Angle, Heifer Pregnancy, Calving Ease Maternal, Milk, Carcass Weight and Ribeye EPDs. • X3166 was AI bred to VAR Conclusion on 12/15/23. Pasture exposed to Wheeler Blue Collar 2162 from 1/1/24 to 2/16/24. CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MLK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 6668 6 2992 4 1138 5 11 3 4020 4 4719351007025 1 42


CED +6

BW WW YW SC +1.3 +58 +102 +.79 +27 Milk






$W $F




+41 +.55 +.53 +.013 +60



+45 +133 +232


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