Mead Farms - Annual Bull & Female Sale [5/11/24]

Fall Bred Angus Cows


#+*Basin Payweight 1682 MEAD LASS V1953 BD: 09-20-2021 +*Deer Valley Rita 36113 #*EATHINGTON SUB-ZERO

Cow *20351516

Tattoo: V1953

CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC DOC MILK +6 +1.6 +82 +140 +1.46 +12 +33 CLAW ANGLE CW MARB RE FAT +.38 +.45 +67 +.43 +1.09 +.033 $M $W $B $C +79 +84 +159 +285

+*Deer Valley Growth Fund 18827828

Mead Lass R1574 19162366

Mead Lass P678

• Growth Fund daughter with excellent growth, maternal and carcass traits we have come to expect from Growth Fund progeny. Dam sells as Lot 193. • V1953 was AI bred to Stellpflug Hoffman RiseAbove on 11/16/23. Pasture exposed to Mead Confidence Plus V1081 from 1/1/24 to 2/16/24. Ultrasound indicates AI breeding date. CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MLK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 8085 3 9 761411641060221118 2 63 2 754525103099

Mead Final Choice U1976 - Maternal brother to Lot 202



#*EXAR Upshot 0562B MEAD RITO U1820 BD: 09-03-2020 +Exar Royal Lass 1067 #*Connealy Black Granite

MEAD TOREBY BARBARA V1638 BD: 08-21-2021 Cow 20351568

Cow 20016462

Tattoo: U1820

Tattoo: V1638

#+*G A R Sure Fire

CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC DOC MILK +10 -.1 +56 +98 +.76 +9 +27 CLAW ANGLE CW MARB RE FAT +.57 +.60 +32 +.32 +.63 +.041 $M $W $B $C +53 +59 +114 +201

CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC DOC MILK +11 -1.0 +51 +100 +.58 +31 +37 CLAW ANGLE CW MARB RE FAT +.51 +.43 +47 +.86 +.51 +.038 $M $W $B $C +53 +57 +162 +263

#*EXAR Denver 2002B 17160560

+*G A R Dual Threat 19123898

+*G A R Daybreak A3010 #Nichols Extra K205

Mead Rito P1133 18452547

Mead Toreby Barbara K910 17234307

#Mead Rito K954

Mead Toreby Barbara H602

• Denver daughters have raised many sale toppers in our bull sales. We appreciate the added growth and carcass Denver adds to any herd. • U1820 was AI bred to Connealy Way Maker on 11/9/23. Pasture exposed to Mead Enhance U1814 from 11/25/23 to 2/16/24. CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MLK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 77 69 70 86 20 87 62 95 78 50 84 76 78 80 88 41 79 80 60 76 96 81

• Double-digit CED raised by a 12-year-old cow that recently weaned another calf. Longevity matters. • V1638 was AI bred to SS Identified on 11/16/23. Pasture exposed to DBA Veracious from 1/1/24 to 2/16/24 CED BW WW YW DMI YH SC DOC HP CEM MLK MW MH CW MRB RE FAT TND PAP CLW ANGL HS 20158755226357 2 53971136415119729077126034 7

Mead Rito U1820 - Lot 202


CED +6

BW WW YW SC +1.3 +58 +102 +.79 +27 Milk






$W $F




+41 +.55 +.53 +.013 +60



+45 +133 +232


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