Brain Injury Medicine & Rehabilitation Program

SPECIALTY PROGRAMS We offer a variety of highly specialized programs and services for brain injury patients. Amicous ® Program Our Assessment of Minimally Conscious State ® (Amicous ® ) Program — one of the largest in the country — assesses and manages patients with disorders of consciousness, a significantly under- treated group. Traditionally, hospitals and clinics take a passive-care approach to this complex condition, but Shirley Ryan AbilityLab is proactive — we focus on challenging the patient in order to help him or her restore as much function as possible. Concussion Clinic Our program provides unique interdisciplinary treatment for post- concussive symptoms that have not resolved within several weeks of initial diagnosis. Patients are evaluated by one of our brain-injury-certified physicians. Based on symptoms, patients may be referred to other concussion specialists on our team. Key to this process, we address symptoms ranging from chronic headache, dizziness, nausea and decreased concentration to more often overlooked signs, such as personality change or altered sleep patterns. Our experts help get patients back to work, school or other activities that are important to them. Patients may also be referred to other specialists, as needed. Spasticity Clinic Our specialized physicians and therapists help patients with pain and muscle tone related to spasticity. Through an interdisciplinary evaluation process, we consider all treatment options and integrate those that will maximize functional improvement.

Family Service Counseling Our counselor can meet with family members to discuss behavior and implications resulting from the patient’s injury. Individual and group sessions are available. “Hello” Group Led by the brain injury therapy manager and the nurse manager, a weekly discussion group is offered to answer questions and discuss expectations.

Vision Clinic We offer brain injury patients with visual deficits the opportunity to be evaluated by a neuro-optometrist. Occupational therapists (OTs) with special training in vision impairment are present during consultations and collaborate with the neuro-optometrist in establishing a plan of care and in identifying appropriate treatments. After consultation, these OTs work with the patient, family and other team members to follow up on the neuro-optometrist’s recommendations.

FAMILY SERVICES Family members and friends are an

integral part of the rehabilitation team and are encouraged to participate actively in their loved one’s care. We engage families through the following services:


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