Brain Injury Medicine & Rehabilitation Program


The Shirley Ryan AbilityLab is not just a new research hospital. It’s a new kind of research hospital, one that is revolutionizing the future of rehabilitation and creating a new category of medicine. It is designed explicitly for the practice of “translational medicine” — a new model for medical care in which research is applied directly (“translated”) during patient care.

APHASIA STUDIES Our aphasia experts are investigating novel ways to treat aphasia through technological innovation, clinical research studies and unique therapeutic treatments. One study seeks to understand more fully how different cues, task difficulty and practice conditions affect script learning in chronic aphasia. NEURALPLASTICITY LAB The prefrontal cortex plays a fundamental role in human executive function and social cognition. Our research in this area spans a wide range of abilities, including decision- making, reward-processing, reasoning, action-planning, response inhibition, metacognition, social judgment and pro-social/empathic behavior. CHRONIC PAIN Using state-of-the-art brain imaging technology, our experts are able to formulate biological models for studying chronic pain — its relationship to function and to related psychological disorders, as well as its responsiveness to various types of treatment.

We have the largest rehabilitation-focused research program in the country, having attracted millions of dollars in funding. At present, we have more than 350 clinical studies under way — many of which tie directly to our traumatic brain injury (TBI) program. Our experts examine the delicate art of communication and thinking, examining neuropathways and the plasticity of the brain.

NON-INVASIVE BRAIN STIMULATION A brain stimulator equipped with Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) capabilities tests whether brain stimulation can reduce inappropriate nerve impulses to the brain following a stroke. Paired with occupational therapy, this technique may ultimately improve hand and arm movements and strength.


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