Shirley Ryan AbilityLab Stroke Rehabilitation Program

1,516 STEPS


Shirley Ryan AbilityLab


1 H ornby TG, Holleran CL, Leddy AL, Hennessy P, Leech KA, Connolly M, Moore JL, Straube D, Lovell L, Roth E. Feasibility of Focused Stepping Practice During Inpatient Rehabilitation Poststroke and Potential Contributions to Mobility Outcomes. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2015 Feb 26. pii: 1545968315572390. 2 L ange CE, Macdonald JR, Reisman DS, et al. Observation of amounts of movement practice provided during stroke rehabilitation. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2009;90:1692-1698. Data collected from the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, now the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab. On average, Shirley Ryan AbilityLab patients walked 6X farther than patients in the other rehabilitation facilities included in this study.

Following assessment, patients have the opportunity to participate in a variety of research trials, and we can determine which of our many trials is a good fit. One such trial has proven that increasing the number of steps a patient walks each day improves both level and pace of recovery.

Shirley Ryan AbilityLab is not just a new research hospital. It’s a new kind of research hospital, one that is revolutionizing the future of rehabilitation and creating a new category of medicine. It is designed explicitly for the practice of “translational medicine”—a new model for medical care in which research is applied directly, translated, during patient care.


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