Shirley Ryan AbilityLab Stroke Rehabilitation Program

Advanced Stroke Rehabilitation The needs of stroke survivors are unique. From offering best-in-class inpatient care in our Brain Innovation Center to leveraging the latest scientific breakthroughs in our ability labs, our state-of-the-art facility offers the greatest chance for the best outcome. By using the most advanced clinical and robotic treatments, our customized therapies will help patients reach their unique goals.

Dr. Leora Cherney has pioneered innovative therapies to assist with recovery from aphasia. • ORLA ® : a computer-assisted therapy to enhance speaking, listening and reading • Intensive Comprehensive Aphasia Program: the only full-day outpatient program for aphasia in the Midwest All speech therapy is provided by licensed speech pathologists with extensive training in our novel technology. Additionally, we have an intensive swallowing program that helps patients become more independent.

Depending on a patient's individualized treatment plan, therapy may take place throughout the hospital, including in one of our five ability labs.

MOBILITY & TRAINING We use training tools to enable patients to walk earlier than other therapeutic approaches. The Margaret & Mark Stephan Legs + Walking Lab is connected by a stairway equipped with two custom harness systems that allow patients to safely practice stair-climbing. In this Lab, the focus is on body-weight support and limb functions influenced by spinal cord and brain circuits. We also have therapies to help patients relearn more efficient motor function.


Patients in the Think + Speak Lab are immersed in cutting-edge therapeutic interventions provided by leading professionals and research scientists with expertise in neurophysiology and neurological functioning. In this Lab, combined therapeutic care and scientific application help patients recover these building blocks of ability. National expert


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