Shirley Ryan AbilityLab Stroke Rehabilitation Program

FUNCTION & MOVEMENT Patients, doctors and researchers in the Harris Family Foundation Arms + Hands Lab work on advancing hand function and movement, body and upper-limb coordination, strength, reaching and hand control. One novel piece of technology we offer is the Armeo ® . Designed by our experts, this interactive device uses gaming technology to help rebuild arm strength and function.

COORDINATION & STRENGTH The Nancy W. Knowles Strength +

Our team of experts and state-of-the-art technology allow for more efficient and advanced care. Through real-time translation of clinical research, treatments are always evolving based on the patient’s individual needs and the most current data.

Endurance Lab is designed for patients and research subjects working on building stamina and resilience. Therapy is targeted to improve complex motor and endurance activities, coordination and higher-level activities of daily living (cooking, dressing, gardening, sports).


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