Shirley Ryan AbilityLab Stroke Rehabilitation Program

Research Shirley Ryan AbilityLab is the only federally designated Rehabilitation Research and Training Center for Stroke recognized by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR). We receive more federal funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) than any rehabilitation hospital, anywhere.


Patient care is infused with the most current, best practices in medicine. Many of these best practices have been pioneered and proven by our best research minds and put into therapy, real-time. This means patients receive the most state-of-the-art treatments available — anywhere. We have more than 200 clinical trials underway, many of which tie directly to our stroke rehabilitation program.

WALKING TRIALS Our research has proven that increasing the distance a patient walks each day and elevating his or her heart rate leads to better outcomes. Following an assessment, we can determine a trial that is most appropriate. CENTER FOR BIONIC MEDICINE We use robotic assistive devices to facilitate finger extension, grasp and hand recovery. Used with clinical therapists in a virtual reality environment, researchers are advancing new treatments for stroke patients affected by hand weakness and paralysis.

Another of our innovations is a stimulator equipped with an MRI to test whether brain stimulation can reduce inappropriate nerve impulses to the brain after a stroke. Paired with occupational therapy, this may ultimately improve hand and arm movements and strength. APHASIA STUDIES Our aphasia experts are investigating novel ways to treat aphasia through technological innovation, clinical research studies and unique therapeutic treatments. One study seeks to understand more fully how different cues, task difficulty and practice conditions affect script learning in chronic aphasia.

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