Shirley Ryan AbilityLab Pediatric Rehabilitation Program

Who We Treat In this lively state-of-the-art environment, we treat children and teens from across the United States and around the world.

SPINA BIFIDA We coordinate care for children and teenagers with spina bifida who have complex conditions of the spine, spinal cord, brain, bowel and bladder. Our services and resources are designed to help individuals with spina bifida as they transition from pediatric care to adult care. STROKE We lead the field in caring for the most patients following a stroke — whether impairment is less severe or catastrophic. Your child’s care is infused with the best practices in medicine and proven research applied to your child’s therapy in real time. We are at the forefront of new treatments and therapeutic interventions through millions in grant dollars for brain research. This means our patients are receiving the most state-of-the-art treatments available — anywhere. ORTHOPEDIC/SPORTS INJURIES We are the experts in evaluation and treatment of pediatric sports injuries — from overuse, in-season injuries to postoperative care. Following your child’s initial evaluation, we will create a customized care plan designed to work toward individual goals. Our team of physical therapists includes specialists from diverse backgrounds — including general orthopedics, the overhead athlete, performing arts, and contact and agility sports, among others. Our facility and team are well equipped to train your child back to the highest level of function and play.

gives us a unique understanding of the brain’s complexities and its capacity for healing. Our unique program focuses on restoring physical, intellectual, communicative, psychosocial and vocational skills. This focus includes assessing patients at different levels of disorders of consciousness. CONCUSSION We offer a collaborative, team-based approach to treating acute and chronic impairments related to concussion. Therapists have advanced training in treating vestibular, vision, attention, memory and executive functioning, with a focus on strategies for returning to learning environments. Our clinic is structured to provide immediate appointment availability to optimize speed of recovery. SPINAL CORD INJURIES As a federally designated center for the treatment of traumatic and nontraumatic spinal cord injuries, we offer one of the only national programs that can treat patients at all levels of injury. Our integrated therapeutic approach is customized for each patient, offering the best opportunity to regain skills and return to living independently. We also offer a Second Look Program for people who have sustained a spinal cord injury, which includes a comprehensive medical evaluation and care management update. CANCER We treat neurological, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and other impairments caused by cancer itself or by aggressive treatments. Our specialized care and innovative treatment offer an integrated approach for children and adolescents with a diagnosis of cancer.

We care for children — from infancy through early adulthood — with acquired and traumatic injuries, congenital and developmental disorders and those with a diagnosis of cancer. We see a full range of conditions and will provide the best care for your child and family. CEREBRAL PALSY (CP) Each person with CP has unique functional and therapeutic needs. With tools like our Spasticity Clinic and Computerized Motion Analysis, our integrated team offers ongoing care that develops and progresses with your child. As your child grows, we can provide a smooth transition from pediatric care to coordinated medical care for adults. ACQUIRED AND TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY (TBI) We have the largest rehabilitation-focused research program in the country, with millions in funding and nearly 300 ongoing projects — many of which tie directly to our TBI program. This research, combined with more than 50 years of clinical experience,


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