Shirley Ryan AbilityLab Pediatric Rehabilitation Program

Advanced Rehabilitation in Our Pediatric Lab

The lively Grainger Pediatric Lab is specifically designed for pediatric patients (inpatients and outpatients). In this Lab, children and teens work with doctors, researchers and therapists on advancing ability. The equipment and facilities in the Lab are scaled for both younger children and adolescents of all ages. Our lab is equipped with state-of-the-art devices, technology and equipment, including many inventions created by our scientists. In this Lab, robotics for upper- and lower-extremity motor impairment, innovative treadmills and devices for walking, “intelligent” muscle stretchers, 3D gait analysis, as well as virtual reality setups, are employed to help our young patients achieve their best outcomes. Family participation is essential to success, and parents and caregivers play an important role on our team. Family members provide vital, personal insights that help in developing an effective treatment plan and enable progress outside of therapy. In addition, we educate family members on all areas of care, including safety and success at home. ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY Our team of speech-language pathologists and occupational therapists have access to the most innovative augmentative communication technology to help children communicate with their families and friends.

INTELLIGENT STRETCHER The Intelligent Stretcher is a rehabilitation robot developed by researchers at Shirley Ryan AbilityLab and Marquette University. This device allows both passive and gradual active-assisted motion at the ankle/foot. Because muscles in children with cerebral palsy (CP) are weaker, abnormal in size and volume, and lack normal range of motion, this tool was developed to improve patient participation and muscle control. Since it was introduced, our clinicians have seen demonstrated improvements in muscle strength, active range of motion and control of the ankle/foot for improved walking.

OTHER CONDITIONS WE TREAT • Acute flaccid myelitis • Brachial plexus injury • Burns and wounds • Demyelinating conditions • Dysphagia and sensory-based feeding disorders • Guillain-Barré syndrome • Neuromuscular disease • Rheumatological conditions

ADOLESCENT PAIN & POSTURAL ORTHOSTATIC TACHYCARDIA SYNDROME (POTS) PROGRAM We help patients and their families better understand and manage chronic pain successfully. Our goal is to enable adolescents to get back to activities they enjoy, such as school and sports. For people with autonomic nervous system problems, our POTS program offers treatment focusing on exercise and lifestyle changes that can decrease symptoms and increase their quality of life.


Our Vent-weaning Program (what we call vent liberation) is a specialty in itself. These specialists have decades of experience in helping patients breathe independently (completely, or in longer intervals). Our unique approach has proven highly successful. AMPUTATION & LIMB DEFICIENCY We meet your child’s unique needs by integrating medical expertise, technology and engineering (prosthetics, orthotics, bionics, robotic devices) with a range of therapies. With our Prosthetics and Orthotics Clinical Center in our flagship hospital, our experts work closely with your child and each other to ensure that your child’s device meets his or her needs.

• Spasticity • Transplant • Vestibular impairments • Vision impairments/ low-vision strategies • And many others


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