NWCHC Strategic Plan - Public


SWOT is a useful technique for understanding the Strengths and Weaknesses of an organization, and for identifying both the Opportunities open to it and the Threats it faces. Our SWOT provided insight into what direction to take Northwest Community Health Center. It is a tool that helped us to look at the internal and external environments and what impact it will have on the organization. It also provided valuable information to assist us to make decisions and create a meaningful analysis of the potential challenges, that we may face. Below are NWCHC’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats as identified by the Strategic Planning Team.

Weaknesses : Workforce Recruitment Compensation Limits Community Awareness Provider Burnout

Strengths : Fiscally Sound

Strong Leadership Provider Longevity Expansive Services

Opportunities : Specialty Services Optimize Technology Community Outreach Communication

Threats : Labor Shortages Payer Mix Environmental Issues Risk Management


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