Biola Broadcaster - 1967-04

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Ràdio Features With March


APRIL 23rd

A.M. First Baptist Church Wasco, California P.M. Grace Baptist Church Santa Maria, California

APRIL 24th

BROADCASTER Monthly Publication of the BIOLA FELLOWSHIP VOL. 7 NO. 4 APRIL, 1967 STAFF President .......... S. H. SUTHERLAND Editor .................... AL SANDERS Production .............. BILL EHMANN Printing .................CHURCH PRESS Published monthly by the Radio Dept. B IO LA SCHOO LS & COLLEGES 13800 Biola Avenue La Hirada, California 90638 CONTENTS PROPHECY A N D THE HOLY LAND — Chas. L. Feinberg ........ 3 RESURRECTION REALITIES — Al Sanders 10 PERSONAL EVANGELISM— Walter L. Wilson .......... 17 THE HOLY SPIRIT — Walter Wilson ..............19 PANEL DISCUSSIONS ...... 21

First Baptist Church Monterey, California

APRIL 25th

West Bray Bible Church Berkeley, California

APRIL 26th

North Valley Baptist Church Redding, California

APRIL 27th

Evangelical Menonite Brethren Church Dallas, Oregon

APRIL 28th

A.M. Salem Academy Salem, Oregon P.M. First Baptist Church Shelton, Washington

APRIL 30th

A.M. Benny Park Lutheran Church Seattle, Washington

3:00 P.M. Esperance Baptist Church Edmonds, Washington 7:00 P.M. Westminster Chapel Bellevue, Washington

MAY 1st

A.M. King's Garden High School Seattle, Washington P.M. Broadway United Presbyterian Church Bellingham, Washington

MAY 2nd

Westside Baptist Church Yakima, Washington Lent's Baptist Church Portland, Oregon First Baptist Church Grant's Pass, Oregon

MAY 3rd

MAY 4th

MAY 5th

First Baptist Church Lodi, California

MAY 7th

A.M. Central Bible Church Modesto, California P.M. Butler Avenue Menonite

Brethren Church Fresno, California



APRIL 30th

COVER: The Biola //Eagles// playing in the new gymnasium.

A.M. Calvary Baptist Salinas, California P.M. Twin Lakes Baptist

Santa Cruz, California

MAY 1st

Controlled circulation postage paid at La Mirada, California

Evangelical Free Church Chico, California

Continued on page 34

„ TOFU CHR ISTIAN WILL Did you know that thoro is a way fo invost in Biola for tho training of sfudonfs whilo saving costly estate taxes! Ultimately you may bo able to leave more money for your loved ones. is a Fellowship member you are under no obligation when you write for information or counsel. B IO LA ST EW A R D SH IP D E P A R TM EN T

A S WE CONSIDER the literal fulfill­ ment of prophecy concerning the return of the Jews to their national homeland, it will be extremely help­ ful to study such passages as Jere­ miah 23:1-8. A careful reading read­ ily shows us what God had in mind by way of restoration of His people Israel. Because of limitation of space, I would urge you to look this up and read it for yourself. As you study this radio lesson, have your Bible opened to this section. We can­ not but note the remarkable insight God gave Jeremiah. Although for c e n tu r ie s these prophecies have pointed to the Lord’s deliverance from the land of Egypt, there is something even more wonderful which will take place. Preaching before Frederick the Great of Europe was a most capable chaplain. The monarch was so moved he asked the sincere scholar, “If your religion is the true and trustworthy one, you ought to have some suc­ cinct and pointed proof of it. Can you verify its authenticity in but one word?” The faithful minister was undaunted, and without hesitation rightly answered, “Israel.” What an apt description! Wherever we see the people of this nation or the in­ dividual Jew, it is a further vindi­ cation of the reliability and trust­ worthiness of God’s Word. If the Jew

is in the land, we see the truthful­ ness of prophecy. If he is out of the land, there is still proof. Israel is the land of redemption and prophe­ cy. One cannot see this area of the world without coming to the impor­ tant conclusion that he is walking again in the pathway our Saviour trod. The author of the well-known book, The Nazarene, explained what gripped his thinking as he penned this work. He declared, “I say that I could never write about Jesus until I went to His homeland. It was in 1907 when the story really came alive. The whole landscape of the Holy Land held His footprint - - every bush and tree and stone.” It is clearly shown that the Holy Land is the premillenialist’s para­ dise. This is because Bible scholars who take Bible prophecy literally, see it literally fulfilled. Bethlehem is not just a name in the Bible; Nazareth is not just some proper noun; Sa­ maria actually exists. Jerusalem, Gethsemane, and so many other areas bring to mind the blessed facts of redemptive history. God is fulfilling His prophetic Word in Israel today. First of all, He is returning the people to their own land. In Jeremiah 23, the Lord declares, “I will gather the remnant of my flock out of countries whither I have driven them, and will bring 3

Land. You see, Israel has had a great love for Zion for centuries. Although they have been offered other nation­ al homelands, such as the ones in Venezuela, or Uganda, none was feasible for them. In 1897 at Basel, Switzerland the first Zionist Con­ gress was convened. Events that transpired there and in successive days will be our subject in the next message in this series.

them again to their folds; and they shall be fruitful and increase.” In Isaiah 49:14 it is declared, “But Zion said, The Lord hath forsaken me, and my Lord hath forgotten me.” This speaks of Israel in exile. The Jews believe that God has for­ gotten them. It seems to be a case of “out of sight, out of mind.” Then in a beautiful analogy, the Lord asks, “Can a woman forget her suck­ ing child? that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb ? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee. Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands: thy walls are continually before me. The children shall make haste; thy destroyers and they that made thee waste shall go forth of thee. Lift up thine eyes round about, and behold; all these things gather themselves together, and come to thee. As I live, saith the Lord, thou shalt surely clothe thee with them all, as with an ornament, and bind them on thee, as a bride doeth” (Isa. 49:15-18). Whatever a wedding day may be in its fulness, it is most cer­ tainly the bride’s day. She is decked out in marvelous bridal attire. So Zion is seen here as a personifica­ tion of a woman whose children are her adornment. God will multiply His children in spite of men like Hitler and Stalin. How remarkable it is that both Jeremiah and Isaiah indicate God’s great purpose in bringing His people back to the Holy Land. While some people believe that the hope of Israel began somewhere in this century, they are quite in­ correct. The great hope of Israel was there long before the Balfour Declaration in the 1920’s. Their na­ tional anthem gives excellent evi­ dence of this fact, for its very title is “The Hope.” While orthodox Jews celebrate the Passover in exile and dispersion today, for they are scat­ tered all over the world, they pray that God may grant that they shall do it in a coming year in the Holy

Dr. J. Richard Chase, Academic vice president of Biota, adjusts one of the plaques which was recently presented to the school honoring Biola College for its leadership in the field of Christian education. Presentations were made by city, county, and state authorities during a recent "Biola Month" emphasis held throughout La Mirada. H OW t h r il l in g it is to see the lit­ eral fulfillment before our very eyes of God's prophetic Word con­ cerning the Holy Land! This is the great hope of Israel. In the latter part of the 19th century, after the awful Anti-semitism in France where they tried to obliterate the Jew, it was clearly seen by Zionists that their only hope was for a national homeland. In 1897 at Basel, Switzer­ land, the first historic Zionist Con­ gress was convened; Herzl wrote in his diary, “I have seen this day the founding of the State of Israel. If I were to say it openly, I would be laughed at and scorned. In fifty years everyone will see it.” Interest­ ingly enough, that was 1897. Exactly fifty years later, in 1947 in the fall of the year, the United Nations di­ vided Palestine into a Jewish state 4

Tucker quoted these words from Psalm 137, “If I forget thee, 0 Je­ rusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning. If I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth; if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy,” (w. 5-6). Hearing this, the Jewish man’s head fell into his hands and he said, “0 God, I have never been so re­ buked in my life and that from a Gentile.” Even in his alleged con­ tempt for his land, it was evident that the desire had been implanted in his heart and that of every Jew to return to his own land. It was my privilege to study two years with the world-famous Pales­ tinian archaeologist at Johns Hop­ kins University, Dr. William Fox- well Albright. In a statement before a group of men at the Jewish Theo­ logical Sem inary , he forcefully pointed out, “It has never happened in the history of the world that a nation should become a nation in servitude, away from their own land and in that bondage for 430 years, and then go back to the land from which their ancestors first departed to take up where they had left off, and to have their national life all re­ instituted and reinaugurated. With Israel, however, it has happened.” Surely no reasonable, thinking indi­ vidual can escape the reality of this clear-cut evidence. He further de­ clared, “I was one of those non-pro- phetic individuals, who did not be­ lieve that these things could ever happen. Yet seeing them fulfilled in our own lifetime gives us definite assurance and confidence that the remainder of the prophecies of the Old Testament which have not yet been fulfilled will transpire with equal literalness.” We have shown from such pass­ ages as Isaiah 49 and Jeremiah 23 that the Jews are coming back. All areas of the world are represented. Some have estimated that there are Jews in Israel now from over 100 different countries of the world. 5

and an Arab state. What a timely prediction! He spoke better than he knew. No matter from whence the representatives to the Cong ress came or what the color of their skin, they all expressed their profound love for Israel. The fires began burning with fervency and earnest­ ness. It was my dear friend, Dr. William L. Pettingill, one of the edi­ tors of the Scofield Bible, who used to say, “Jews are like homing pigeons. A Jew has a mechanism in his heart. When the hour arrives, he will go back.” I have heard Jewish people, recently arrived in Pales­ tine, who have testified, “I don’t know why I came here; I was in Po­ land, and although my relatives are there, there was something which drove me irresistibly back to the land.” Dr. Leon Tucker, an outstanding Bible teacher, was once traveling in a Pullman where he heard two men, whom he recognized as Jews, dis­ cussing very openly the matter of the return of the Jews to the Holy Land because of the Balfour Dec­ laration. One of the men very proud­ ly boasted, “I don’t care what they do with that country or land. I spell my Palestine ‘U-S-A’. My capital city is not Jerusalem but WASHING­ TON.” He further avowed his com­ plete interest in this nation rather than the new Jewish homeland. Dr. Tucker excused himself and entered the conversation. “Do I understand that you are a Jew and disinterested in your people’s land?” The man was somewhat on the defensive; however, he affirmed his position. Then the man of God asked, “I want you to do me a couple of simple fa­ vors. First of all, reach out your right hand toward me.” Dr. Tucker said, “I’m not a palmist, but rather a Psalmist.” Then he continued, “Stick out your tongue.” Although the fellow thought he was trying to make light of him, he followed his simple instructions. After that, Dr.

us that there is going to be a com­ ing conflict in the Holy Land. While there is an increase in the desire for peace, tensions are on the mount throughout the nations. In various parts of Israel there are military preparations seen in many quarters with service personnel in evidence everywhere. Conflict must come soon­ er or later, because so much has been left unresolved. Charles Malick, an Arab Christian and statesman, has stated that the rise of Israel is really an historic event the conse­ quences of which now are impossi­ ble to foretell. The Near East has now entered upon a new critical stage of development. Its fate is clearly entwined with that of Israel. It is still the Old Testament chal­ lenge between Ishmael and Isaac, and Jacob and Esau. To dismiss the present conflict between the children of Isaac and the children of Ishmael, who are all children of Abraham, is not just another ordinary political or economic struggle. When history finally shall reveal its secret, the present confrontation may turn out to be one of the major keys unlock­ ing the secret of the future. Peace is the watchword to be heard in the Holy Land today. They do not greet you without asking about your peace. Yes, “They say peace, peace, but there is no peace.” One of the interesting aspects of the prophetic return of the Jew to Palestine is that God said that they would not be returning in belief. There is need of redemption. As one goes throughout the land, this mat­ ter seeps through his bones as the moisture of rain on a damp day. Oh, the need of redemption! There are churches to be found everywhere, including the dominant ones from the fourth century. There are shrines which memorialize everything imag­ inable. For instance, it is said that when Mary was fleeing with our Lord’s legal father, Joseph, on the way to Egypt, part of her milk fell on the ground. Now at that supposed

There are more than seventy differ­ ent languages spoken in Israel. How thrilling it is for the believer to see God fulfilling His Holy Word! He said He would return His chosen people to the land where they would dwell in perpetuity. Let us study our Bibles and rejoice in His faithful­ ness and majesty.

Biola College students had the opportunity of appreciating fine arts with a recent presenta­ tion for the student body of "Living Art." Young people, directed by Mrs. Dorothy Kindell (right), posed as living pictures. The above scene was based on the famous painting "Pinky.” Kneeling is Biolan Sharon Weathers with student Shirley Nelson (standing) fea­ tured as the model. W HILE IT HAS BEEN THRILLING to see the literal fulfillment of the return of the Jews to the Holy Land, it must be pointed out that this has not transpired without much conflict and turmoil. This, too, is prophetic of the future. In Ezekiel 38 and 39, we read of the greedy eyes from the north as the Russian power sweeps down in lust for this extremely wealthy area of the globe. There are trillions of dollars’ worth of minerals in the Dead Sea alone, to say nothing of the vast deposits of oil, perhaps the largest such reser­ voirs in the world. Daniel 12:7 tells

spot they have a “Milk Grotto.” So much time is taken up with the out­ ward rather than the inward, spir­ itually speaking. The Moslems are there, of course, with their five calls to prayer a day. They now have elec­ tronic amplification of their wails which are enough to wake the pro­ verbial dead. These rites and cere­ monies, however, are without God. The Samaritans are there in abun­ dance. Judaism is to be found in several types from the extremely or­ thodox to the most liberal. Some are rigidly strict while others are merely interested in the cultural, social and political aspects of the country. I shall never forget when we wor­ shipped in the Church of the Re­ deemer which is Lutheran. There were only eleven of us besides the two ministers. This gives you a pic­ ture as to how many there are who are really interested in the Gospel message. While there are holy places everywhere, yet there are so few really concerned as to the real mean­ ing of the Messiah of Israel, the Lord Jesus Christ. Amos wrote, “0 Is­ rael ; and because I will do this unto thee, prepare to meet thy God, 0 Is­ rael” (4:12). Ben Gurion is quoted, when he was asked what he thought was the reason that the Jews were going back to the Holy Land, as saying, “Well, you know, our Jewish people have their own individual opinions. In fact, one of our rabbis said once if you can get three Jews to agree on anything anywhere in the world, the Messiah will come. We all have our different opinions. I can­ not answer for the rest of them, but I believe our Jewish people have come back here to be ready to receive the Messiah when He comes.” It was about eighteen months ago that our newspapers carried an ar­ ticle about the death of a woman in whose will some fifty thousand dol­ lars were left for the reconstruc­ tion of the temple at Jerusalem. To­ day, of course, that site is in the hands of the Jordanians. It is Ben

Gurion’s opinion that a coming temple will be built by the Messiah Himself. He is a very close student of the Bible, and on this point is absolutely right. Look at Zechariah 6:12 and 13. We must not fail to underscore the lateness of the hour as God is moving among Israel. Never forget it; the Church’s day is far along and decision is called for. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31). Before long the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God. The dead in Christ are going to rise first. Then those who are alive and remain are going to be caught up together in the clouds. There we shall be with the Lord forever. This is why we can comfort one another with these words. How wonderful it is to see the land of the Book and the people of the Book! This, however, is not enough. The most important element is the Saviour of the Book. I urge you to pray for the peace of Jerusa­ lem all over that land, on both sides of the Jordan.

Dr. Louis T. Talbot (right). Biola chancellor, has the opportunity of greeting several of the new students.Miss Janie Gordon of Fallbrook, Ore­ gon and Mr. Ken Donley of Huntington Park, Calit. We thank the Lord for Dr. Talbot's faithtul and energetic ministry on behalf of the cause of Christ throughout the years.


T h e r e is no more w on d er fu l and vivid proof today of God’s ful­ fillment of His prophetic Word than what we see transpiring in the Holy Land. I have taught men in seminary the original language of the proph­ ecy of Isaiah, but I never thought I should live to see the truths so mar­ velously transpire before my very eyes. When I was a boy in Hebrew school, we marched up and down the streets of my home city, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, when the Balfour Dec­ laration was issued. I remember see­ ing grown men and women weeping openly. God was giving back their land! Isaiah 61:4 reads, “And they shall build the old wastes, they shall raise up the former désolations, and they shall repair the waste cities, the desolations of many genera­ tions.” Traveling to Israel, we see that the Jews are busily building, literally fulfilling the Bible, letter for letter and word for word. In the north, we think of the city of Haifa which reminds one of San Francisco. Below the city is the port where much activity and shipping go on daily. Thousands of crates of those marvelous Haifa oranges are sent around the world. Half-way up the mountain is the Technion, which is the Israel Institute of Technology. At the very top is Mt. Carmel, where Elijah contended with the lying, idolatrous prophets of Baal. Haifa has an abundance of indus­ tries, oil refineries, paper mills, ce­ ment works and many other such operations. There is a huge number of rocks all around. Legend has it that when God created the universe, He gave all the rocks into the custody of two an­ gels. They carried them in huge con­ tainers; however, they collided over the Holy Land and spilled them. But the Israelis are making good use of them in building. Tel Aviv is a mod­ ern city about a quarter of million population. Today that number has doubled. It has some of the most beautiful hotels and modem build­

ings. They are the most up-to-date facilities you could find anywhere. It is a city throbbing with modem life. The culture is alive. The people are putting an emphasis on arts. A S H A M E D ? We wouldn't hang Him on a tree As they did at Calvary, Nor drive sharp nails till blood flowed free. Oh, no! Not you! Not me! When church time comes, we stay at home, Nor hear His anguished cry. We have so many things to do And think too much of " I. " So Jesus walks among His friends, Neglected, sad, alone, No different now than it was then, Hearts still as hard as stone. For church we haven't time to spare— Who'd cook the Sunday meal? Who would for the baby care? Who'd take care of that deal? We've also got to wash the car And paint the kitchen wall. Oh, no! We wouldn't cause Him pain; We just ignore His call. And Jesus weeps and cries, "Forgive," As He did on Calvary, And a deeper hurt is borne by Him Because of you! And me! If Jesus came to earth today, He'd find our ardor dim. We do our work, have time to play, But have no time for Him. How seldom are our churches filled, How few the souls we save. Oh, yes! We have our reasons good, But it was all He gave! Some day sure we'll be ashamed As on His face we gaze. I wonder if 'twill matter then Just how we spent our days? Nothing can begin to compare with Jerusalem, the great city of David. Their modern structures, both for private and government operations, almost defy description. I hope many 8

of you can join us on our Biola tour to see these things firsthand. New buildings at the Hebrew University on Mount Scopus are most impres­ sive. This is under the supervision of the United Nations. It is located at a very strategic place. In the first century A.D., Titus saw its stra­ tegic military value. From this spot one can see all over both sides of Jerusalem. The facilities at the uni­ versity are the last word in academic architecture for lighting, ventilation, seating and every other purpose. While many languages are spoken by the students, instruction is only given in Hebrew. The Jewish Nation­ al Library has more than a million volumes. Agriculturally, former sand dunes have been transformed into lush orange groves. Where once there was only dry land, today all sorts of development and transformation are taking place. Then, consider the vast wealth and potential of the Dead Sea. Israeli scientists have found that if one mixes coloring with the water of the Dead Sea (six times as salty as the ocean), it raises the temperature some five or six degrees. This means the evaporation of the most valuable minerals is height­ ened, bringing in a tremendous in­ come from production. It seems as though towns have grown up from one year to the next. We saw the Kennedy Memorial in honor of our late President. It shows the different areas of the trunk of the tree, limbs that go into a tree holding it just like certain sections in a barrel, and then at the top it is cut off long before it ever gets to the main part of the tree. This symbolizes that here a young man was cut off in the prime of his life. The interesting thing is that cement areas go not horizontally but verti­ cally. The supports are fifty in num­ ber, and between every one of them in the areas where there is glass, there is a seal of every one of our fifty states of the Union. This is Is­

rael’s expression of great gratitude to the United States for all it has done in establishing the Israeli state. Then there is dairy farming. Some people may think that Jews are not very good at farming. You would be surprised at what the Jews are able to do. They are even shipping out some of their dairy products to Great Britain and other countries. One Is­ raeli was showing his American friend around. There was quite a beautiful herd of cows. The Jewish man explained, “That’s our new breed over here. We crossed a Guern­ sey and a Holstein, and got a ‘Gold­ stein’!” These people have a good sense of humor. They are seeking to build up the land from one end to the other, striving in education to give the people the same language and objective. The entire area is thrilling to view, and the living prophecies just seem to jump at you. Yes, make no mistake about it; God is returning His people to their an­ cient land. We can see these things and thank Him for His faithfulness and goodness.




If you can't do great things, you can at least do small things in a great way. * * *

Biola students meet daily for classes on the campus, starting at 7:30 a.m., continuing in­ tensively in the morning with afternoon and evening classes also heavily attended. The student body has increased by one hundred every year ever since Biola moved its educa­ tional facilities to the La Mirada Campus in 1959.



by A l Sanders

r RHAPS THE OLDEST QUESTION ever asked by man was that framed by Job in the long ago. His heart­ searching query penetrates all the barriers of time and space, “If a man die, shall he live again?” (Job 14:14.) Thank God the matter was one of settled confidence as he could return with the positive assurance, “I know that my redeemer liveth, and that He shall stand at the lat­ ter day upon the earth: And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God” (Job 19:25, 26). We are well familiar with the strange circumstances and desperate trials of life through which Job was passing. With the exception of his wife, all of his family were dead, to say nothing of his cattle and valu­ able possessions. With the pressures of so many dismal failures, Job’s wife posed what no doubt would have been a question many of us would have asked in similar circum­ stances, “If you want to retain your integrity, why don’t you just curse God and die?” Instead of sharing in this note of commiseration, he tes­ tified, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.” Some years ago there were two British scholars, Lord Littleton and Gilbert West, who met with a deter­ mined eifort to prove the fallacy of the Bible. Littleton was prepared to dedicate two years of his life in proving the resurrection was merely a myth. West planned to take the same amount of time to reveal how that the Apostle Paul was nothing more than a deluded old man. Their “conclusive” findings would of course be published so that all the world could see that the Bible was no more than a book of collected literature. Their paths separated for the pe­

riod allotted. At the end of the two years each faced the other with the stark realization that what he had set out to accomplish a c tu a lly worked in reverse. Gilbert West, who expected to explain away the Apos­ tle Paul, had to admit that he could only have been indwelt by none oth­ er than God’s own Holy Spirit. As no other individual Paul had a vital and true grasp on what life really is. He confessed, “I have given my heart to the One in whom he be­ lieved, the Lord Jesus Christ.” Lord Littleton smiled broadly as he ex­ plained, “I, too, have uncovered some interesting information. The resurrection is actually the most at­ tested to fact in all of history. Fur­ thermore, it was because of my sin that Christ died, was buriéd, and rose again.” Such has always been the case with any who will take the time to make an honest and thorough study of the truth. The veracity of God’s Word is found in the multi­ tudes of lives who have been miracu­ lously transformed by the grace of the Lord. Who of us hasn’t been left with the scar of death? For some it has hit more closely than others. Yet, like the inexorable movement of a foreboding avalanche, dea th con­ tinues to move closer. Statistics tell us that every second five people en­ ter into eternity. Death, as a sniper, has us carefully marked. The wonderful thing about it is that God has made a provision for the understanding of this question instinctively, morally, and spiritu­ ally. In the light of this, how fool­ ish it is for man to reject the truth of the resurrection. Yet he does. A number of years ago a man in Indiana made extremely elaborate preparations for his death. He was 10

that even a little seed from God could make its way into the sealed tomb and open the grave. What a hollow mockery was the precaution of this individual! A tiny seed showed how easily God, the Creator of all things, could bring his plans to naught. The Lord Jesus Christ came, lived, died, and was buried, and rose again that we might say, “I know my Re­ deemer liveth,” and “Because He lives, I, too, shall live.” Consider the various graveyards of the world, such as Westminster Abbey, where the outstanding lead­ ers of the British empire are en­ tombed; Arlington National Ceme­ tery in our land where the nation’s military heroes are buried; Forest Lawn of Southern California where lie some of the world’s brightest lu­ minaries — all but forgotten. But Christ’s burial place was famous for what it does not hold, for Christ is no longer there. He is seated at the Tight hand of God the Father. Think of the thousands of vol­ umes containing multiplied millions of word concerning Jesus Christ. Yet, only three are necessary for a vivid description of His life here on earth: death, burial, resurrection. Consider then this vital question, “If a man die, shall he live again?” Now, there are means by which we can arrive instinctively at a positive answer. First of all, it is possible to know that there is life after death. Man’s very nature, apart from any knowledge of God’s Word or the Lord Jesus Christ, cries out with the rea­ soning that death does not end all. Astronomers, with their more pow­ erful telescopes and space probes, only vindicate the fact that there is a greater, unseen force ruling the universe. In the first chapter of Co- lossians we read that “The Lord Jesus Christ is before all things, and by Him all things consist (or hold together)” (Col. 1:17). Do you recall all the elaborate 11

thoroughly convinced t h a t there would be no such thing as a resur­ rection of the just or the unjust. He gave explicit instructions that his tomb was to be sealed carefully so that no one would ever get in or out. He wanted to be sure nothing would ever happen to him and that no one could get inside. Upon his demise, the tomb was sealed, and then sealed again. Cement was forced into the NEVER ALONE ("I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee"— Heb. 13:5) I'm never alone in the morning As I rise at the break of day. For Jesus who watched through the darkness Says, "Lo, I am with you alway." I'm never alone at my table Though loved ones no longer I see; For dearer than all who have vanished. Is Jesus who breaks bread with me. I'm never alone through the day­ light, Though nothing but trials I see; Though the furnace be seven times heated. The "form of the Fourth" walks with me. I'm never alone at the twilight When darkness around me doth creep; And specters press hard 'round my pillow; He watches and cares while I sleep. I'm walking and talking with Jesus, Each day as I journey along; I'm never alone, Hallelujah! The joy of the Lord is my song. smallest cracks so that it would have been impossible for anyone to get in­ side without a jack hammer. Inter­ estingly enough, several years later, after the situation had been pretty much forgotten, the cemetery’s care­ taker noted one spring that some lit­ tle shoots of grass were beginning to sprout around the cracks where the plaster had originally sealed the tomb. This gave evidence of the fact

preparations which were taken by the Pharaohs in ancient days before they were entombed? Their sarcoph­ agi, secreted beneath the majesty of ancient pyramids, were equipped with those things they might antici­ pate needing for their long and end­ less “journey.” Food was always in­ cluded. The finest seeds of corn from the current crop were placed in the dark tomb. Archaeologists who un­ covered these mummies discovered that the seeds were still in perfect condition, hidden away in the dark­ ness of the centuries. Although more than three thousand years old, when planted today, they will bring forth an abundant harvest. Doesn’t it seem reasonable that if God pre­ serves the life of an insignificant seed He makes the resurrection of man a reality? This, again, is only what instinct tells us. Then there is the caterpillar which prepares itself a tomb instinctively. On a warm day it will emerge as a beautiful butterfly. Think of those dirty, gnarled bulbs which, when planted at the right season, will spring forth in new life and lovely blooms at their appointed day! I sub­ mit that if it is true of nature, how much more so will it transpire with men. God never implants an instinct without meeting that longing or need. Instinct is one means by which we can arrive at an affirmative an­ swer to life after death. Morally the question is most probable. Con­ sider the inequities of life. Seeing so many injustices brings one to the conclusion that there must be some­ thing beyond this life so that all the wrongs may be righted. Several years ago I was privileged to help serve in Christian ministry at the Los Angeles County Juvenile Hall. What a heart-breaking expe­ rience we shared, seeing these young people who have gotten into all sorts of trouble with society and the law. For instance, there was one young

girl, about twelve years of age. The counselor told me, “She is a hopeless narcotic addict.” Another girl, only fourteen, had tried to kill her tiny baby, as well as herself. She would have been successful if it hadn’t been for the intervention of a pass­ erby. When asked if she didn’t want to accept Christ and go to heaven, she told the Christian worker in no uncertain terms, “No! I want to go to hell, and when I get there I’m going to spend eternity torturing the man who’s responsible for my being here.” What unfortunate bit­ terness had understandably gripped her soul. Now, this is not a pretty story to share and yet it illustrates forcefully the fact that there needs to be life after death to correct all of the inequities so many experience. In the 73rd Psalm, Asaph, after having considered why the ungodly always seem to prosper and the righteous constantly suffer, came to a striking conclusion. This was a re­ sult of his entering into the sanctu­ ary of the Lord, namely the Word of God. Then it was that he understood the latter end God had in store for them. This is what we need today. Along with Abraham, we should be looking for that city whose builder and maker is God. Our lives, after all, are but shells or tents. Death is merely the gateway through which we pass into eternity.

The Biola Gymnasium, having now been com­ pleted, is the place which students meet tor chapel services. Due to the fact that the largest auditorium, seating 900, no longer holds the student body, these facilities must be used. It is hoped that an auditorium can be constructed in the near future.


back to the soul so long after a per­ son’s death? Of course, for science shows that matter, whatever its con­ tent, never goes out of existence. The story is told of a man who had received a beautiful golden tro­ phy because of his achievement in the field of science. He had it placed in his laboratory so that others could see the award. A friend hap­ pened in one day. He was intensely interested in one of the experiments, IF C H R IS T SHO U LD C O M E T O N IG H T Is my house set in order If Christ should come today? Am I really ready If I were called away? Suppose an angel told me A t early morning light, "Your Lord will come this evening. You shall go to Him tonight." Would ecstasy be clouded By thought of work undone, The seed I might have scattered, The crowns I might have won; The soul I meant to speak to. The purse I meant to share, And O, the wasted moments I meant to spend in prayer? The weight of unsaved millions Would press upon my heart. In their death am I certain That I had not a part? O- slothful soul and careless heart, O eyes which have no sight— Work, lest you reap but vain regrets! Your Lord may come tonight! — Martha Snell Nicholson and not as watchful as he should have been. Turning around too quick­ ly he bumped the golden vessel and it fell from the shelf into a vat of acid. Before the scientist was able to retrieve it, the powerful solution had reduced the gold to a shapeless mass. You can imagine the man’s sorrow for having caused the acci­ dent. The chem ist, seeing his friend’s dismay, encouraged him, 13

While, instinctively speaking, it is possible that there is life after death, and morally that it is prob­ able, scripturally we have the cer­ tainty of the answer to this age-old question. Think for a moment about the power of the Lord Jesus when He commanded Lazarus, His beloved friend, to come forth from the grave. Why, he had been dead for several days! Have you ever stopped to realize that if the Lord had not prefaced His command, “Come forth” with the name of Lazarus, no doubt that whole graveyard would have come alive at the sound of His voice. Christ constantly referred to the resurrection in His ministry. In John 11 we read that at the time of Lazarus’ resurrection, the Saviour told Martha, “I am the resurrection and the life; he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live; and whosoever liveth and be­ lieveth in me shall never die.” Unfortunately, there’s a great deal of misunderstanding concern­ ing what happens at death. It is the body that dies, not the soul. Nor does the latter even “sleep” in the grave. There is no such thing as “soul sleeping.” The soul, if the in­ dividual is a believer, goes into the presence of Christ, for to be “absent from the body” means to “be present with the Lord.” The soul, or spirit of unbelievers, goes to the abode of the wicked dead, spoken of in Scripture as hades. The wicked will be resur­ rected to appear before the Great White Throne Judgment of God, while the believer will be resurrect­ ed to eternal life. In the coming hour the grave, whether it be in a lovely green cemetery or from the bottom of the ocean, the physique, long since stripped of its flesh by the denisons of the deep, will some day be reunited with the soul: the believer in Heaven, the unbeliever in Hell. Can God bring the body

‘Don’t worry, we can have it fixed.” The acid was poured off and the residue sent back to the manufactur­ er. This was then cast into a new trophy, as good as the first one. My friend, do you see the analogy? If this can be done with a metal cup, is it difficult to consider what Almighty God can do with a body? There is no such thing in the Word of God as the annihilation of the wicked. When the Bible speaks of their being destroyed, the real mean­ ing of the word is that they cease to exist for the purpose for which they were originally intended. It is the same as what the Lord talked about in sewing a new piece of cloth into an old garment, or of putting new wine into an old container. Now, while it is true that instinc­ tively the resurrection is possible, and morally, it is probable that there is life after death, Scripture gives us the certainity of the resurrec­ tion. The fact of the matter is all of this means little unless the truth has been personally appropriated by each individual. The reason why the stone at the grave of our Lord was rolled away was not so that He could get out, but rather that the disciples could look in. The Saviour reminds us, “Blessed are they that have not seen and yet believe.” So, while we have not viewed Him with physical vision, yet through the eye of faith we can appropriate this g r e a t truth. “He that heareth my word,” the Lord Jesus declared, “and be- liveth on Him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation but is passed from death unto life.” The Apostle Paul, under the in­ spiration of the Holy Spirit, put it in these beautiful words which have really never been improved upon, no matter what translation might be used. That is, “When this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immor­ tality, then shall be brought to pass

the say that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. 0 death, where is thy sting? 0 grave, where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Those slaves in the West Indies were set free for the rest of their natural lives, but remember, my friend, the Lord Jesus Christ has done far more for you than merely abolishing death. He has given us life, eternal life. Do you know Him? Have you placed your faith and trust in Him? If not, do so just now. The Saviour assuredly told us, “Because I live, ye too shall live also.”

Mrs. Samuel H. Sutherland (left), wife of Biola's president, chats with Mrs. Ray A. Myers, wife of the chairman of Biola's Board of Directors. The Sutherlands' two children have graduated from Biola, while the Myers have had not only one of their children graduate, but also at one time six grand­ children were enrolled in the Biola schools.

I t would be im p o s s ib l e to tabulate accurately how many thousands of volumes have been written concern­ ing Christ, containing multiplied millions of words describing His di­ vine majesty and perfect character. Still this glorious subject is inex­ haustible. Three words, however, are all that are actually necessary to capsulize that which the Saviour has accomplished for us in His death, burial and resurrection. Appropri­ ately I Corinthians 15:3-4 has been 14

believe what I don t see? What tre­ mendously fallacious reasoning! A Christian worker was talking to a fellow whom he sought to lead to Christ. This same objection was b r o u g h t up. The believer said, “There’s no use my talking to you. I’m wasting my time in speaking with someone who doesn’t have a brain.” The agnostic, rather shocked and stunned, replied, “What do you mean,—I don’t have a brain?” The IF I W ER E A M IN IS T E R 'S W IFE If I were a minister's wife, I wonder just how i would act, I wonder if I could keep sweet and always use kindness and tact. If Mrs. Brown stepped in to call, to gossipy morsels relate, Could I keep from telling her stories, and not invoke her hate? Gould I talk on the phone to a mem­ ber who really had nothing to say. When work is sky-high around me, on a busy and wearisome day? Could 1 refrain from expressing opin­ ions on matters when feelings were strong, Because Mr. and Mrs. might hear me and surely take it all wrong? Could I be calm and collected when false accusations are made? Could I be meek and forgiving when someone my confiding betrayed? Could I treat all persons the same, the unlovable, as well as the sweet? And be a friend to my enemies with Christian spirit complete? Yes, as a minister's wife, I could, day by day and hour by hour, If only I lived every moment in His blessed presence and power. child of God explained, “Well, you say you don’t believe in anything you can’t see. I can’t see your brain; you can’t see your brain; no one can see your brain. Therefore I can only conclude that you don’t have one. Why should I talk to an unin­ telligent person?” The lost man got the point. The truth of salvation is so simple that through the centuries Satan

termed, “the Gospel in a nutshell.” The first consideration is the blessed truth that Christ died for our sins. The Saviour’s substitution­ ary atonement is an historical fact. To omit the last three words of this statement would make all the difference in the world. If it merely stated, “Christ died,” and “for our sins” was deleted it would present Christ as just another brave martyr who died for a noble cause. It can be said for no other leader of any re­ ligious group, however, that his death was to accomplish the eternal salvation of his followers. I remember a man who quite sin­ cerely asked, “Why should God con­ demn me? It isn’t fair!” Remember the Bible teaches us that God doesn’t condemn any man. The Lord desires to give us His forgiveness for all manner of sin: cheating, stealing, lying, immorality, hate, lust, mur­ der; and the list is all-embracing. The only thing God does not forgive is unbelief, our failure to trust the Lord Jesus Christ, His Son, whom He graciously provides for our sal­ vation. You see, God doesn’t condemn any man. An individual who refuses the Saviour already has condemned himself. The Bible clearly declares, “He that believeth on Christ is not condemned, but he that believeth not is condemned already because he hath not believed on the name of the only begotten Son of God.” One of the frequent arguments our students encounter when they do personal work with those who aren’t Christians is the proud boast: “I’ll take my chances when the time comes.” How foolish to prolong life’s greatest decision! One has no chance at all without the Lord Jesus Christ. What folly to turn one’s back on the Lord Jesus Christ who alone could say, “I am the way, the truth and the life; no man cometh unto the Father but by me.” Another frequent objection we hear in soul-winning is: “How can I

the resurrection, that is, He is a tok­ en of what is to follow. In a coming day, our bodies, like His, will not be subject to any degree of sin whatsoever and not bound by the familiar laws of time and space. Has the resurrection become a reality to you? The knowledge of Christ’s being brought to life from the tomb answers the longing of the heart to be satisfied with an affirma­ tive answer to the question “If a man die, shall he live again?” If I'M NO T D EA D Y ET M y hair is white and I'm almost blind The days of my youth are far be­ hind. M y neck's so stiff, can't turn my head— Can't hear half that's being said. M y legs are wobbly, can hardly walk, But certainly, I can surely talk, And this is the message I want you to get: I'm still alive, and I'm not dead yet. I go to church and Sunday school, too, For I love the Story that is ever new. And when I reach the end of my row. Praise God, to my Heavenly Home I'll go. Then, when I leave my house of clay, If you listen closely, I'm apt to say, "Well folks, I've left you, but don't forget, I've just passed on, but I'm not dead yet!'' — written by a 94-year-old woman death has not passed by your door in recent days, if it has not caused you grief, anxiety, turmoil, it will! It has you marked as a sniper does. Someday death will separate you from loved ones: a mother, father, husband, wife, son, daughter, or dearly loved friend. The Lord Jesus said, “If ye believe in me, although a man may be dead physically, yet shall he live spiritually, and whoso­ ever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.” This is the promise of eternal life, 16

has cleverly deluded men into think­ ing they must add to God’s provi­ sion. Listen to the easily-understood words, “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” “Confess with the mouth and believe in the heart”—the central part of our being through which our emotions and thought processes take place. Confess with the mouth, believe in the heart, and the promise is assured, “thou shalt be saved.” What is complicated about this? The Lord purposely made it simple so that no one would be left out. Following His death, Scripture is very plain in telling us that Christ was buried. This may seem like a very elementary point for those who have been reared in evangelical churches. However, there are some religious groups which hold to the view that Christ just “passed out,” or what they term as “swooned” on the cross. Any man who reasons this out will be quick to realize that, hu­ manly speaking, such a thing would be inconceivable. The Bible is very explicit: He died and was buried. Such a satanic view as the “swoon theory” comes right from the pit. If Christ were only in a weakened physical condition then He would not have been resurrected with a spirit­ ual body, uninhibited by the laws of time or space. Christ died, He was buried, and then He rose again. This is not true of anyone else. Someone will imme­ diately ask, “But what about Laza­ rus; he was resurrected?” He came back to life, yes, but not in the sense in which our Saviour came forth with a body devoid of blood. Lazarus’ body was still subject to the ravages of sin. He had to die all over again. His body and bones, long since turned to dust, are still in their grave. The Saviour is the first fruits of


by Walter L. Wilson

O NE OP THE MOST IMPORTANT min­ istries in which every child of God should be engaged is personal evangelism. I want to share several reasons with you, pointing out why this is our paramount responsi­ bility. First of all, without Christ, a man is dead to God. He doesn’t have the facility, nor does he desire, to listen to the Lord. There is no urging within him, except, of course, that which the Holy Spirit gives, to seek the Saviour. While God loves him, he will not be reconciled to the Lord. Spiritually, he is a corpse. Is this the way with you? God calls but you don’t reply. He com­ mands but you don’t obey. He loves but you don’t respond. We as be­ lievers need to bring dead people the gift of eternal life. The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eter­ nal life. Salvation is not something one works, prays or weeps for. One must go to the Saviour trusting His life and soul to Him. The second reason for personal evangelism is that the unsaved man is blind. Since he can’t see anything in the Bible, he isn’t interested. There is no meaning for him. He looks at the Psalms and they bore him. He looks at Chronicles and it tires him. He looks at Matthew and it distresses him. He could even read the 53rd of Isaiah and never see the Lord Jesus at all. Christ said, “Ex­ cept a man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God.” By taking the Gospel to an unsaved person, his eyes and mind can be opened. The third reason for personal evangelism is that the unsaved per­ son is wicked in God’s sight. How many sins have you committed? Suppose you sin ten times a day; sins of ignorance, presumption and

those causing other people to fall. That would be 3650 in one year, or 36,500 in ten years. Take a good look at the record. If you Saw two snakes come into your house, one a cobra and the oth­ er a poisonous rattlesnake, would you ask, “Have you been a nice snake? Have you bitten anybody late­ ly? If not, then you can live in my house with me.” Of course not. God knows the thought, purpose and in­ tent of every individual. We are all wicked. Apart from the redeeming work of Jesus Christ, none of us could live with the Lord. The fourth reason for personal evangelism is that man is unclean. This is why he can’t enter into God’s presence. Sin defiles the body, soul, heart and mind. The only way we can go to heaven is to'be cleansed by the blood of Christ. He loves to do it for you. You couldn’t possibly take your sin to heaven, even if for some strange reason you wanted to. Sins make us soiled. Any doctor or nurse going into the operating room must be certain to wear that which is sterilized. When you go to glory, you must be purged from all uncleanness. All of the evidences of wickedness and sin must be completely taken away. Christ clothes us then in the spotless robes of His righteousness. The fifth reason for personal evan­ gelism is that man naturally, apart from God’s Son, is an enemy of the Lord. It was true at the time of the crucifixion; it is just as true today, for the mob calls out from angry and vile lips, “We will not have this man to reign over us.” The only way a man can be a friend of God is through the One who makes inter­ cession for us “with groanings which cannot be uttered” (Rom. 7:25). 17

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