the resurrection, that is, He is a tok en of what is to follow. In a coming day, our bodies, like His, will not be subject to any degree of sin whatsoever and not bound by the familiar laws of time and space. Has the resurrection become a reality to you? The knowledge of Christ’s being brought to life from the tomb answers the longing of the heart to be satisfied with an affirma tive answer to the question “If a man die, shall he live again?” If I'M NO T D EA D Y ET M y hair is white and I'm almost blind The days of my youth are far be hind. M y neck's so stiff, can't turn my head— Can't hear half that's being said. M y legs are wobbly, can hardly walk, But certainly, I can surely talk, And this is the message I want you to get: I'm still alive, and I'm not dead yet. I go to church and Sunday school, too, For I love the Story that is ever new. And when I reach the end of my row. Praise God, to my Heavenly Home I'll go. Then, when I leave my house of clay, If you listen closely, I'm apt to say, "Well folks, I've left you, but don't forget, I've just passed on, but I'm not dead yet!'' — written by a 94-year-old woman death has not passed by your door in recent days, if it has not caused you grief, anxiety, turmoil, it will! It has you marked as a sniper does. Someday death will separate you from loved ones: a mother, father, husband, wife, son, daughter, or dearly loved friend. The Lord Jesus said, “If ye believe in me, although a man may be dead physically, yet shall he live spiritually, and whoso ever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.” This is the promise of eternal life, 16
has cleverly deluded men into think ing they must add to God’s provi sion. Listen to the easily-understood words, “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” “Confess with the mouth and believe in the heart”—the central part of our being through which our emotions and thought processes take place. Confess with the mouth, believe in the heart, and the promise is assured, “thou shalt be saved.” What is complicated about this? The Lord purposely made it simple so that no one would be left out. Following His death, Scripture is very plain in telling us that Christ was buried. This may seem like a very elementary point for those who have been reared in evangelical churches. However, there are some religious groups which hold to the view that Christ just “passed out,” or what they term as “swooned” on the cross. Any man who reasons this out will be quick to realize that, hu manly speaking, such a thing would be inconceivable. The Bible is very explicit: He died and was buried. Such a satanic view as the “swoon theory” comes right from the pit. If Christ were only in a weakened physical condition then He would not have been resurrected with a spirit ual body, uninhibited by the laws of time or space. Christ died, He was buried, and then He rose again. This is not true of anyone else. Someone will imme diately ask, “But what about Laza rus; he was resurrected?” He came back to life, yes, but not in the sense in which our Saviour came forth with a body devoid of blood. Lazarus’ body was still subject to the ravages of sin. He had to die all over again. His body and bones, long since turned to dust, are still in their grave. The Saviour is the first fruits of
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