Biola Broadcaster - 1967-04


by Walter L. Wilson

N o DOUBT most every person who knows the Lord would like to be a soul-winner. There is one secret to remember which makes all the dif­ ference; that is the Holy Spirit. He is the Lord of the harvest. There are many reasons why He is essential. Let me point out a few to you. First, the Holy Spirit is a precious person who is absolutely essential for the winning of souls. The Saviour Himself didn’t go out into public ministry until the day when the Holy Spirit descended upon Him. Christ told His disciples, “Tarry ye in Je­ rusalem until the power of God comes upon you.” The Holy Spirit would come to make them fit to preach. Although they had been with Him three and a half years, they still needed the empowering of the Lord of the harvest. He is a lovely, real person with whom we must get ac­ quainted. Turn your life over to Him for daily service and He will enable you to be a soul-winner. Next, the Holy Spirit, as Lord of the harvest, has complete charge over the crop. As was true with the apostles of old, so we too can only go where He directs and sends if we are to expect fruitfulness. Then the Holy Spirit alone directs a servant to the sinner. He told Peter to go down to the house of Cor­ nelius and he went. The Spirit of God also directed Cornelius to send for Peter. There were other evange­ lists but this was the Lord’s will. Each of these men was led by the Spirit to do that which the Father wanted accomplished. Who else can observe the troubled soul and know where there is a real "heart need” ? Next He teaches us what to say after we get to the individual to whom we are to witness. I remem­ ber a man who told me he was a free­

thinker. He proudly declared, “I be­ lieve if you’re bom to be saved, you’ll be saved; if you’re born to be lost, you’ll be lost!” I surprised him by the reply, “I agree with you thor­ oughly! You see, I was born to be saved, so I am; and you were bom to be lost, so you are.” He was so upset he turned on his heels and strode away. He was back the next day, however, and confessed with tears, “I don’t want to be lost, Dr. Wilson. Can you tell me how to be saved?”

Dr. James E. Rosscup, member of the faculty of Talbot Theological Seminary, speaks to a group of students enrolled in the school. Mr. Rosscup teaches English Bible at the Seminary which now has an enrollment of 138.

I remember the day when I asked a rather haughty woman, “Are you bad enough to go to hell?” She re­ plied rather starchily in defense, “No, indeed, I’m not!” I replied, “Excuse me then; I’ll go and find somebody who is.” This shocked her and she came back to the meeting to plead, “Dr. Wilson, I didn’t want you to know how wicked I am. I know I’m so bad I’m going straight to hell. I want to be saved.” I had the privi­ lege of leading her to Christ. The Holy Spirit teaches you what to say. He is the One who convicts the sinner of his need. No preacher, no

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