Biola Broadcaster - 1967-04

His vicarious atonement on Calvary’s cross, etc. As one further point, re­ member that denominations are es­ tablished because of certain basic principles and needs. There are for­ mal churches which appeal to some, while there are others which are more emotional in their worship. Neither of these tests can be used as a basis to judge spirituality. People naturally congregate in a church where activities of their own persua­ sion are encouraged. Do not condemn others because of their form of worship. Find a church where the Gospel is preached. This is absolute­ ly essential. Then concern yourself with the form of worship in which you feel most comfortable. By all means, however, don’t forsake the assembling together with other be­ lievers. Q . Pasadena, Calif. — “Matthew 27:50 to 53 gives the indication that at the time of Christ’s death the graves were opened and the many bodies of the saints which slept, arose and came out of the graves after His res­ urrection. There seems to be two time elements here, one at Jesus’ death and the other after His resur­ rection. Did the words ‘after His resurrection’ get in here by mis­ take?” A. Absolutely not; they are in the original Greek given to us by the Holy Spirit. They have a tremendous meaning here. The entire transaction here is surrounded by three “rend- ings.” In Matthew 26:65, the high priest did a thing which the law re­ corded in the book of Leviticus told him he was never to do. That was to “rend” his garments, because of his hatred for the claims of Christ. This was actually God's way of showing that the Old Testament priesthood was past. There was going to be a new priesthood. One doesn’t tear clothes he expects to use again. Next, there was the “rending” of the vail of the temple (27:50). This typi­

fied the fact that now we have access immediately into the presence of God. Finally, the rocks were “rent,” showing that there were definite ac­ companying signs in nature pointing to the tremendous, supernatural act of Christ in taking away our sins. By this activity the Lord made it possible for saints of all the ages, ultimately, to be raised from the dead. This is a prefiguring of the time when those in the graves came forth. The bodies of the saints which were asleep were raised to show that Christ is the resurrection and the life through His glorious death. “Will those who die unsaved have a body in hell, or is it their spirit only that will be tormented?” A. While there is no specific place in Scripture which describes the nature of the unredeemed’s eternal body, there is every indication given that he will have one. There will not be any disembodied spirits. We believe in a literal hell fire. Unbelievers will have bodies subject to torture and torments throughout eternity. They will not be consumed (John 5:29). The redeemed, of course, will have their resurrected bodies and forever­ more be with the Lord. There is some light on the subject in the account in Luke 16 of the rich man and Lazarus. Dives is awaiting the final time of judgment. He has a body even as Lazarus, they are, how­ ever, “poles” apart, with “a great gulf fixed.” Q , Bonner Springs, Kant. — “I have read the article in your publication by John Hunter entitled ‘Are You Unloved?’ The woman in the article may well have been I with the ex­ ception that I gave up and haven’t let God take care of me or my situa­ tions. My husband is back home, but he doesn’t want me to go to church and have any active part in Christian work. I am miserable, because I have 22 Q . La Puente, Calif. —

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