always had an active part in a Sun day school class or working in a mis sion. I am asking that you will pray that God will help me live such a life that I can get my husband to see that a Christian life is the only kind. I know that the wife is to submit her self to her husband, but should she give up everything for him P" A. This is a very heart-breaking let ter. Certainly only the Lord can take care of our “situations.” We certain ly do not minimize our activities in the church. Yet, with an unsaved husband, there is such a thing as taking too much of an active part and overlooking home duties. Read the Bible, and you will find God’s priority was the home before He founded the church. The latter is de pendent upon the unity and solidari ty of the home. If your husband doesn’t tell you to do something posi tively against the Word of God, then you should obey or submit yourself to him as much as possible. Should he ask you, for instance, to steal or to commit some sin indicated in the Bible, then you have the right to dis obey him in the Lord. As a child of God, you must not only read your Bible at home but also live a con sistent life before Him. Perhaps
while your husband is at work, you could have in some of your Chris tian women friends for prayer, Bi ble study and fellowship. Covenant with them to pray for your mate’s salvation. God can touch your hus band’s heart so that he may allow you to, and perhaps even go with you, to church. The new book, Fire on the Mountain, by Dr. Raymond Davis, director of the Sudan Interior Mission tells the thrilling story of how African women suffered when their husbands did every unspeak able thing to them, trying to get them away from the truth. The wom en showed their mates even more kindness, despite the persecutions, in an effort to bring them to Christ. You can drive a husband away by excessive persuasion, or what is called “nagging.” Read I Peter 3:1-8 for a clearer understanding of this truth. The word “conversation” to day really means “behaviour” or “manner of life.” Q . Caldwell, Ida. — “You speak of having Christian young people teach ing in our schools. How can they be witnesses, if they are not allowed to have prayer or say anything about God?” A. This is really very pertinent to day. There are so many ways a Christian young person can witness in schools. Here in the districts where our young people do their practice teaching, we have been told repeatedly that they prefer our young people because of their ex emplary lives. One superintendent told us the other day, “We like to use Biola students because we don’t have to worry that they’ll come to class with a hangover on Monday morning.” Others have said, “We’re not afraid of your students because we know they won’t go out behind the buildings at noon time to smoke a cigarette. They seem to have a real love for the youngsters that is not found in just ordinary school teach- 23
Mr. Edward Norman (right), chairman of the Physical Education Department of Biola, has an opportunity for fellowship with two other members of the Biola faculty. Center is Colin McDougall, an instructor in physical education as well as being in the English department, and Mr. Eugene Spindler, whose wife is an instructor in physical education. The Spindlers are graduates of Biola and served as mission aries in Africa for a number of years.
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