Biola Broadcaster - 1967-04

15%, religious belief — 8%, Roman Catholic obligations — 2%. Highest percentage of attendance was in the East with 52%, while the lowest was registered in the West at 85%. Of those 38% 8aid sickness, work, lack of trans­ portation, or small children kept them from attending; 12% honestly said they were too lazy; 11% confessed in­ difference; 6% said they were too busy; 15% of the non-attenders de­ clared they would never go for any reason. Quite a commentary on the times in which we’re living! No won­ der our country faces such moral prob­ lems today. What is even sadder is the fact that these statistics include the many liberal churches which are mere­ ly preaching a social gospel. The Bible is not revered as the holy, inerrant, sacred Book from God Himself. The Scripture clearly tells us that right­ eousness exalteth a nation, but that sin is a reproach to any people. Cer­ tainly neglect of the house of God belongs in this category. Unfortunately too many men make up in wrath what they lack in reason. * * * A SACRIFICE? It was David Livingstone who de­ clared, “For my own part, I have never ceased to rejoice that God has appoint­ ed me to be a missionary. People talk of the sacrifice I have made in spend­ ing so much of my life in Africa. Can that be called a sacrifice which is simply paying back such a small part of a great debt owed to God? Away with such a view! This is emphatically no sacrifice. I say rather it is a privi­ lege. Anxiety, sickness, suffering, and danger: all of these are nothing when compared urith the glory which will hereafter be revealed. How can we 26 * * *

INEXHAUSTIBLE SUPPLY There is a huge crater in Trinidad emanating originally from a volcano now extinct. This abyss is completely filled with pitch. Through the years workmen have taken tons of asphalt from this tar-like lake for paving roads around the world. It is interesting to note that no matter how large a hole is made, the cavity will fill up and cover over in no more than seventy-two hours. For more than sixty-five years this has been the case and still the crater has not been emptied. Scientists have gone down as far as 280 feet but even at this depth, they find the black gum-like substance bubbling up. While no one can explain it, there seems to be an unlimited and inexhaus­ tible supply. This is just a small re­ minder of the grace and mercy of the Lord. No matter how great our need there is more than adequate supply, for His grace is sufficient, infinite love expressing itself in infinite goodness. Annie Johnson Flint penned, His love has no limit; His grace knows no measure, His power has no boundary known unto men; For out of His infinite riches in Jesus He giveth, and giveth, and giveth again! The chains of bad habit are too weak to be felt until they are too strong to be broken. * * * CHURCH A N D NAT ION Several years ago, the Gallwp Re­ search Organization took a poll which revealed that 54% of American adults did not regularly attend worship serv­ ices. The reasons given by those who did go fell into the following interest­ ing categories: habit — 20%, duty — * * *

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