Biola Broadcaster - 1967-04

not able to save himself. God considers the worth of a man’s soul greater than the 85 billion plus, much less the $31.Oil In fact, He so loved us that He sent His only begotten Son, who had to leave the glories of Heaven to come to this earth. He who was rich for our sakes became poor that we through His poverty might be rich. I f you are in­ terested in riches, those who are born- again God has made His heirs, joint- heirs with Jesus Christ; “if so be that we suffer with Him, that we may be also glorified together.” * * * Dust on the Bible doesn't prove that it's a dry book. * * * W H A T IS A FUNDAMENTALIST? Basically, a fundamentalist is one who adheres to the Bible as being the totally and inerrantly inspired Word of God. The modernist takes a com­ pletely different view concerning the Scriptures. The fundamentalist holds that the Bible is the Word of God, while the modernist simply states that the Bible may contain the Word of God. The fundamentalist firmly avows that Jesus Christ is the Son of God in a sense in which no other is. The modernist feels that Jesus Christ is the Son of God in the sense that all men are. The fundamentalist earnestly contends that the birth of Jesus Christ was entirely supernatural. The mod­ ernist will say that the birth of Jesus Christ was merely natural but that it really doesn’t matter. The fundamen­ talist holds that the death of Christ was for our salvation, while the mod­ ernist believes that the death of Jesus was simply an exemplary act. The fundamentalist declares that man is the object of special creation, while the modernist feels that man is no doubt the product of some form of evolution. The fundamentalist unequi­ vocally 8tates that man is a sinner fallen from o r ig in a l righteousness. Apart from God’s redeeming grace, he is hopelessly and helplessly lost. The modernist simply states that man is the unfortunate victim of his environ­ ment, but that through self-culture he can make himself good. The fundamen­ talist is rightly assured that man is justified by faith and the atoning blood of Christ. The result is super­

natural regeneration from above. The modernist will usually say that man is justified by works in following Christ’s example. Biola is not only evangelical, but also fundamental. We do not believe that these great cardinal doctrines should be re-thought, but rather our position is to reaffirm them. We invite you to join with us in earnestly con­ tending for the faith once for all de­ livered to the saints. * * * Jesus is the only lifeinsurance you can collect after death. * * * REMEMBER THE A LAM O History records that Colonel William Travis resolutely faced his men, the embattled defenders of the Alamo. His words were fa r from comforting, “Men, the Mexican dictator, General Santa Ana, has demanded our surrender. This fort, however, is essential to the de­ fense of Texas. My orders are to hold it. You may as well know that there is no help coming to reinforce us. The Mexicans are about 5,000 strong.’’ Then, as the 232 American soldiers watched, Col. Travis drew a line on the dirt floor with his sword. He chal­ lenged, “Any man who wants to escape is free to go now. Any who are deter­ mined to stay and die in defense of the Alamo can cross this line.” Strong­ muscled Davy Crockett boldly stepped across. Others followed, until only James Bowie, known for the knife which bears his name, was left, too ill to move under his own strength. He beseeched the men to carry him across the line. Col. Travis then sent the fate­ ful message to the enemy: “We re­ fuse to surrender!” As a result, the relentless attack was launched, March 6, 1838, a hundred and 25 years ago. In three assaults, the fort was over­ powered by sheer mass of numbers. While the Americans fought back bravely, all were slaughtered. News of their heroism reached the troops of General Sam Houston who gave the battle cry, “Victory is certain; remem­ ber the Alamo!” That watchword re­ mains with us even today. Spiritually speaking, God commands us to cross the line of loyalty and stand there resolutely facing the enemy. We must choose this day whom we will serve. 28

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