Shirley Ryan AbilityLab Inpatient Program

We are the global leader in physical medicine and rehabilitation for adults and children with the most severe, complex conditions — from traumatic brain and spinal cord injury to stroke, amputation and cancer-related impairment.

Inpatient Program











INSIDE SHIRLEY RYAN ABILITYLAB 5 Innovation Centers 7 Ability Labs 11 Specialized Clinical Services 13 Integrating Research into Our Care

YOUR PATIENT EXPERIENCE 15 Care Team 17 Support Services 21 Continuum of Care 23 What to Expect 25 Your Room


Welcome to Shirley Ryan AbilityLab We are the global leader in physical medicine and rehabilitation for adults and children with the most severe, complex conditions — from traumatic brain and spinal cord injury to stroke, amputation and cancer-related impairment.

We continue to set the standard for care with our novel approach to treatment. Our expert, interdisciplinary team of clinicians and researchers works together to set individual patient goals, tackle challenges and innovate solutions that improve patient recovery. The committed, passionate staff here will work with you to reach your goals and will be by your side every step of the way. Our care team works together to design a custom treatment plan to meet your goals. In addition to expert clinical care, they will be there for you throughout your recovery to provide education, support groups, clinical trials, therapeutic recreation and sports and fitness opportunities. Family involvement is also an integral part of rehabilitation and recovery. In addition to being a major motivator, family involvement ensures skills learned in therapy are maintained in your daily routine. We understand that these conditions can affect the entire family. Our staff will answer any questions and help you transition to the next phase of your life. To learn more about your care team, see page 12.

Ranked #1 by U.S. News & World Report since 1991.

Achieved Magnet Recognition four consecutive times for nursing excellence.

Only rehabilitation hospital with a record of five federal research designations.

Patients from more than 46 states and 57 countries travel to us each year for care.


WE TREAT Each year, Shirley Ryan AbilityLab treats more than 57,000 patients. This high volume provides us experience unparalleled to other hospitals and directly translates into better outcomes. We see a full range of conditions and will provide the best care for you and your family. • Amputations • Arthritis • Burns and wounds • Cancer

• Cerebral palsy • Chronic pain • Joint replacement

• Musculoskeletal injuries • Neurological disorders • Parkinson’s disease • Pediatrics • Spasticity • Spinal cord injuries • Stroke • Traumatic brain injuries • And many others


Center Nursing Station

Our Innovation Centers Our revolutionary model of patient care revolves around five Innovation Centers. The Centers are state-of-the-art hospital  BRAIN

Our Brain Innovation Center's focus is on promoting brain healing and recovery, and offers the world’s best in medical and nursing care, diagnostic support and translational neuroscience research. This Center provides a calming/non-distracting environment to facilitate brain healing. Even the unique walls on this floor — which are curved — are acoustically designed to dampen sound. Our Spinal Cord Innovation Center is equipped to handle all levels, types and severity of SCI, including patients with complete paralysis and who require mechanical ventilation. The primary goals for patients in this Center include the emergence of meaningful motor function, sensation, coordination and endurance, resolution of respiratory and vascular instability, and overall continued medical recovery from the injury or disease.  SPINAL CORD The Nerve, Muscle & Bone Innovation Center’s singular priority is treating patients with injuries and conditions affecting body movement. The immediate goals for most patients in this Center include improvements in total body movement, complex motor and sensory activities, balance, coordination, and higher-level activities of daily living (e.g., cooking, cleaning, gardening, sports and other recreational activities). Our Pediatric Innovation Center features lively child-centered themes to create a stimulating — uplifting — atmosphere for young patients and their families. Our goal is to provide specialty rehabilitation care for children from infancy through adolescence, including care for children with traumatic injuries, congenital and developmental disorders, and those surviving cancer.  NERVE, MUSCLE & BONE  PEDIATRIC CANCER The Cancer Rehabilitation Innovation Center leverages the world-class care and expertise provided in all of the other Innovation Centers — Brain; Spinal Cord; Nerve, Muscle & Bone; and Pediatric Rehabilitation. We are the only rehabilitation hospital in the region — and one of only a handful of institutions across the country — to offer a comprehensive, integrated approach to rehabilitation for adults and children fighting cancer.

facilities for exceptional patient care grounded in the best medical and nursing support. By design, they are fitted with all of the latest smart-room, mobility and therapeutic devices and equipment. The purpose of each Center is to help patients recover from injuries, diseases and other medical conditions that affect their ability. With the unique needs of each patient at the center of care, the individual Centers bring the best talent in medicine, nursing, therapy and research together in real time and the same physical space.

5 Inside Shirley Ryan AbilityLab

Anastasia’s Story: Exceeding Expectations After a Rare Diagnosis In 2016, Candice and her husband, received a call that twin sisters — Anastasia and Athena — had been born in Pensacola, Fla., and were available for adoption. They were on the next flight. When they arrived, they learned that Anastasia was born with Chromosome 9, Trisomy 9p, a rare chromosomal disorder that triples the ninth chromosome. The disorder causes severe developmental impairment. The social workers and doctors recommended that they adopt only Athena, as Anastasia would have a very difficult and uncertain path ahead. They were told that she would never walk, sit up on her own or hold up her head. Despite this news, they decided to move forward with the adoption and find the best ways to help Anastasia reach her full potential.

Their search led them directly to Shirley Ryan AbilityLab, not only

“We’d heard that this unique research hospital never shied away from rare and complex challenges,” said Candice. “When we arrived, the first thing we noticed was an inherent confidence and hope. It was just assumed that they would be able to help Anastasia exceed everyone’s expectations.”

because it was long-known as the best, but also because its goal aligned with their own — focusing on what Anastasia could do, not what she couldn’t. Anastasia’s treatment program was a full-court press. She spent four days a week in a full range of therapies — from occupational, physical, speech-

OTHER PLACES TO EXPLORE HUB The HUB is an inviting family room for inpatients and families to eat, play games or participate in group activities and social events. With a HUB on every inpatient floor, it can be transformed into a creative studio for art, crafts, music or a group movie night. The space is equipped with dining tables and chairs, reading nests, couches, TV, Wii and WiFi. Each HUB also includes a laundry room to allow patients and families to do their laundry throughout their stay. Vistas Vistas are peaceful nooks near patient rooms for family members to step out for a few minutes. There are 19 vistas total throughout the building at the corners of each Innovation Center. Gardens Designed expressly for patients, our gardens are all about movement and progress. The gardens extend a safe invitation to take a stroll outside the hospital on foot, wheels or bionic limbs. They provide our patients and their families a place of calm to enjoy company or reflect on the road to recovery.

language and aquatic therapy to learning all the abilities involved in eating, such as swallowing.

At the outset, she could not lift her head or roll over, but after six months of hard work, Anastasia could sit up and play with her favorite bell toy. “When she sat up for the first time, we cried,” said Candice. Today, Anastasia is using a GAIT Trainer and taking her first steps. A busy four-year-old, she is now being fitted for a wheelchair and orthotics to help her get around. She’s been able to reach a level of mobility that even the doctors never thought possible. Anastasia loves working (and playing) with her therapists Lauren and Krista, who are gifted at making therapy feel like fun. They always put a smile on her face. They know her favorite songs and toys and joyfully find new ways to help her advance. “Shirley Ryan AbilityLab has given our Anastasia the chance to be happy and enjoy life as much as she can,” said Candice. “There are no words to express our gratitude.”

Our Ability Labs Our five ability labs are uniquely designed for treating patients using our revolutionary, applied research model. Each lab offers an inspiring environment in which experts, equipped with the most advanced technology and cutting-edge research, implement a therapeutic recovery plan for each patient — with the patient guiding the process.

The ability labs provide for both active and visible "front stage" patient work with clinicians and researchers, as well as private, heads-down "back stage" space for analysis and planning. Each lab has a unique configuration based on the patient group it serves and encourage dynamic minds and teams to push current thinking, test new processes, apply new solutions and innovate new devices that help patients gain more function, achieve better outcomes and enjoy greater independence and ability in life.


The Robert R. McCormick Foundation Think + Speak Lab is dedicated to helping patients recover the ability to think, reason, perceive, swallow, eat, talk, interact with others and make decisions are key for returning to yourself, loved ones and life. In this Lab, combined therapeutic care and scientific application help you recover these building blocks of ability. LEGS + WALKING LAB In the Margaret & Mark Stephan Legs + Walking Lab patients, doctors and researchers focus on body-weight support and large motor and rhythmic limb functions influenced by spinal cord and brain circuits. Our therapeutic intervention makes use of anti-gravity support and weight-bearing assistive devices and treatments focus on trunk and pelvis stability, positioning and control of the hips, knees and ankles, as well as stepping and propulsion. ARMS + HANDS LAB The Harris Family Foundation Arms + Hands Lab is a robust environment designed for patients and research participants working on recovering and strengthening complex hand and reaching skills — turning a key, picking up a pen, reaching for a glass, putting on a sweater…all the many things we do with our hands, arms and fingers.

Think + Speak Lab • Floor 25

7 Inside Shirley Ryan AbilityLab

Legs + Walking Lab • Floors 23-24

Arms + Hands Lab • Floors 21-22

Inside Shirley Ryan AbilityLab 8


The Nancy W. Knowles Strength + Endurance Lab is designed for patients working on building stamina and resilience. Therapy is targeted to improve complex motor and endurance activities, coordination and higher-level activities of daily living (cooking, dressing, gardening, sports). PEDIATRIC LAB In the Grainger Pediatric Lab, therapy is often cleverly disguised as play. For example, a tool for stretching, strengthening and developing coordination might take the form of a high-tech, neon-green jungle gym. A device to build strength and endurance might feel like riding a bike. Software games designed to improve thinking and speaking might be adapted for toddlers or teens and we don't forget the classic forms of therapy: aquatic, cognitive, and speech and language.

Strength + Endurance Lab • Floors 19-20

9 Inside Shirley Ryan AbilityLab

Pediatric Lab • Floor 18

OTHER SPACES TO EXPLORE Activities of Daily Living (ADL)

Stairways Located in three of our Labs, this

There are four different ADLs throughout the building. Each looks and functions like a home, equipped with a kitchen, living room, bathroom and laundry room. Our ADLs are utilized by our OTs and PTs to help our patients regain/ refine daily living skills such as cooking, opening cabinets and drawers, bathing, doing laundry, etc. Each ADL offers a slightly different floor plan to mirror the variety of residential floor plans our patients might encounter at home.

therapeutic stairway that serves as main vertical pathway between floors. The staircase is a powerful symbol and tool for improving human movement, strength and function. It is equipped with an antigravity lift track, which supports a patient’s weight, as needed, for safety.

To see a video tour visit

Inside Shirley Ryan AbilityLab 10

Specialized Clinical Services

Every patient is different and needs different support. These specialized services are offered to patients based on their unique care plan and goals.

RADIOLOGY & IMAGING SUITE Medical conditions and trauma often require periodic assessments and eliminating the transfer of patients out of the building for assessments is critical to the quality of patient care, safety and outcomes. Our Radiology Suite includes radiology, MRI, CT scanning, fluoroscopy, bone-density imaging, ultrasound/ vascular studies, specimen processing and a research lab. Getting test results faster means faster assessment, faster response, and faster and better outcomes for patients.

AQUATIC CENTER Aquatic therapy increases the speed of healing and improves outcomes. Increased buoyancy, resistance and hydrostatic pressure decrease pressure on joints, making it possible to “unweight” the patient. Warmth and increased motion lead to increased muscle activity, which in turn improves circulation and decreases inflammation and pain. The pool can accommodate as many patients, therapists and group activities as possible and is equipped with a state-of- the art lift to transfer patients safely into the water. The water temperature is maintained at an optimal therapeutic temperature. The Center also includes

a wheelchair “parking” alcove, locker rooms for patients and staff and semi- private bays for patients who need privacy to dress. ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY CENTER Shirley Ryan AbilityLab is one of the few hospitals in the nation with rehabilitation engineers on site who are able to customize any patient device. Our experts can set you up with a specialized computer, communication device or electronic aid that best suits your needs. Customized electronic aids to daily living enable patients to operate devices using head-/eye-controlled or voice-activated systems with specialty software.

Aquatic Center

11 Inside Shirley Ryan AbilityLab

PROSTHETICS & ORTHOTICS We set the world standard in science/art of creating custom prosthetics and orthotics. Our experts collaborate with your physician and therapy team to provide the right prosthetic or orthotic device to help you meet your ability goals. We provide everything from prefabricated orthoses (braces) to customized microprocessor lower-limb prostheses (smart artificial limbs). After you receive your device, we are here for you to provide continued maintenance and adjustments. Our space includes workspaces, tools, equipment, computers equipped with laser-guided digital cameras (to create 3-D models of limbs), casting room, private fitting rooms.


Our hospital has one of the only custom wheelchair seating centers in Chicago. Wheelchair comfort, position and functionality are vital for independence, productivity and quality of life. Our technicians will work with you to find a customized solution, resolve any issues and keep you moving while continually assessing your needs and abilities. A perfectly fitted mobility device promotes good posture, improves breathing and digestion, and helps to prevent complications, such as pressure sores and skin irritation.

Assistive Technology

Prosthetics & Orthotics

Inside Shirley Ryan AbilityLab 12

Integrating Research into Our Care Our facility is the first of its kind, where clinicians, scientists, innovators and technologists work together in the same space, surrounding patients, discovering new approaches and applying (or “translating”) research real time. This translational care model enables patients to have 24/7 access to the brightest minds, the latest research and the best opportunity for recovery.

With the largest portfolio of rehabilitation research in the world, we have a global reputation for developing treatments and technologies that translate to better outcomes for patients. The hospital is home to the world’s largest research center dedicated to physical medicine and rehabilitation, with more than 300 active research studies underway and 800,000 square feet of dedicated space. The dynamic relationship between our clinicians and scientists fosters research developed in response to patients’ needs and, in turn, results in discoveries and innovations that benefit you. Shirley Ryan AbilityLab is the only rehabilitation hospital with a record of five federal research designations funded by the National Institutes of Health and the National Institute of Disability and Rehabilitation Research. We utilize the most advanced technologies (including the Lokomat, Exsoskeleton and Armeo) and the best- supported practices so you can be sure your care is situated at the forefront of discovery.

13 recovery. You may have an opportunity to get involved in research during your stay. Our clinical trials and research studies are where we bring our integrated care to life. Many of our clinical experts are trained researchers who are quickly adopting new approaches and evidence-based practices to lead to better outcomes in functional




Highly trained, specialized care team of physicians, nurses and therapists.

Care Team will apply research advances during therapy.

Evidence-based practices to lead to better outcomes in functional recovery.

Kyle’s Story: Back to an Active Lifestyle

CENTER FOR BIONIC MEDICINE The CBM is a leading research group within Shirley Ryan AbilityLab. Its goal is to improve the function and quality of life for individuals with amputation and other physical disabilities. With valuable input from patients, the focus is on creating clinically viable technologies that advance prosthesis design and control and allow individuals with limb loss to live more independently. BIOLOGICS LAB At Shirley Ryan AbilityLab's Biologics Lab — the only one of its kind in the world — biological tissue is processed with an eye toward understanding human problems and advancing patient outcomes. It's a forward-thinking, risk-taking, science-embracing strategy that realizes that the key to making our patients better is harnessing the best and brightest scientific minds.

“During the time that he was here, we hit a lot of milestones – from not being able to communicate to being able to speak his first words,” said his mom, Kathy. Kyle started his recovery with his therapists positioning him upright to eventually being able to take those first steps on his own. Kyle returned home to St. Louis in May 2018 and continues to make strides each and every day. “Take everything you do in rehab very seriously and give it your best shot. Take advantage of the moment!” — Kyle

Kyle, 25 years old, was hanging out with his girlfriend. Suddenly his mother got the call that there had been a terrible accident. Kyle had been in a car accident that caused a severe brain injury, which affected his speech, mobility, memory and activities of daily living. His family was told this would not be something he’s be able to come back from. In April 2018, he was flown from his home in St. Louis, Mo., to begin rehabilitation at Shirley Ryan AbilityLab. Kyle spent three to four hours every day in therapy, working with his physical therapist, occupational therapist and speech-language pathologist.

Watch Kyle’s patient story video visit

Inside Shirley Ryan AbilityLab


Care Team

Our goal is to increase your activity level each day, restoring your function and independence. The hospital is staffed 24 hours a day by a complete medical team, including physicians specializing in your condition.




Patient Care Technician



Care Manager

DOCTORS (MDs, DOs, APPs) The type of doctor leading your care team is called a physiatrist. Physiatrists have advanced training and expertise in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (i.e., how the body moves). They will:

Physical Therapist


A PCT will: • Assist you with daily activities, including showering, grooming, dressing and eating • Work closely with your care team to perform basic care during your stay PHYSICAL THERAPISTS (PTs) Your PT will develop an individualized treatment plan to: • Focus on activities to help with balance, mobility, strength, endurance and range of motion (i.e., getting out of bed and moving around in your environment) • Identify what changes, including equipment, you need to make to your home or next living environment as you prepare to leave

Respiratory Therapist

Occupational Therapist

Speech- Language Pathologist

• Guide your medical care • Oversee your progress

• Work with the rest of your care team to ensure well-rounded care Additionally, a Resident Physician, completing his or her advanced training (or “residency”) in physiatry, will work with you and your doctor

 SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGISTS (SLPs) An SLP will develop an individualized treatment plan that focuses on: • Listening and understanding, speaking, reading and writing • Attention, memory, organization for communication • Chewing and swallowing safely


An RN will provide direct patient care, including:

• Administering medications to meet your health, educational and functional goals • Working with you and your family to develop skills needed to keep you healthy • Coordinating patient family- centered care • Addressing patient and family education required for discharge


You may work with an RCP to: • Identify and assist with special medical equipment to help you breathe if you cannot on your own


An OT will work with you to develop an individualized treatment plan, which: • Helps you gain more independence with your daily activities and routine • Focuses on showering, grooming, dressing, eating

• Help determine what kind of therapy is best based on any lung or breathing disorders • Provide condition-specific education for families

• Works on arm strength and coordination, thinking skills and safety awareness • Identifies assistive bathroom equipment for your next living environment and ensures that you and your family members have the proper training

15 Your Patient Experience

CARE MANAGERS A Care Manager is a licensed social worker or a Certified Rehabilitation Registered Nurse who will: • Assess your goals, review your support systems and identify needs at home or in your next living environment • Work with you and your family to prepare an action plan for when you are ready to leave • Talk to your insurance company and assist with financial/ community resources

Other Members of Your Care Team Our goal is to help you restore your function and independence. Each patient's care team is customized to fit his or her needs.


DIETITIAN Clinical dietitians will assess your nutritional needs. They will teach you how to make nutritionally sound food choices to speed your recovery process and help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. PROSTHETIST & ORTHOTIST Our team works with you to provide the right prosthetic or orthotic device to help you meet your goals. We provide everything from prefabricated orthoses (braces) to customized microprocessor lower-limb prostheses (“smart” artificial limbs). PSYCHOLOGIST Most patients will have a psychological evaluation within the first few days. Depending on patient needs, a psychologist will work with other staff members to offer individual and group therapy. RECREATIONAL THERAPIST Our Therapeutic Recreation team is composed of therapists who specialize in ways to make recreational activities fun, engaging and healing. The team schedules events during the week and on the weekends that are available to all patients.

TECHNOLOGIST Specially trained therapists will assess, identify and recommend appropriate assistive devices to help you communicate. Together, we will make sure you are comfortable with the equipment and are able to use it to its full potential. UNIT ASSISTANT The unit assistant (UA) is an integral part of your care team and can be located at the center nursing station (i.e., the one closest to the visitor elevators), seven days a week, generally from 7 am to 8:30 pm. They have information on therapy schedules, your care team, parking, restaurants and other services nearby. Your UA will assist you in any way they can. WHEELCHAIR SEATING SPECIALIST Specially trained OTs and PTs will conduct an evaluation of your unique abilities, needs, lifestyle and environment. They will recommend a wheelchair seating system, which may include specialized supportive cushions; backrests; headrests; or trunk, arm and leg supports.

Our research scientists: • Work closely with our clinical teams to help solve clinical problems and apply evidence-based research to clinical care • Help our clinicians understand breakthroughs on how the body recovers from injury and disease You may have the opportunity to participate in a research study or trial if you choose to, depending on what active trials are ongoing. Your care team can share more information about how these opportunities may relate to you.

PHARMACISTS Our clinical pharmacists:

• Review and ensure every medicine you are prescribed is safe and effective for your recovery • Work with your nurses and physicians to optimize your medication regimen

Your Patient Experience


Support Services

please speak with any staff member to make the necessary arrangements. See page 27 for more information on our language services. PATIENT & FAMILY PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT SPECIALISTS The patient and family support staff offers ongoing social and emotional support for you and your family members. Counseling is available, at the patient’s request, because we recognize that many patients are going through difficult and stressful changes in their lives. These staff members have backgrounds in clinical social work or psychology and are available to meet with you in the first few days after you arrive.

GLOBAL PATIENT SERVICES If you are traveling nationally or

CHAPEL & SPIRITUAL CARE During rehabilitation, many patients and their families seek spiritual support. The Chapel/Meditation Room is on the 10th floor and is always available, any time of the day or night. The Spiritual Care staff is available seven days a week. They offer a variety of religious or spiritual support, including individual visits, worship services, meditation sessions and complimentary wellness therapies. Ask any staff member to contact a chaplain for you, or use your room phone to call 8.1200. Additionally, there is a channel on MyStation that offers meditative and nature videos.

internationally, our Global Patient Services (GPS) team members will work with you and your family to coordinate your arrival and help with your transition to Chicago. Our GPS case managers also liaise with numerous third parties. If needed, we work with embassies on everything from visas to patient sponsorship. INTERPRETER Phone interpreters are available for more than 180 foreign languages, 24 hours a day, at no cost to you. If a patient or family member needs the assistance of a foreign language or sign language interpreter,

Chapel & Spiritual Care Space

17 Your Patient Experience

LIFE Center Located in the Sky Lobby (10th Floor), the Henry B. Betts LIFE Center offers a comfortable place to browse carefully selected resources, including books, magazines and DVDs, and to explore health information on the internet. RESOURCES Our staff are knowledgeable educators who assist people in finding information about community services, support groups, government programs and products especially designed for each individual. The LIFE Center also offers peer mentoring and hosts several peer panels

Our website includes access to thousands of LIFE Center resources on the following topics: • Education and employment • Finance and law • Housing and transportation • Inspiration and hope • Medical information and care • Providing care and equipment

throughout the year. Mentors share strategies and tips learned during their recovery and transition to the community. EDUCATION Our multimedia education center and virtual education materials offer you, your family, staff and the public information on injuries or conditions that affect physical and cognitive functions. The goal in providing these extensive resources is to empower individuals to make the best choices for themselves and their families.

• Recreation and leisure • Support and wellness

For more information, visit

Your Patient Experience 18

• Using accessible Chicago Transit Authority trains and buses • Exploring accessible activities such as movies, cultural events and outdoor recreation

VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION Our Vocational Rehabilitation program assists people with physical disabilities in identifying and pursuing their vocational/ employment goals /options that facilitate optimal vocational functioning in productive activities that best match their interests, abilities and skills. The primary responsibility of Vocational Rehabilitation is to provide vocational assessment, evaluation, counseling, Return-to-work assistance and job placement services to inpatients and outpatients throughout the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab continuum of care.

THERAPEUTIC RECREATION Recreational therapists and Child Life specialists help you adjust to new ability levels, reintroduce you to community activities and everyday interests. Through Therapeutic Recreation, patients build upon physical skills from other therapies, resume previous recreational interests, learn new ones, and move forward on the path of mental and emotional healing through different leisure activities. Our unique programs offers: • Animal assisted therapy • Individual and group art therapy • Music therapy

• Adaptive Sports & Fitness Program Our therapeutic recreation staff works closely with you and your loved ones to help find activities and events that match your interests and help you meet everyday needs. Parents of pediatric patients should contact the Child Life Specialist at 8.6204. For additional information, please contact the Therapeutic Recreation Department from your room phone at 8.3980.

19 Your Patient Experience

VOLUNTEERS Volunteers help patients and families with a variety of needs, such as taking you to a therapy session or a special event, or helping your therapist during your therapy. For additional information, or to request a volunteer, please call the Volunteer Services Office from your room phone at 8.6026. SCHOOLING For those of school age, we have a schoolroom onsite with a dedicated Chicago Board of Education teacher. DINING The cafeteria is on the 12th floor. Hot and cold meals, fresh fruit, salads and healthy snacks are available during hours of operation. There are also vending

Beau’s Story: Taking On the Chicago Marathon On April 15, 2016, Beau went to a Cubs game, crashed on a friend’s couch and woke up to a room filled with smoke. When he opened his eyes again, he was in the hospital. His left hand was burned so badly his bones fused together, he was breathing through a tube and he’d lost nearly 50 pounds, mostly of muscle mass. The support of his friends, family and medical team pulled him through and by July, he was ready for inpatient physical therapy. Most basic tasks, like getting out of bed, eluded him. His skin and many of his muscles, including those in his calves, were extremely tight and his heart rate was elevated, likely from a combination of shock and deconditioning. He couldn’t form a full smile either, said Bridget Fowler, his physical therapist. “The unique thing about Beau that I wish I could see in all of my patients is the kind of determination and dedication as well as motivation he had to push himself and to succeed and reach his full potential,” Fowler said. “I think it really takes a special personality to go through something as traumatic as he did and turn it around for the positive.” The team at Shirley Ryan AbilityLab fitted Beau with orthotics, monitored his blood pressure and heart rate, and worked to safely push himself into higher-intensity exercises. He stretched and strengthened his skin and muscles daily. He started walking with a walker soon after starting therapy. They asked him to go 10 feet; it felt like 10 miles. He was ready to head home just a month later. But by August, he was able to transition to outpatient rehab at an affiliated facility in suburban Wheeling, where he soon progressed. For eight months, he spent three hours a day there. The healing process has taken him far from his bed at Stroger Hospital, where he spent three months in a medically-induced coma, to the starting line of the 2018 Chicago Marathon. “The most important thing to me is enjoying right now,” said Zanca, “but still recognizing where I’m trying to go and to remember where I once was.”

machines, a Farmer’s Fridge and microwaves. Another option is Argo Tea on the 10th floor.

Cafeteria Hours Monday–Friday

• Breakfast: 7–10 am • Lunch: 11 am–2 pm • Dinner: 4–7 pm Saturday–Sunday • Breakfast: 7:30–10 am • Lunch: 11 am–2 pm • Dinner: 4–6:30 pm

To watch Beau’s story, visit /beau

Continuum of Care After inpatient rehabilitation, patients may continue with therapy in order to keep improving function, mobility and daily life skills. Your team will help you decide if one of the continuing rehabilitation programs is appropriate.

DAYREHAB One of the largest programs of its kind, our DayRehab sets the standard for patients who no longer need hospitalization but still require intensive, coordinated rehabilitation care. The goal of our program is to help you regain your highest level of function, as well as return to daily life activities, such as parenting, work, school, volunteering and other community activities. In DayRehab, our experienced professionals work together closely to develop a personalized treatment plan based on your strengths, limitations and goals. Team members communicate with you daily on your status, regularly evaluate your progress and revise your treatment plan accordingly. The intensity of the individualized DayRehab program is modified based on clinical recommendations and your insurance plan to maximize program benefits. For example, some programs may consist of three hours of therapy per

Road to Recovery






Our goal is to increase your activity level each day, restoring your function and independence. You’ll work one on one with experienced professionals, many with additional certification in specialties such as pain management, orthopedics, sports medicine, arthritis care, pediatrics, geriatrics and neurology. Throughout your inpatient treatment and after, patients have access to additional programs and services, including the LIFE Center, the Adaptive Sports and Fitness Program, and various research studies.

day, two to three days per week. For others, a program may be designed to include six hours of therapy per day, five days per week. OUTPATIENT Continue your recovery after inpatient or DayRehab with expert, focused rehabilitation therapy. Typically, patients receive 1-2 hours of therapy a few times per week. Each patient’s treatment plan is unique and our physiatrists and therapists collaborate and integrate evidence-based care in real time for each patient. Patients are very involved in their care plan.

Burr Ridge Outpatient & DayRehab Center


Adaptive Sports & Fitness Program The Adaptive Sports & Fitness Program gives individuals with a primary physical impairment (i.e., a primary physical loss of function) the opportunity to participate

ADAPTIVE SPORTS Our program engages athletes of all skill levels — from novices eager to try a new sport to athletes training for elite-level competition, including the Paralympics and the Invictus Games. The goal of our program is to increase participants’ self-confidence, reduce isolation, promote healthy and active lifestyles, and introduce a sense of possibility to athletes who might not otherwise have access to adaptive sports and recreational opportunities. Since its inception in 1981, our Adaptive Sports Program has been recognized as a national leader in the field. Each year the HURON STREET

In addition to these programs, our staff engages more than 100 hospital inpatients through sports each year by hosting tournaments, one-time visits, outreach and family inclusion.

in a variety of year-round sports and recreational activities such as adaptive sports and fitness classes. Through these programs, we hope to provide safe and welcoming places to socialize and engage in physical activity and fitness for people of all ages and all abilities. FITNESS CENTER Our Fitness Center provides members with a well-equipped, accessible gym designed for people of all abilities. It offers fitness services and modified group classes to help people be active and achieve their fitness goals. Each year, the Fitness Center serves more than 250 community members through one-on-one functional fitness appointments with our exercise physiologists, partner training and fitness classes. Our goal is to reduce barriers to physical activity — for everyone.

program engages some 450 athletes, and that number continues to grow. In addition to team sports, we offer specialty programs for youth and Veterans — introducing participants of all ages to the social and fitness benefits of adaptive sports.


Adaptive Sports & Fitness Center 541 North Fairbanks Court

Shirley Ryan AbilityLab


Mezzanine Level Chicago, IL 60611 312.238.5001



Adaptive Sports & Fitness Center





Your Patient Experience 22

What to Expect During Your Stay

CARE ROUNDS Our staff will make care visits (or “rounds”) every day so that you get the best care and assistance — and to keep your family informed and involved. You will be visited by one of your caregivers: • Approximately every hour during the day, from 6 am to 10 pm • Approximately every two hours overnight, from 10 pm to 6 am BEDSIDE REPORT When nurses change shifts, the nurse who is leaving will report to the nurse taking over — right at your bedside. She or he will introduce you to the nurse coming on shift, review your goals and ensure that you feel comfortable. BATHROOM ASSISTANCE When you need to use the bathroom, please remember to ask for assistance by using the call-light button. Accommodations are made for those who cannot use the traditional call-light button. For your safety, staff may be required to stay in the bathroom with you. Showers will usually be scheduled every other day in the evenings. You can discuss your schedule with your nurse.

UPON ARRIVAL The day you arrive, you will meet with a nurse and doctor who will complete your first assessments. Therapy will begin the second day of your stay. At this time, your therapy team will conduct your initial evaluations. Your team may include a physical therapist, occupational therapist, speech-language pathologist and/or psychologist. A care manager will also meet with you within the first three days of your stay. DAILY THERAPY Each day begins with a visit from your doctor to review your progress. From there, you’ll participate in a minimum of three hours of therapy based on your injury or condition.

All therapy is patient-centered, with a slow and steady pace to optimize results while keeping you safe. Your therapy schedule will change daily. Each evening you’ll receive your schedule for the next day, and your care team will discuss your progress and answer questions so you and your family know how you’re doing. You will get the most out of being here by doing the best you can in each therapy sessions. With the help of your nurse or patient care technician, our Up and Ready Program is designed to assure you are on time to each therapy session.

FAMILY PARTICIPATION & CAREGIVER EDUCATION We strongly encourage family members to come to your therapy sessions and to be present when you receive nursing care. Involvement in these activities is important because it will help your family feel comfortable as you gain independence and plan to go home or to your next level of care.

23 Your Patient Experience

FOOD SERVICES & DIETARY NEEDS A catering associate will visit you every morning to take your order for your meals that day or for the next day. If you have any dietary restrictions, your doctor will add these to the order. OUTSIDE APPOINTMENTS We are committed to providing you with the best care and experience while you are with us. Should you have an appointment that is medically necessary or supports your rehabilitation goals, staff members will help you get to the appointment. We will work with you to reschedule any routine appointments (e.g., doctors, clinics, dentists, etc., outside our hospital) until you are discharged. WHAT TO BRING • Comfortable, breathable clothing to allow full mobility • Loose fitting or elastic pants are encouraged (preferred to shorts) • Comfortable shoes • Your regular toiletries WHERE YOU’LL STAY • Every patient has a private patient room for the duration of their stay. • Your room is where you will rest, bathe, dress and keep your belongings. • See more information about your room on page 14. YOUR HEALTH IS OUR FOCUS Our hospital is a drug-free, alcohol-free, smoke-free, firearm-free facility; this policy includes all outdoor gardens. Please note, smoking is not allowed within 50 feet of any building entrance, as required by Illinois law.

Visiting Hours & Policy We encourage visitors and want to make families and friends feel welcome and at home. Visiting hours are every day from 8 am to 8 pm. Please note that our visitor policy is always subject to change. Check with your admission liaison or visit for the most up-to-date information. • For security reasons, all visitors must register in the 10th floor Sky Lobby and obtain an identification badge, which must be worn at all times while in the building. • For the safety of our patients, unvaccinated visitors may be limited to specific areas of the facility. • Exceptions to these regular visiting hours (8 am to 8 pm daily) may be granted by the nurse manager/designee or the nursing house supervisor for specific reasons, such as learning a patient’s care or providing ongoing supervision. • Children 12 or older may visit patients in isolation under the supervision of a responsible adult (other than the patient). • Children under 12 cannot visit a patient in isolation. Parking We will provide you and your family with one complimentary patient parking access card. One vehicle will be able to enter and leave the garage throughout the day at no charge. The access card is only valid for 15 days from the date of issuance. However, accommodations can be made for patients with extended stays. Please contact your

unit assistant for more information. Additional guest parking rates are: Valet: $3 with disabled parking placard

Garage: $3 with disabled parking placard $11 for 0–7 hours $15 for 7–24 hours

$15 for 0–7 hours $20 for 7–24 hours

Validation is available in the first-floor lobby and in the 10th floor Sky Lobby. If you have any questions about the process or parking, please call the parking office at 312.238.8110. The parking office is located on the 5th floor.

Your Patient Experience 24

Your Room Your room is designed for safety, comfort and easy communication with staff. Staff members can answer questions, demonstrate how to operate your bed, control your television or use the call-light button. If you bring personal electronics requiring electrical power, our staff may need to inspect them before use. Avoiding clutter in your room helps us maintain a safe environment.

BATHROOM In the room, there is a toiletries shelf near the shower for your belongings and a hamper for dirty linens. The toilet is accessible from either the right or left side. Bathrooms are strictly for patient use only. STORAGE SPACES There are multiple locations for storage throughout the room, including shelving and hanging space. There is also space for staff to store supplies needed for your care.

INTERNET Wi-Fi and wireless internet access is available in your room and throughout the hospital. PHONE CALLS To dial a number inside the hospital, begin with the number 8, followed by four more digits. Please see the last page of this brochure for many useful extensions. To dial a number outside of the hospital, remember to press 9, then 1, then the area code and then the number you are calling (9+1+Number).

Your room has a locked cabinet located in the closet in which you can securely store and lock up your items. There are also wall and USB ports within the cabinet for charging electronic devices. You will be able to set a personal security code. Should you forget it, security will be able to reset it. Unfortunately, we cannot be responsible for loss of valuables.

25 Your Patient Experience

Adriana’s Story: A New Mother Faces Spinal Cord Injury Head-On On January 15, 2018, Adriana’s life changed forever. At 17 weeks pregnant, she was shot in the neck during an attempted carjacking. The bullet injured her spinal cord and left her paralyzed. Thankfully, her unborn child survived. After receiving acute care in her hometown of Bogotá, Columbia, she and her husband flew to Shirley Ryan AbilityLab at the recommendation of many family and friends. When Adriana arrived in February 2018, she knew she had found the right place for her recovery. Upon her arrival, Adriana’s abilities were limited — she could wiggle her left foot and touch her nose with one hand. But her physical limitations didn’t stop her from committing to working as hard as she could in therapy every day. In light of Adriana’s pregnancy, her care team developed novel ways to complete therapy while keeping her unborn baby safe. Additionally, they incorporated therapeutic interventions that not only made Adriana stronger, but prepared her for life with a new child. “My occupational therapist, Anne, was one of the best gifts Shirley Ryan AbilityLab gave me,” said Adriana. “I was so worried I was not going to be able to bottle feed my baby when he was born. She developed a special cuff for my hand that would allow me to feed him when he would lay in my arms.” Adriana worked hard during intensive inpatient therapy for two months, up until her baby boy, Juan Emilio, was born. From the moment she first held him, she felt reassured knowing her team at Shirley Ryan AbilityLab was dedicated to helping her every step of the way. As Adriana learned the ropes of motherhood, she pushed her therapy and recovery forward. After her inpatient stay, Adriana went on to continue her therapy in our DayRehab and outpatient programs. Today, Adriana is back home in Bogotá. She is able to complete many activities that she once considered impossible. She has more sensation and movement, and is able to grab a cup, feed herself, brush her teeth, brush her hair, apply her makeup, transfer herself and, most importantly, feed and care for Juan Emilio. “At Shirley Ryan AbilityLab, every aspect of a patient’s recovery is so intentional and individualized,” she said. “There is always science and data supporting what you are doing every day. The relationships I built with my care team are relationships that will last a lifetime. This is my home.”

FAMILY & VISITOR AMENITIES In order to provide comfort for your visitors, there is a sofa, which can open into a sleeper bed. The bedside table is also equipped with three drawers, as well as USB and power outlets. IN-ROOM TECHNOLOGY Through your television, you can access in-room education, entertainment and information. With your TV, you can: • Learn more about

Shirley Ryan AbilityLab and take a virtual tour • Access your therapy schedule • View your care team • Control the lights and shades in your room

• Watch relaxation videos • Find music and movies

• Search a patient education library • Provide feedback, share your story and recognize exceptional service from hospital staff

To watch Adriana’s story, visit /adriana

Your Patient Experience 26

# 1 rehabilitation hospital in America since 1991

Shirley Ryan AbilityLab 355 East Erie Street Chicago, IL 60611 844.355.ABLE (2253)

JOIN OUR PATIENT PORTAL We’ve developed our secure online Patient Portal with you in mind.

• C ommunicate with your physician or therapist with quick response times • Get your prescriptions refilled efficiently • Reference your medical information

• W atch “how to” videos • Download helpful guides • Learn about new features



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