Shirley Ryan AbilityLab Inpatient Program

Our Ability Labs Our five ability labs are uniquely designed for treating patients using our revolutionary, applied research model. Each lab offers an inspiring environment in which experts, equipped with the most advanced technology and cutting-edge research, implement a therapeutic recovery plan for each patient — with the patient guiding the process.

The ability labs provide for both active and visible "front stage" patient work with clinicians and researchers, as well as private, heads-down "back stage" space for analysis and planning. Each lab has a unique configuration based on the patient group it serves and encourage dynamic minds and teams to push current thinking, test new processes, apply new solutions and innovate new devices that help patients gain more function, achieve better outcomes and enjoy greater independence and ability in life.


The Robert R. McCormick Foundation Think + Speak Lab is dedicated to helping patients recover the ability to think, reason, perceive, swallow, eat, talk, interact with others and make decisions are key for returning to yourself, loved ones and life. In this Lab, combined therapeutic care and scientific application help you recover these building blocks of ability. LEGS + WALKING LAB In the Margaret & Mark Stephan Legs + Walking Lab patients, doctors and researchers focus on body-weight support and large motor and rhythmic limb functions influenced by spinal cord and brain circuits. Our therapeutic intervention makes use of anti-gravity support and weight-bearing assistive devices and treatments focus on trunk and pelvis stability, positioning and control of the hips, knees and ankles, as well as stepping and propulsion. ARMS + HANDS LAB The Harris Family Foundation Arms + Hands Lab is a robust environment designed for patients and research participants working on recovering and strengthening complex hand and reaching skills — turning a key, picking up a pen, reaching for a glass, putting on a sweater…all the many things we do with our hands, arms and fingers.

Think + Speak Lab • Floor 25

7 Inside Shirley Ryan AbilityLab

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