PhysiotherapyCenterLTD | Live A Happier & Healthier Life

N E W S L E T T E R Your Resource for Health, Wellness, and Caring For Your Body

APRIL 2022

CALL IN! Call for your FREE ACHES & PAINS ANALYSIS Call us today to schedule your first step out of pain! (345) 943-8700


Are you suffering from the l ingering pain of an injury? Are you recovering from surgery? Our physiotherapists at Physiotherapy Center Ltd. are dedicated to rel ieving your pain, whatever the case may be. We’ l l get you back to your peak level of physical health. A healthy, strong, and active l ifestyle is what everyone strives for. However, it is not always easy to obtain, especial ly chronic pain. The very thought of going out and exercising with your aches and pains may leave you feel ing uncomfor table. For tunately, there is a more straightforward solution to gaining the active l ifestyle you desire. Physiotherapy can help you achieve optimum health and fitness levels whi le reducing your pain. If you are looking for a healthier and more active l ifestyle, contact Physiotherapy Center Ltd. today!



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Physiotherapists are movement exper ts who can help improve your qual ity of l ife by developing an exercise program, providing hands-on care, and educating about your condition and overal l health and wel l-being. A physiotherapist is educated in analyzing your abi l ity to perform regular movements (i .e. , functional mobi l ity). By analyzing how you move, your therapist can identify issues with bending, stretching, squatting, kneeling, walking, running, jumping, and almost every other form of physical activity. Our physiotherapists wi l l pinpoint problem areas and create a customized treatment plan to improve those areas. Through in-office sessions and at-home exercises, you wi l l learn to restore your joint and soft tissue mobi l ity as wel l as strengthen your muscles, improve your balance, and experience pain rel ief, al l without the unwanted harmful risks of drugs or surgery.

(345) 943-8700

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