Shirley Ryan AbilityLab Outpatient Program

Neurological Medicine With a comprehensive team of clinicians, we go beyond medication and surgery with specialized treatment including therapy, technology and scientific advances to dramatically improve abilities. Our experts specialize in:

CANCER & LYMPHEDEMA Cancer patients often develop

return to the highest level of function and independence as possible. Our experts will work with you to develop an individualized treatment plan that’s right for you. PARKINSON’S DISEASE & MOVEMENT DISORDERS (PDMD) Our PDMD experts team with you to enhance your abilities and well-being across all stages of the disease. We provide a holistic and science-driven approach to providing care and will work together to create a customized plan to address your needs for both motor and non-motor symptoms. We offer a variety of services including clinical care, research, education and community outreach, as well as customized early-stage evaluations, individualized rehabilitation therapy services, fitness center classes, educational sessions and a broad range of research opportunities.

neurological impairments caused by the cancer itself, or by aggressive treatments. We are one of the few rehabilitation hospitals to offer an integrated approach to rehabilitation for adults and children battling cancer. Our team of experts deploy the latest therapies and create customized care plans for patients and their families to help them maximize what is most important in their lives. CONCUSSION CLINIC Concussion symptoms may appear right away, while others may go unnoticed for hours or days after the injury. You will be evaluated by one of our Brain Injury Certified Physicians. Based on your symptoms, you may have follow up appointments and/or be referred to other concussion specialists on our team including physical, occupational and speech therapists. Our concussion experts will help you get back to work, school, or other activities that are important to you. GENERAL NEUROLOGICAL CONDITIONS The neurological conditions we treat include a wide variety of movement, memory, neuromuscular and nerve disorders. We go beyond medication and surgery with specialized treatment including therapy, technology and scientific advances to dramatically improve your abilities and help you

SPECIALTY SERVICES In addition to the traditional means of therapy, we offer a variety of specialized services for our outpatients. • Advanced orthotics training • Casting & splinting • Durable Medical Equipment clinic • Ergonomic training • Exoskeleton gait training and Lokomat ® training • Facial nerve rehabilitation • McNeil Dysphagia treatment • Speak Out program • Swallow Studies —- functional electrical stimulation

PULMONARY REHABILITATION Our program aims to enable you to

complete day-to-day activities with greater ease and ability, increase your endurance and overall activity level, and independently manage your condition. It is an 8-week program that involves two treatment sessions each week, aimed at incrementally increasing your function through exercise and education. Our team of experts will work with you to create a customized plan and individual goals to address your treatment needs.

• Vision training • Voice therapy


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