Shirley Ryan AbilityLab Ventilator Weaning Program

What to Expect Developing strong, independent breathing is an important part of the overall rehabilitation process and likely looks different than the ventilator-weaning protocols commonly used in other facilities. Arrival & Initial Transitioning You may transfer to Shirley Ryan AbilityLab on full ventilator support where we will monitor patients for the first 48 hours to ensure that you are stable. This protocol may apply, even if you have been participating in ventilator- weaning sessions prior to transfer. After the initial monitoring period, we can start weaning you off the vent.

Airway Clearance Our respiratory therapists and/or speech therapists will add therapies to help open your airways and clear secretions. Your therapists will use devices such as CoughAssist, MetaNeb® and/or expiratory muscle- strength trainers to help strengthen your cough, clear your airways and reduce your risk of developing pneumonia. Positioning Our physical therapists and wheelchair seating specialists will get you out of bed, support your core body and work on helping you mobilize your chest wall. This positioning will optimize your ability to breathe more easily and independently. Alternatives For those SCI patients whose injuries make full independent breathing impossible, we may evaluate you for use of alternative therapies such as diaphragmatic pacers or noninvasive ventilation.

Please note that not all patients will be a fit for this program. Acceptance into this program will be approved after a full medical and respiratory evaluation, as well as development of a treatment plan.

For more information, please speak with your Shirley Ryan AbilityLab liaison or consulting physician.

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