King's Business - 1936-09

In writing Biola Friends Dr. Rood says:

Prayer Circle Covers 3 2 States and Canada B y a dynamic Force, and a sustaining Power^-a veri­ table tide of prayer arising from hundreds o f human hearts in all parts o f the worivpfl-the Bible Institute of Los Angeles is being upheld from floods that would otherwise overwhelm it.

at an hour when you or others were praying. Thus will be realized the fulfillment o j Paul’s words recorded in 2 Corin­ thians 1:11, describing the ideal prayer ministry: “ Ye also helping together on our behalf by your supplication; that, for the gift bestowed upon us by means o f many, thanks may be given by many persons'on our behalf” (R .V .). We are praying that the blessing now being received by many individuals through prayer and sacrificial giving on behalf of the Institute imay be extended to new groups of friends. They, in like manner, will be amazed at the privilege of being used as instruments in God’s hands for the meeting of the Institute’s needs. We are at the threshold of a new school term-*:bur Fall Semester—which begins September 8, 1936. With the enrollment of each student, the Institute assumes the obli­ gation o f about $75.00, the amount needed to meet the ex­ penses of training for a semester of about twenty weeks. Inasmuch as nearly 400 enrollments are expected, we shall need approximately $30,000. (T o the student there is no tuition charge.) The Institute is facing an unexcelled opportunity to touch and mold young lives. Will you share with me the re­ sponsibility which their training incurs ? By enrolling as a donor, or as a Biola Watchman, or both, you will, in a very real way, have a part in the training and future work of these young people. Let us not fail God in neglecting to sense and act upon this great need. Yours in the King’s service,

Since June 15, 1936, when I announced the formation o f the Institute Prayer Circle, a W ORLD -W IDE BAND OF INTERCESSORS, a fellowship in which each volun­ teer would pray at least once weekly, occupying collectively the twenty-four hours of each day, there has been an en­ couraging response which has resulted in a definite lessen­ ing o f strain and an increased inflow of funds. Together with the faithful group o f stewards whose hearts have long been moved in support of the Institute, we have now enlisted a growing group o f friends who, in the exercise of prayer, have proved daily that there is a direct connection between “ the prayer o f faith” and sacri­ ficial giving. That the friends of the Institute might be further bless­ ed through knowing the synchronization o f prayer and giving, cards are being sent to our donors with the request that they state, if possible, the hour when they were first moved with the thought o f giving. On the following page, the Secretary of Biola’s World- Wide Prayer Circle, Miss Christina J. Braskamp, presents her first report. Those who have enlisted as Prayer Watch­ men will find listed the days and hours when individuals were inspired to give. The report is complete to July 15, 1936. Names o f donors and amounts contributed are omitted in all cases. ; You who are members o f the prayer group will wish to note carefully the hours reported and compare them with your chosen hour of intercession, giving thanks for the obedience o f individuals whose impulse to give occurred

President. “ This MINISTRY OF INTERCESSION is a glorious and a m ighty m inistry, and we can all have part in it. The man or the woman who is shut away from the public meeting by sickness can have part in it; the busy m other; the woman who has to take in washing for a living can have part; . . . the hard-driven man o f business can have part in it, praying as he hurries from duty to duty.” — R . A . TORREY.

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